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PVP Republic Trooper Steath Detection


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Thanks for your support Doctor, It really lightened my mood, you are someone I feel I could have a civil conversation with. My question for you is, I really don't understand what these forums accomplish? I think over the years Bio Ware has gotten really lazy. I don't see the e-suggestion box, when this game first launched in January of 2011. They created these forums for someone to write, their opinion, when you do, you are then suddenly attacked, the cyber trolls start their cyber trashing. They have nothing positive to say, they spend their time boasting about their gaming skills, furthermore, they use a condescending tone and manner. They highlight your quotes and knit pick your words, and then the entire subject seems to get missed.

By the way, it was a statement that I had made. I said, " the stealth detection was a useless skill." I should have been more selective with my words, because this must have offended some players. Suddenly, I was in a boxing match with words. What I meant to say was that I felt the skill would be more effective if the other faction could not see you activate the detection mode. Some probably don't think it is a skill. I don't know why? But on the old skill tree the stealth option was one of the troopers selections. What I said and meant were two different things. This was something that Darth Reaver was trying to explain to some of these knuckle heads, but they were more concerned about convincing themselves that the skill could not be made better. There are those that just don't agree with change, are fearful of change or don't care. Some just like do Trolling, furthermore, there are those that just like to argue. Have you noticed that programmers never leave comments on these forums?

I would also like to add, have you ever put in a ticket? When the game first started, Tech support would answer your ticket within hours. Now it takes, weeks for them to answer a ticket. I had a glitch in one of my flash points and it took weeks for them to answer my ticket. What do you think?

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I feel You BlairSparks.

Just give a big FU to cyber trolls, like I do.

We need to adapt, stop whining and have fun.

Devs of this game have fun thanks to our cash :p and yes, they are lazy.


On the topic.

Stealth Scan should have 1s root,

and for mercs/mandos only a utility skill with +1s root, increased range and time while activated.

We have to many sin/shades nowadays :D



Love and peace from Poland, stay sic!


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Hell yeah! And I want Overdrive utility for my merc too :D Its Xmas soon :D
Not to mention it gives a small boost to defense, which always is a good thing. As for override, I am always stuck between that and the ability to use unload while moving, or the passive that causes your shield to cool down quicker. >_<
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... snip ...


initially I didn't insult your writing skills. I critiqued your spacing, and specifically said that I wasn't going to read through it.


you were the first to insult my writing.


it has been demonstrated (to myself) that I am a better player than you are at this game.


Your posts suggest to me that you lack situational awareness, and that you are a troll.



i remember reading this thread at first and thinking it was mostly a l2 play issue. Actually after playing my vanguard, the activation time on the skill IS incredibly slow. I'm not sure I would even call it slow the skill just seems to have a delay on it. Compared to other easy AOE skills that can be used to detect stealthers, stealth scan is MEANT to detect stealth units and it fails in a lot of ways compared to other skills that aren't solely meant to detect. You honestly have a better chance of launching a mortar salvo and finding somebody compared to the slow delay/activation of stealth scan. I agree op, dont listen to the rest!


funnily enough I always felt like vanguards had it slightly faster. The probes scan as the vanguard waves is hand forward, but the pt has to do something to a control panel on his bracer and then the probes show.

Edited by Zunayson
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here are good uses

-pop them out of stealth right after they vanish

-if you think theyre chasing u u can pop it maybe u might find them

-prevent them from walking into a certain area like a medpac or a squishy teammate

-at the defense spawn on voidstar


a cool buff id liek to see is if an ally walks through it they get like +X amount of stealth detection for like 10 secs

Edited by nitroyoshi
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Not to mention it gives a small boost to defense, which always is a good thing. As for override, I am always stuck between that and the ability to use unload while moving, or the passive that causes your shield to cool down quicker. >_<


:) I meant Override from Powertech utility skills (45% more movement speed)

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a cool buff id liek to see is if an ally walks through it they get like +X amount of stealth detection for like 10 secs

Now, that would be a really cool perk!


Hey Doc, what do you think about them creating a device to see stealth players like stealth Binoculars? Do you think that would be too much of an advantage?

Edited by BlairSparks
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Stealth Scan is PERFECT just as it is, no nerfs, no buffs, nothing. If any Dev sees this topic, please leave Stealth Scan alone.
Well, you are on a thread that is talking about the subject of stealth scan, if you don't like it, you can start your own thread about how great it is, you can quit reading this thread or you can just leave. Nothing is perfect if it was then stealth players would not be able to defeat the commando' SS so easily when a commando activates it. What I mean by this is the inviso player simply waits for the probes to deactivate or just avoids the area of effect, completely. If it was perfect players would not have any complaints or different opinions about it. Just because you like it does not mean that it is perfect. It is my opinion that it can be made better. Edited by BlairSparks
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the stealth binoculars are very similar to what Snipers and Gunslingers have as a passive. It's called spotter. Over 30 seconds, they gain 30 levels of stealth detection (1 level / second).


It's not very quick to get, but it caused a lot of crying when it was first introduced in 2.0.

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I’ve read the whole forum, not sure how it went from an inquiry/on trooper stealth detection to an English lesson is beyond me. To those who made it into such, just like a typical fantasy troll and now gone to cyber, they

are Phukn retarded. OP should have never responded to your lame azz grammar troll crap and proves you peeps are dipsheets. And yes I spelled things wrong on purpose so that last line IS for you too. The vaaarrryy

last line Captain Grammar Man!!!


I play an Operative; been playing since the game started I’m damn good, especially against the lame Trooper.(Well the Republic in general is lame, just my opinion). I can say they suck because I play with one.

Actually I admit I suck big time with him. Anyway…


It’s simple I stun, you drop detection,I mainly wait till the detection is done and I sneak in and stun then cap or kill. When I stun sometimes you break stun, and I stun again, sneak in and cap or gank you. Stab stab, stab jump shoot stab some more. You’re dead outside of the arena and inside. Troopers almost never detect me, if they do, stun, stab or I cap. Sorta brainless, but I do like it, the only skill is when and where me, myself and I pick out your gravesite when you die.


I hate to say it but the Trooper detection is lame, no “super troops” have EVER used that useless skill effectively though “projection” or any magic fortune telling mojo ju ju, hoodo, anyone thinks they have. Sorry that’s

not skill, it’s just that smell you’ve had since you haven’t left your parents basement to meet girls or take a shower. Please, all you Captain Lady Cleo’s, you and that skill still sucks, all you foresee/project is a blaster muzzle in your face or a sharp pain between your shoulder blades. So don’t kid yourselves. Unless your gear is way higher than mine, you die, easy.


Other stealthier peeps kill me about as much as I kill them or, its stalemate so I’m not Superman. I don’t know about the Bounty Hunters stealth detection, but I usually out duel them too. So to the Hunter who commented. You’re a dumbazz too, this forum is about the Trooper. Troooooper , Ta ta ta Trooooper. You make the Empire look bad, oh wait them Mandalorians don’t belong to us, because they can’t READ!!.


So truth be told the Stupid Stealth detection needs improvement badly since it’s really not much of a challenge killing you all. Especially since this damn game became a WOW emulator and any frigging orangutan can play this

damn game without bothering to figure out the mechanics since now your character is done for you. Then show you what buttons to push since your too stupid to read and figure out what the abilities do.


So a two middle fingers up to you poser lame lazy crybaby biches that whined to Bioware the game was too hard to figure out!! “Right f2 Control U,Clyde!!”

Edited by Spaceman_Spee
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