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Oh No!!! Another 3.0 Combat Sentinel Guide? Yep! :)


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I'll try it out and see how it is comparable to Watchmen for me.


It won't compare to Watchman, Watchman will blow it out of the water. I am wondering how it will compare to the more fluid Combat systems detailed above by other users.


PS+MS will only consume one stack of Zen, that being said it is entirely possible to do the same rotation endlessly.


Thanks for the correction g_mK, I've adjusted my annotations to reflect what you are saying. It shifts the centering building over by one gcd, but [P+Disp] actually builds 8 centering, I originally had it as building 4, so the whole cycle stays intact.


I will try out your rotation, thx for listing it here, just wondering though, dispatch never fits into your precision windows, isn't that a problem? Also, could you try mine and tell me how much you parse with it?


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Just tried out my system, got 4384 (Parsely) / 4392 (Star Parse) without the armor debuff. Will try m_gK's and will report back.

Edited by Kurkina
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Your rotation doesn't work with high Alacrity. Dispatch won't proc correctly.


the one I stated does work with alacrity (I have one enhancement and 2 augments). Remember that alacrity affects the ICD of HoJ

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the one I stated does work with alacrity (I have one enhancement and 2 augments). Remember that alacrity affects the ICD of HoJ


I think I figured out why Dispatch wasn't proccing...only 99.97% accuracy...bleh MY bad. Gonna try this again.


The infinite rotation STILL isn't proccing the second Dispatch on the second cycle. P > Disp > CB > BR > BR > no Dispatch?!

Edited by Kyovarde
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Your rotation doesn't work with high Alacrity.

True, I am running 0 alacrity.


The infinite rotation STILL isn't proccing the second Dispatch on the second cycle.


Thanks very much for pointing this out Kyovarde, I have edited my post.


While parsing, I was sort of solving this intuitively ...


If Dispatch has not procced when going back to the top, I use [P+CB] > BR. If Dispatch is available, I go with what was originally stated.

Edited by Kurkina
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I think I figured out why Dispatch wasn't proccing...only 99.97% accuracy...bleh MY bad. Gonna try this again.


The infinite rotation STILL isn't proccing the second Dispatch on the second cycle. P > Disp > CB > BR > BR > no Dispatch?!


The second disptach doesn't proc always on time because the third GCD after the second PS window is on the edge of the HoJ ICD, if is doesn't proc then just strike once and delay the rotation by one GCD, all other dispatches should proc consistently on the second GCD after the BR+CB window.

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Well I've managed to do around 3900 with this Combat rotation compared to 4250~ as Watchman. No experience playing combat effectively prior to it and only hitting around 52 APM with 8.25% Alacrity. Guide says you should be doing 50 APM with 3%, so I think I'm off by 1-2 APM.
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The 50 APM is + or - some people do a bit more if they run Alacrity and some do a bit less but the difference in substituting Alacrity for Surge turns out the same in the end. If you traded your Alacrity for Surge you'd more than likely see a lower APM but about the same parse numbers.
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Precision + Master Strike + Clashing Blast (Under Zen effect and Blade Rush Buff)

Average Damage: 31,582


Precision + Clashing Blast + Dispatch (Under Zen effect and Blade Rush Buff)

Average Damage: 21,346


Aren't you comparing 3 gcd's worth of attacks here against 2?


Being very new to the spec I am probably missing something but shouldn't the comparison be (Precision + Master Strike + Clashing Blast) vs (Precision + Clashing Blast + Dispatch + Blade Rush or some other 1 gcd filler) both under zen etc?

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Aren't you comparing 3 gcd's worth of attacks here against 2?


Being very new to the spec I am probably missing something but shouldn't the comparison be (Precision + Master Strike + Clashing Blast) vs (Precision + Clashing Blast + Dispatch + Blade Rush or some other 1 gcd filler) both under zen etc?


The reason for this is i'm basing it around what fits inside the Precision window. Unless you're activating and clipping Twin Saber Throw or Dispatch directly before Precision then with base Alacrity you'll only ever fit 2 GCDs into the window before it falls off. Whether under Zen or not you'll only have time for two abilities inside the window. So that is where the comparison was stemming from, using the Precision buff as the measuring variable.

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Hey All!


Just wanted to let you know that i've made some updates and revisions to the guide. The following things have been added to the guide.


- Addition of Expunging Camouflage and Defiance Utilities and explanations.

- New rotation specifically designed for SoR 6 Set Bonus

- New Section: "DPS'ing and You! How to be the Best DPS you can be!"

- Reorganized some areas of the Guide so the Guide flows better from topic to topic


Enjoy guys and thanks for the support :D

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Can you give us your index about Surge/alacrity/accuracy and crit?


Thx you!


My stats


3694 Strength

2354 Power

Bonus Damage 1344.2

MH Damage 2017-2312

OH Damage 393-565

Accuracy 100.21%

Critical Chance 21.22%

Critical Multiplier 68.54%

Alacrity 5.78%

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My stats


3694 Strength

2354 Power

Bonus Damage 1344.2

MH Damage 2017-2312

OH Damage 393-565

Accuracy 100.21%

Critical Chance 21.22%

Critical Multiplier 68.54%

Alacrity 5.78%


Wahou! i think you have 5 or 6 Power augments, dont you?


Edit : When do you use Zen? i saw your log on parsely and i'm surprise that you seem to use it when it up, and no with PS+MS.???

Edited by angushammet
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Wahou! i think you have 5 or 6 Power augments, dont you?


Edit : When do you use Zen? i saw your log on parsely and i'm surprise that you seem to use it when it up, and no with PS+MS.???


His Precision+MS is still under Zen. Activating Zen 2-3 GCDS prior to Precision being ready is optimal so you can keep you resource builders on quicker cooldowns and build 30 stacks of Fury (sorry mara here) efficiently after the 2nd Precision window

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Wahou! i think you have 5 or 6 Power augments, dont you?


Edit : When do you use Zen? i saw your log on parsely and i'm surprise that you seem to use it when it up, and no with PS+MS.???


My rotation is basically the same every cycle and PS+MS>CB always consume the 4th and 5th stack of zen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Guys! Just wanted to again thank you all for your feed back and support! It's been a real eye opening experience and been great not only for my own self but for the community as a whole. I just wanted to let you all know, for those who have not seen yet, the guides are now hosted on the forums section of Torcommunity.com. I'll be working with Hayward, one of their moderators and admins, over the next few weeks to adapt this guide into their Official Class Guides. Torcommunity just recently received recognition by the devs as a fast up and comer and is now officially recognized by EA and Bioware as a SWTOR fan site. Please head over there, check them out, and show some love. More to come and updates will be made and posted as 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 come out.



I've also since written a Vanguard Tanking Guide that can be found here.

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Hey Hayette,

Can you give me some advice?

I've been hitting on an op dummy, the best I can do in Combat Spec seems to be only 3960 (in watchman 4.1k-4.2k). I wonder if there's something I'm not doing right. I thought Sentinels in this gear can do 4.2-4.5k


Here's a parse link http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk...r/view/13847/0


Right now I'm running combat, 192 mainhand, 198 offhand, 6-set piece. Advanced Russan FR and SA relics.

I have 1 alacrity enhancement, 2 crit mod, rest are accuracy and surge. All the augments are strength.

The stats come down to

Melee 1990 - 2318 (Pri), Bonus Damage 1333.6, 100% accuracy, 23.55% crit, 68.54% surge

Force 2015.8 Bonus damage, 110.00% accuracy, 23.96% crit, 68.54% surge, 4.47% alacrity

Edited by seektravota
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Hey Hayette,

Can you give me some advice?

I've been hitting on an op dummy, the best I can do in Combat Spec seems to be only 3960 (in watchman 4.1k-4.2k). I wonder if there's something I'm not doing right. I thought Sentinels in this gear can do 4.2-4.5k


Here's a parse link http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk...r/view/13847/0


Right now I'm running combat, 192 mainhand, 198 offhand, 6-set piece. Advanced Russan FR and SA relics.

I have 1 alacrity enhancement, 2 crit mod, rest are accuracy and surge. All the augments are strength.

The stats come down to

Melee 1990 - 2318 (Pri), Bonus Damage 1333.6, 100% accuracy, 23.55% crit, 68.54% surge

Force 2015.8 Bonus damage, 110.00% accuracy, 23.96% crit, 68.54% surge, 4.47% alacrity



Hi there :D


I'm assuming your character name is Twi-yunfat. The link you provided was broken and not working so i searched your guild and found a Combat Sentinel parse by that name with the same ID number (13847) as your link. With that said if that is not your character then disregard everything I am about to tell you and resend me the link lol.


Parse Rotation Specifics:


Here is a list of areas of concern and things that i noticed repeated multiple times. I'll go over solutions in detail in a minute.


Time Stamp: 2:50:21.146 - You use Precision - Clashing Blast - Blade Rush - Master Strike

Time Stamp: 2:50:40.849 - You use Precision - Clashing Blast - Master Strike

Time Stamp: 2:50:54.396 - You use Clashing Blast - Blade Rush x3 - Strike x 2 - Master Strike (This is an energy management issue)

Time Stamp: 2:51:59.365 - You use Precision - Strike - Clashing Blast - Dispatch (This is an energy management issue)

Time Stamp: Multiple - You use Precision - Zen


Explanation and Details:


Multiple times throughout your parse you use Master Strike either by itself without Precision or in the middle or at the end of a precision window. You should absolutely never do this. Master Strike should only ever be used AFTER you hit Precision. You actually do this correctly once in your parse at Time Stamp: 2:51:19.819 you used Zen - Precision - Master Strike - Clashing Blast. You also, fairly frequently, run out of focus and end up using Strike multiple times or inside the Precision window. This is an energy management issue and means you need to think ahead and make sure you have enough focus before going into your rotation. You should only ever need to hit strike once and should never need to hit it back to back. Using Precision then Zen should never been done and should never need to be done, atleast not back to back like that. Remember Precision builds 4 centering for you so by using it and then pressing Zen you are loosing 4 centering towards your next Zen as well as loosing time inside the Precision window to do damage.


Summary and Advice:


I would highly suggest you take some time and go back through my guide, more specifically the rotation portion of the guide. Under each topic there is a link that will take you directly to the discussed topic in my video guide so you can hear and follow along with me as i go through explanations. Your understanding of priorities and when best to use Master Strike needs some work and is causing you to loose a huge amount of DPS. Watch those topics in the video guide and that should help you out. Furthermore, you're having energy management issues in maintaining and building Focus. I believe this is a product of the rotation you are currently using and believe once you better understand the proper priorities and rotation this will take care of itself. With that said 3.9 is still respectable and if you take the time to apply my advice i believe you'll for sure see 4K+


Hope that helps!

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