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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR: Just not a PVP game : (


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To some of the replies here: I don't mind the gimmicks, I just think they need to be toned down.


I feel as though the gimmicks should be a penalty; not a free kill simply because your 4 sec stun is off cooldown.


As for the sides being uneven, I do feel as though they need to make both sides equally appealing because the players shouldn't have to choose what side they want to play simply due to queue times, if they are PVP'ers.


To the people claiming it is not Bioware's fault: are you saying that if you were spending half a decade and millions and millions of dollars to develop a game you would just make one side super awesome, one side super "meh" and just throw your hands up in the air at customer complaints and tell them they "chose wrong".


If you would, you are a horrible businessman/woman.

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Wait.. so game advertised form the very first comcepts as PvE character story driven and with huge focus on PvE, chats and what not is not a PvP focused game?


OP should get an award or something!


If they put PVP into the game, they need to support it.


It really is simple as that.


Also, I like how you act like they can just neglect it, as if it's cool to just throw away subscribers.


I'm glad to see you are so cavalier with BW's money.

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I don't understand a lot of the people defending the current state and what will be the future of SWTORs pvp. It's not like the majority of people playing haven't seen an MMO launch before. There is nothing different about Bioware or SWTOR they are not some magic company that can just flip a switch and things will get better. Their course is set, and nothing you say on the forums will change it.


The OP is right SWTOR is not and I believe never will be a PVP game. Enjoy the pvp now for what it is while it lasts because it will not last long at all.

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They better change something, or once people (especially me) finish the story line on as few as even one character, they desub and move on to the next rinse and repeat MMO that has done this for the last 10 years....


Give me a real MMO in your face, rapid learning curve, kill and die or go home MMO. (UO/SWG tons more...)

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Yes it is the Dev's fault that 90% of the sheeple population wanted to be Boba Fet or a Lightning Whore. ON that i wonder how the Empire is going to get out if this Financial Depression due to them hiring a retarded amount of Bounty hunters.....


WoW PVP sucks ***, cuz it is just a game of stunning the other character. FACT!


How is the Republic borring?


Commando = I AM *********** CARING A TURRET AS A MAIN WEAPON!!!!!!!!!


Vanguard = Master Chief.


Sage = Can rip massive objects out of "Whatever" and hurl them into gaypire face.


Shadow = Insert Rogue/Druid hate here.




Scoundrel = Han Solo, who does not want to be Harrison Ford.


Guardian/Sentinel = ....... I got nothing, The Sith Juggernaut/Marauder does look alot more ****** with it's Channel Hatred. But the only difference is cosmetic between Knight and Warrior.

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Culture has taught kids that being evil is cool. Not sure how Bioware is responsible for that. It's always been cool to be the badboy.


They should give levelling bonuses to Republic characters. ;)

Edited by Raggok
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Actually it is good planning, if it werent for huttball, you would never get pvp. you just picked the side everyone else picked.

威风的吹拂让那棵乔木的叶子沙沙地揉在一起。 而且,:eek: :eek: :eek:Huttball counts as pvp? :eek: :eek: :eek: 塞翁失马 哈哈哈

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Culture has taught kids that being evil is cool. Not sure how Bioware is responsible for that. It's always been cool to be the badboy.


They should give levelling bonuses to Republic characters. ;)


You can't possibly be this thick.


Nobody said that BW is responsible for teaching kids that evil is cool; however, they ARE responsible for quality of life issues in their game.

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I don't understand a lot of the people defending the current state and what will be the future of SWTORs pvp. It's not like the majority of people playing haven't seen an MMO launch before. There is nothing different about Bioware or SWTOR they are not some magic company that can just flip a switch and things will get better. Their course is set, and nothing you say on the forums will change it.


The OP is right SWTOR is not and I believe never will be a PVP game. Enjoy the pvp now for what it is while it lasts because it will not last long at all.


it will last - because it has its own appeal - and that appeal will cater to a type of player. Just like the combat of DoaC appealed to a certain breed of gamer, just like pre TBC av appealed to a certain type of gamer, Just like Arena appealed to a number of gamers - no different than how Counter strike/dota/half life. TF2/ Mfw2/3 ect ect they all have their appeal..


Eve.....for example in all its anti new player glory "still" has a huge player base. Im no expert in MMORPG pvp, what I do have under my belt is 6 x glad as rogue and paladin ( yes both my toons) on bg9 ( what was the games most difficult bg to get glad in until s5) pre s5 and then bg 11 for s6 3v3 and 5v5 after s2 shortly after 2v2 became a joke for rogues/priest and i have mini tyrael for those who also were harcore in WoW pvp. With that said - I happen to enjoy the PVP in Swtor. because its objective based, unlike in WoW PVP in which you can be carried by 1 or 2 players in full resil gear in a BG. "presently" thats not likely in swtor partly because the warzones are all objective based - you can have the majority of your team facerolling in kills and still manage to lose simply because you ignored objectives. IT forces players vs players to work together or fail.. whilst in WoW its really - K.. kill everyone for victory.


Hutball is a very welcome twist to "pvp" however the lack of ability to run your own premade vastly reduces its appeal " for me at least" the fustration that comes with a guy you dont know on your server refusing to pass the ball to a person for a point gain it enough to make alot of people exit out.


the 3 turret one prolly my favorite but.. for some reason the right turret shoots faster than the other 2.. we counted the numbers its odd but its true - ( jedi take left sith take right same time right will have an extra shot every 4th cycle)


@ the people who complain about inquisitors - 1 shadow rogue > 1 to 2 inq. Shadow jedi are the direct counter to casters. I nom nom on spell casters in w/e wz im in except hutball simply because as a shadow the only utility I have against ranged whom are above me is Force pull.


in ending some guy in WoW who used to give me pointers when I was just starting pvp in s1 - when i was complaining about how warriors roll me... he said " yo good players dont cry or whine about sh*t they just adapt and conquer, and thats what seperates them from the bads.. are you bad?" <---

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Oh hey, buddy.


Yea, it's me, how you doing?


Eh, trying to have fun with this games PvP... but I find the skillcap is so low that I'm finding the entire experience underwhelming.


I still have my accounts on WoW - but I'm a little burnt out on Arena and RBG's so not sure if I'll even do them this season.


I'm hoping they address some of these issues/bugs that most of us recognize - and I'm also hoping that it doesn't take long for the competitive side of this SW:ToR's pvp to develope. Anyhow, nice to see a familiar face from that "other game". rofl

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I think everyone is blowing most things out of proportion when it comes to pvp. Things like raidframes not updating and dropping your group after the warzone ends are annoying as hell, but you know they are gonna be among the first things to be fixed. The problem is that most ppl are used to WoW pvp and since its not the same and they are doing bad they just complain instead of learning their class/strats for every warzone. I play a smuggler sharpshooter and as annoying as the two 2 or so second delay on Take Cover is, i've learned to adjust to it until they fix it and Im always one of the top performers in the warzone.



Hutball, i will admit, is my least favorite (and going to be complete **** at end game competitive pvp level, becasue any good team will score EVERY time they get the ball), most of the ppl i see still have no idea how to play that warzone...in pugs it only takes 2 ppl that know positioning and how to freaking pass the ball to win the match.


Also, if you play this game for the PVP, then it doesnt freaking matter what faction you choose, Empire has cooler storyline and more ****** looking races or w/e so let all the PVE guys go dark side and be bad guys, reroll republic and start rollin them warzones.

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Bioware chose the server the guilds are situated on so yes it is Biowares fault.

My server Niman had a 3:1 to empire and thats just the guilds that bioware placed in there at the start I have no idea what it looks like now. Could be 4 or 5:1 for all i know.


I think I've seen 2 republic players since i started on my pvp server. Btw i don't think the servers should be named as such as there is no pvp apart from in a closed off instance.


And another thing I've killed 2 players in pvp in open world and didn't get a damn thing for it. No xp, no valor, nothing.


This is Star WARS if there's no open world pvp what's the bloody point?

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in ending some guy in WoW who used to give me pointers when I was just starting pvp in s1 - when i was complaining about how warriors roll me... he said " yo good players dont cry or whine about sh*t they just adapt and conquer, and thats what seperates them from the bads.. are you bad?" <---


Dear internet hero:


I am here bringing up issues I would like to see them fix.


If you are happy with the game, I am happy for you.


For my $15/month, I would like to see them tweak a few things, and posting said things are one of the purposes of these forums.




The Rest of Us

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