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Sent/Mara is perfect BW out did themselves with this amazing class.


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Once I am done with leveling, I might give Mara another try, but for now she is farming the dailies. She is AMAZING at doing that. So, I guess, that's her niche. I am starting to wonder if she can solo Oricon commanders by now, on L60 and fully augmented 186s.....
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Mara/sent is fine in regs. I can and usually do pull 900-1.5K DPS on bad teams running watchman and combat on my sent, and can go a bit north of 2K DPS on good teams. Problem is that other classes (primarily sage/sorc, sin/shadow, and jug/guardian) are much better than fine. I can regularly pull 1.5K DPS or better on terrible teams with my shadow running the completely overpowered serenity spec. And those three AC's are so much better than the sentinel in solo ranked that I will not play mine in ranked once the preseason is over. I really think that some other AC's need to be toned down before we even consider buffing sent/mara as some of their capabilities are really out of bounds with everything else out there.
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Mara/sent is fine in regs. I can and usually do pull 900-1.5K DPS on bad teams running watchman and combat on my sent, and can go a bit north of 2K DPS on good teams. Problem is that other classes (primarily sage/sorc, sin/shadow, and jug/guardian) are much better than fine. I can regularly pull 1.5K DPS or better on terrible teams with my shadow running the completely overpowered serenity spec. And those three AC's are so much better than the sentinel in solo ranked that I will not play mine in ranked once the preseason is over. I really think that some other AC's need to be toned down before we even consider buffing sent/mara as some of their capabilities are really out of bounds with everything else out there.


The problem isn't damage the problem is once your stunned if you don't have a dedicated healer you die in under 5 seconds even with only a single RDPS attacking you. Meanwhile killing other classes is like running the Ultramarathon except longer. Other classes have H2F, CC immunity, and Dodge. Where as we have Suicide by the Schwartz, which allows us to half kill ourselves while not damaging the enemy due to people stunning or rooting us. It's okay though we have rebuke which is a ****** version of Mental Defense while prevents more damage and is never on cool down.

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Once I am done with leveling, I might give Mara another try, but for now she is farming the dailies. She is AMAZING at doing that. So, I guess, that's her niche. I am starting to wonder if she can solo Oricon commanders by now, on L60 and fully augmented 186s.....


I can do it with Doc healing, even easier once I put him in 172's. I'm in full 186 gear with crafted enhancements, and mostly 178 augments.

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was running my mara up to 60 from 55 last couple days. i was actually respawning from deaths with more debuffs, and dots then i have buffs... hehe


that's when you know a class is broken. when everyone stops what they are doing and hits you with a hit and forget attack.

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Yes this class has its problems, it was a couple of years ago when mara/sent were the dominant force in pvp but now they are at the bottom of the pile, with a tank or a healer helping the class is great but as a solo act it is doomed to fail. The only thing that will save this class is a root immunity, predation can break roots but considering how many classes have 1 or 2 each you will only be free a couple of seconds before we are stunned and killed anyway.


Even if we were given a bit of a buff, until they sort out sorc & sin city we aren't going anywhere. Powertechs are destroying people now it is just a joke xD (kinda a laugh to try out though)


We either need a talent that makes us cc immune during our saber ward and a lowered cooldown for it like a shadow/sin or have predation grant a root and mez immunty thoughout its duration, hard stuns can still work sure but not mezzez.


I still enjoy the play style of this class but when i compare the effectiveness to pvp match i can't ignore the fact that my guardian can do just as much damage but have better defenses and taunts to protect team mates.


If you are dying a bit, i have found that sitting at the back next to all the ranged and waiting for a sin/op/jugg or mara to jump one of the ranged players so you can pick them off with your damage whilst they are too busy focussing on trying to kill the ranged dps or healer. Remember maras can't dive in like juggs so there is no point in trying =]

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If you are dying a bit, i have found that sitting at the back next to all the ranged and waiting for a sin/op/jugg or mara to jump one of the ranged players so you can pick them off with your damage whilst they are too busy focussing on trying to kill the ranged dps or healer. Remember maras can't dive in like juggs so there is no point in trying =]


I agree with your advice, you have to pick and choose your moments. However, we should be able to dive like jugs.....we are melee dps and the warrior class! We used to be able to dive and cause havoc/mess with teams and thats what they need to return us to. It's a sad day when my shadow feels more like a true melee dps than my mara does.


I fought a jug 1v1 today, did him almost 100k damage and lost, he did me about 50k. It was still a close fight but cmon.... 2 lives to my one??? Nice job devs, way to balance......

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I've been running my Sent for a couple years now... It was once a great character to play and it was a very viable class to run with in regs or ranked. However the defenses that the Sent / Mara have today can not compare with the other classes in the game. The fact is that Sents and Mara are at the bottom of the food chain right now.


Those who disagree with this have not been in skilled pvp matches - Perhaps some are from Pve servers or what not but - those who pvp and enjoy it - all know that this class is garbage. Yes, it can burst a bit just like a sniper but once stunned it's over. G A M E - O V E R = G L O B A L E D


The Defensive moves are worthless - Rebuke is the fist CD ( no longer cuts the mustard) Next is Saberward or Force Camo given the situation - Camo does help but is so short and temporary most are pretty much dead and without a healer to pick you up or a tank to cry too you are F K E D !

This Class needs a serious buff / make over defensively other wise it might as well be deleted as far as many PvPers are concerned. However there is always hope - Balance was horrible at one point in the game and now it's the hottest thing going. So perhaps a yr or two this can get fixed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Agree again with the sentiments, the class is a mess.:mad:


Don't worry they are buffing Guardian Tank damage in 3.1 which was desperately needed since they couldn't...uh...put out enough DPS as a tank? Cause you know all those tanks were screaming from the rooftops or at least they were talking about it, or yeah they didn't say **** about it were just like "it would be nice if you buffed our damage" immediate response from devs.

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Don't worry they are buffing Guardian Tank damage in 3.1 which was desperately needed since they couldn't...uh...put out enough DPS as a tank? Cause you know all those tanks were screaming from the rooftops or at least they were talking about it, or yeah they didn't say **** about it were just like "it would be nice if you buffed our damage" immediate response from devs.


Betted my Tatooine Homestead that Sents will get no changes in 3.1.;)

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