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Oh No!!! Another 3.0 Combat Sentinel Guide? Yep! :)


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Hey Dón-Quíjote


Yeah brother that was with the 204 MH. Good idea on the Alacrity, i'll work something up and add that into it. As far as Accuracy i'll mess with it and do some parses of my own and see how it goes. As i said in the video guide i more or less just like to see the number "100" for whatever reason LOL, vanity maybe :p


I still need one of those, hopefully monolith will be my friend and give me one :D

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Grats on the mainhand drop and good work on that latest parse too brother! The guide is good, thank you for keeping it updated and keeping the fresh Combat Carnage players on point!


Thanks man! :) I'm trying to keep people interested in this class despite all the negativity it seems to be getting, just trying to show people we can be competitive too lol

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Thanks man! :) I'm trying to keep people interested in this class despite all the negativity it seems to be getting, just trying to show people we can be competitive too lol


I've personally enjoyed this tier of content, even if it has been incredibly melee unfriendly.

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Yeah but that's half the fun in my opinion :D Taking on the challenge and figuring out how to make it work for you instead of against you lol I've had a blast playing my sentinel, totally agree with you.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the post / vids, fairly informative despite making my brain hurt trying to translate to mara.


When I completed my 6 piece set last week, this was the first place I felt gave me an answer on how to adjust my prioritization / rotation to optimize the autocrit.


I'm still not parsing where I think I should be - my latest parses are in the 4100-4200 range. I feel like with my gear I should be able to hit 4400-4500ish. (5 192 set pieces, 1 198 set piecce, 192 mh, 198 oh, 198 ear / implant ( 198s are mostly non-optimized com junk; have 1 token relic and 2 token implants... I'm still not clear on how I should balance / prioritzie secondary stats. I Always went for power in the past whenever possible.)


Anyhow if you're not too busy and wouldn't mind taking a glance : http://parsely.io/parser/view/34794

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Thanks for the post / vids, fairly informative despite making my brain hurt trying to translate to mara.


When I completed my 6 piece set last week, this was the first place I felt gave me an answer on how to adjust my prioritization / rotation to optimize the autocrit.


I'm still not parsing where I think I should be - my latest parses are in the 4100-4200 range. I feel like with my gear I should be able to hit 4400-4500ish. (5 192 set pieces, 1 198 set piecce, 192 mh, 198 oh, 198 ear / implant ( 198s are mostly non-optimized com junk; have 1 token relic and 2 token implants... I'm still not clear on how I should balance / prioritzie secondary stats. I Always went for power in the past whenever possible.)


Anyhow if you're not too busy and wouldn't mind taking a glance : http://parsely.io/parser/view/34794


Hey there friend. I'd be more than happy to go over your parse for you. When i have complied my feedback for you i'll respond here and also answer your secondary stats prioritization question as well.

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Well, how much is a combat sentinel supposed to pull on boss fights to be considered competitive?


That questions depends on many factors to be honest. What strategies your group is employing, what part you play in those strategies, which boss you're fighting, how lucky/unlucky you are with certain RNG mechanics, etc.


It would be hard to give you hard facts even on certain boss fights as far as parsing numbers. What i can tell you is that, if played correctly, you should always be near or above other equally skilled players on the parse. For a better representation check out my youtube channel. I have alot of fights up there with live parsing happening as the fight is unfolding. Here is the latest video i've uploaded


With that said if you're looking for specific numbers on a certain boss tell me which one and I will give you what my average DPS is on it.

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Thanks for the post / vids, fairly informative despite making my brain hurt trying to translate to mara.


When I completed my 6 piece set last week, this was the first place I felt gave me an answer on how to adjust my prioritization / rotation to optimize the autocrit.


I'm still not parsing where I think I should be - my latest parses are in the 4100-4200 range. I feel like with my gear I should be able to hit 4400-4500ish. (5 192 set pieces, 1 198 set piecce, 192 mh, 198 oh, 198 ear / implant ( 198s are mostly non-optimized com junk; have 1 token relic and 2 token implants... I'm still not clear on how I should balance / prioritzie secondary stats. I Always went for power in the past whenever possible.)


Anyhow if you're not too busy and wouldn't mind taking a glance : http://parsely.io/parser/view/34794


Alright brother. I've had time now to go over your parse and let me start off by saying very well done on your priorities. From what i can gather you're following your priorities and your APM is very good. Ok so on to my feedback and suggestions.


1) I would modify your opening rotation just a bit (basically moving two abilities around). Your opener for this you use Massacre > Berserk > Adrenal > Battering Assault > and then continue into the rest of your rotation. My suggestion here is to swap Massacre and Battering Assault. Reason being is that your Massacre does way more damage then Battering Assault and at the time you're popping your Adrenal you'll squeeze a bit more out by making this swap. I understand the mentality however to get you Ataru form buff up from using Massacre as soon as possible. My opener suggestion for you would be the following.


Force Charge > Berserk > Battering Assault > Massacre > Gore > Adrenal > Ravage > Devastating Blast > Assault > Massacre > Massacre > Battering Assault > Gore > Viscous Throw > Devastating Blast > Massacre x3 > Viscous Throw > Berserk > Duel Saber Throw > Battering Assault > Massacre > Gore > Ravage > Devastating Blast > Assault >>>>


This will allow you to capitalize on your 6 set bonus and help better manage your energy. Keep in mind this rotation (at least on a dummy) is repeatable. You'll notice right there at the end you are basically cycling back around to your opening rotation again without the Adrenal.


2) One of the things that use to hold me back at the beginning of 3.0 was when to put in Duel Saber Throw and Assault (and every other Battering Assault). In your parse i notice you use these abilities, for the most part, outside of the Berserk buff. Try and fit them into your 6 charges from Berserk. This will help you to get those low damaging, energy generating, abilities off that much faster so you can spend the majority of your time using your hard hitting abilities. Play around with that idea and that should up your DPS a good bit.


That's all i have for you brother. Hope that feedback helps you out and that i got all the Marauder names correct LOL. If you have any other questions please let me know. Take care.

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That questions depends on many factors to be honest. What strategies your group is employing, what part you play in those strategies, which boss you're fighting, how lucky/unlucky you are with certain RNG mechanics, etc.


It would be hard to give you hard facts even on certain boss fights as far as parsing numbers. What i can tell you is that, if played correctly, you should always be near or above other equally skilled players on the parse. For a better representation check out my youtube channel. I have alot of fights up there with live parsing happening as the fight is unfolding. Here is the latest video i've uploaded


With that said if you're looking for specific numbers on a certain boss tell me which one and I will give you what my average DPS is on it.


Nah theres to much to take into consideration in boss fights to aim for a specific number, however there should some range of dps that is considared bad/average/good/insane, this is mostly my curiosity because i also adore this particular spec. I'll check some vids, and cheers.

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Thanks for looking over the parse. I adjusted my "key binds" (I'm a dirty clicker, so in my case to positioning of the skills on my bar,) to accommodate the opening you've suggested. I think two things I also need to work on are figuring out he dual saber pre-gore trick I've heard people mention and I think I have a tendency to throw an extra massacre out when battering assault / gore are ALMOST up and I'm trying to avoid any downtime - in many cases I feel like if I just hit BA or gore, it will go off regardless of the fact that my bar is telling me its still slightly on cd .


I would be interested in hearing your take on secondary stats - obviously get accuracy to 100% (or 99.99% in my case, ), then I've always gone power > all in the past, taking surge over crit and allacrity. Last night I picked up a little more crit and alacrity and it feels a little better. Still need to work on shaking off as many high endurance mods / enhancements as possible.

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Thanks for looking over the parse. I adjusted my "key binds" (I'm a dirty clicker, so in my case to positioning of the skills on my bar,) to accommodate the opening you've suggested. I think two things I also need to work on are figuring out he dual saber pre-gore trick I've heard people mention and I think I have a tendency to throw an extra massacre out when battering assault / gore are ALMOST up and I'm trying to avoid any downtime - in many cases I feel like if I just hit BA or gore, it will go off regardless of the fact that my bar is telling me its still slightly on cd .


I would be interested in hearing your take on secondary stats - obviously get accuracy to 100% (or 99.99% in my case, ), then I've always gone power > all in the past, taking surge over crit and allacrity. Last night I picked up a little more crit and alacrity and it feels a little better. Still need to work on shaking off as many high endurance mods / enhancements as possible.


Glad to help mate. As far as the secondary stats let me direct you to an update i've done recently for the spec. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stRxMzH-Ju0 . In the video i go over updates on Alacrity, Crit vs No Crit, etc. I also am completely min/max'd in this video and go over my gearing strategy. Take a look over the video and if you still come out of it with unanswered questions let me know. Hope that helps :D

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The following have been applied to the Guide.


- Alacrity section added

- Utilities updated to reflect Patch 3.2.1

- NEW Utility Guide has been linked on the guide. Covers utility setup for each boss fight on both SM and HM for Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice

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  • 3 weeks later...
Bump :p


Also, trying to translate opener into marauder terms.


Leap -> Berserk -> Frenzy -> Bloodthirst -> Battering Assault -> Massacre -> Gore -> Ravage ->

-> Devastating Blast -> Assault(AA) -> Massacre(x2) -> BA -> Gore -> Vicious Throw -> DB -> Massacre(x3) ->

VT -> Berserk -> Twin Saber Throw -> BA -> Massacre -> Gore ->Ravage -> DB -> AA


Here is my opening rotation followed through 30 seconds (Same as in the Guide but in Marauder terminology) and assuming pre stacking Fury.


Force Charge - Berserk - Battering Assault - Massacre - Gore - Adrenal - Ravage - Devastating Blast - Assault - Massacre - Massacre - Battering Assault - Gore - Viscous Throw - Devastating Blast - Massacre - Massacre - Massacre - Viscous Throw - Berserk - Dual Saber Throw - Battering Assault - Massacre - Gore - Ravage - Devastating Blast - Assault - Follow Priorities

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Evening all,


Just wanted to let you all know that a Carnage Marauder translated guide is now in the works. I've gotten a lot of feedback and private messages requesting certain Marauder translated content and this seems the best way to tackle that. It should be out in the next few days. As soon as i'm done leveling to 60 (58 atm so will be soon) and able to compile a parse example with Marauder terminology it will be live. Also there will be a new Standard Utility Build coming with the Marauder guide for both it and the Combat Sentinel one.

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Hey All,


The Combat Sentinel Guide has been updated with the following additions.

- Edited certain typos and minor out of date information.

- Added a new Standard Utility Build.

- Carnage Marauder translated guide is now Live! You can access the guide via a link located at the end of the guide.

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Happy 4th of July for those living in the States :D Just wanted to let those of you know who actively use the guide, specifically the video portion of it, that a new video guide will be upload within the next 48 hours. This new video guide will completely replace all prior video guides and those older video guides will be removed. Thanks!
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Alright guys the new Combat Sentinel Video Guide is up and running. Youtube is still processing it for higher quality atm. Since it just uploaded its sitting at a base 360p resolution. I'll leave the older videos up until the time Youtube is done rendering the video quality out to atleast 720p then i'll be taking the others down and this one will be the only one up. I hope you all find it useful, thanks!
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Ok guys so Youtube finally got it up to 720p so i've now removed all prior Sentinel Combat guide videos. To give some of you a preview of what kind of information you'll get from the video i've put a link below this. In the excerpt I cover some detailed points and give insight into patterns you should be seeing in your rotation if properly executed. After that I follow it up with a dummy parse showcasing not only the rotation and priority system but also giving you a chance to see these patterns as they happen. Complete with parsing numbers via StarParse I hope this bit will be helpful to you guys and if so definitely watch the rest of the video, or atleast what you're interested in. LOTS of great information inside! Take care all and enjoy :D


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Good morning all!


One quick updated. I've added a note into the text guide directly following the opening rotation image that now explains how to properly utilize the image and work your rotation indefinitely. Consider giving it a quick look. Thanks!

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Haven't watched the whole thing yet but it looks great so far. Was interesting to see that you prioritize Master Strike and Dispatch in a Precision window over Clashing Blast w/ the opportune buff. May have to give that a try. Also will have to try that Dispatch before Precision trick. Had no idea the travel time would give you a split second to activate Precision and the damage would be calculated as if you had Precision active before Dispatch.
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