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PVP Republic Trooper Steath Detection


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I just don't understand why the trooper has the stealth detection option. This is a worthless skill for PVP Warzone Teams. The area of effect is very small and the stealth units can hear and see the trooper dropping the detection droids, so they just avoid going into the area or simply move out of the way. Furthermore, stealth units can wait till the area of effect skill ends and then back stab the Trooper. I have never, ever seen a trooper detect a stealth unit who was sneaking up on that Trooper to protect himself from a sneak attack. In the warzones Sith stealth PVP waits till after you drop your detection droids to avoid detection. I think that it would be much better and much more enjoyable play, if the other faction could not see where the detection droids are dropped. It would even the playing field and allow a more even PVP scenario. Right now, on an average, the Emps win 90% of the time. Their toons fight better together and they win in the warzones while the Pubs players loose 90% of the time. I think that it would be better if the game play was a 50% ratio. I would be even happier, if we won at least 40% of the time. Right now Emps Win 4 to 1 over the Pubs in warzone play. Would it be nice if the detection probes were invisible to the other faction. As an Sith Stealth player, favorite targets are Commandos, I collect a lot of coms. killing them. When I play as a Guardian Tank, my teammate plays as a Vanguard, this make a deadly team but we still have trouble with Stealth units. I think it would be nice if his stealth detection probes were invisible when he activated the skill. It just makes me very frustrated I would love to smash those players. The stealth detection droids should be invisible to the other faction, I believe this would even things out. Is this something that the Programmers are willing to consider or am I just wasting my time writing my opinion? Edited by BlairSparks
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I may sound like a jerk, but: Just because you don't know how to use the ability effectively, doesn't mean that it's useless.

Here are a few examples for its use:

-cover for when you are taking a node

-preventing a stealth-cap (especially in Voidstar)

-seeing an opponent going stealth, anticipate where he will be moving while in stealth, and drop it there (I cannot emphasize how important this situation is)

Edited by Derzelaz
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The trick is to anticipate where the stealth might be. Stay mobile and mouse turn zig zig while hitting tab.Stealth detection is pretty decent directly in front of you.


On my scoundrel an enemy with stealth scan skills makes my job a lot harder.


I have faced both troopers and bounty hunters that have been good with the scan.So i really dont believe its a faction thing either.


Give my suggestion a shot.

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Don't think of it as a 'trap', yes of course they will avoid it, use it proactively where you have a pretty good idea of where the stealthed player is before you drop it on him. On my Vanguard I also use the Defensive Measures utility for PvP so when they are revealed it sticks them for 3s.
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No; use it reactively.


If you keybind (which you should), then placing your mouse pointer on their last seen location (just instants after they vanish) whilist hitting your key then clicking on the screen will unstealth them.


The trick is to anticipate that they will stealth soon, and be ready.


The skill is invaluable.

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Stealth scan is an amazing ability, but I feel like people get confused on the purpose of it. Imo it's primarily for either countering a vanish (if you're quick enough with your mouse you can instantly hit the area they vanished at with it) or used to deny an access route (placing it dead center on a voidstar bridge). You just gotta get creative with it.
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I know what purpose stealth detection is used for at this present time and how it can be used now but I really think that it was intended to be used to fully counter effects of stealth. It is a faction thing, who else would react to the probe drops? I don't want to sound like a jerk either but are you telling me that you have detected PVP Stealth players in the Warzones that you played and not after they have been beaten in the Environment just before they are ready to respawn? I play warzones all the time and I have never seen a trooper detect a good stealth player. I play a stealth Sith , I have never been detected yet, by an equal LVL Player and our side most of the time wins. We loose maybe 10% of the time and it is not because of a trooper's stealth detection it is because our team has a bunch of newbies still trying to learn the game objectives. When I play my stealth LVL 60 toon I know that you will never detect me. I have been playing this game since 2011 two weeks after the game was released and I have a Guardian as well and I know lots of 60 LVL Pub troopers in my guild that play on my team as well and they still can't stop the best stealth units from sneaking up on them and back stabbing them, they die quickly in the warzones if they are not well defended by the other players. It's my tanking that keeps, other attackers off them, my ability to agro the enemy and team work that keep them alive. Not Stealth detection. I know other Troopers in my guild that would make you look like a cub scout. Your not that good. I think that you need quit lying to yourself and to get over yourself. Your not that great of a Super Trooper but your bragging skill is amazingly noted! Edited by BlairSparks
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I don't want to sound like a jerk either but are you telling me that you have detected PVP Stealth players in the Warzones that you played and not after they have been beaten in the Environment just before they are ready to respawn? I play warzones all the time and I have never seen a trooper detect a good stealth player. I play a stealth Sith , I have never been detected yet, by an equal LVL Player and our side most of the time wins. We loose maybe 10% of the time and it is not because of a trooper's stealth detection it is because our team has a bunch of newbies still trying to learn the game objectives. When I play my stealth LVL 60 toon I know that you will never detect me. I have been playing this game since 2011 two weeks after the game was released and I have Guardian as well and I know lots of 60 LVL Pub troopers in my guild that play on my team as well and they still can't stop the best stealth units from sneaking up on them and back stabbing them, they die quickly in the warzones if they are not well defended by the other players. It's my tanking that keeps, other attackers off them, my ability to agro the enemy and team work that keep them alive. Not Stealth detection. I know other Troopers in my guild that would make you look like a cub scout. Your not that good. I think that you need quit lying to yourself and to get over yourself. Your not that great of a Super Trooper but your bragging skill is amazingly noted!


That actually made me laugh. If you're not a troll, and you're actually being serious, I'm sorry for you.

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WOW! I am trying to get a better enhanced skill for the trooper class and your going to argue with me? You make me laugh! And yes, not only do you sound like a jerk but your stupid as well! Because of idiots like you, Bio won't change the programing, I didn't ask you to post your great Supper Trooper wisdom and knowledge on my thread. but then again I guess I have no choice but to be entertained by your stupidity. You just did it so who is the cyber Troll now?

" You made me laugh, I made you laugh, you feel sorry for me, I feel sorry for you, push me, shove you, Na Na Na!!!"

Are you done yet. Feel better? Did you put your ego in check? Ok, ready to move on? Moron!

Edited by BlairSparks
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Drop it on top of a stealthie who is getting focused. Sometimes they will stealth and be immediately popped back out. It's hilarious.


I get the feeling that it's not quite as strong as the devs thought it was going to be considering Commandos didn't get an interrupt at launch and Stealth Scan was one of the reasons they brought up. IT does seem somewhat lackluster since it's pretty tough to be good with, especially when you consider Sins can vanish and phase walk to god knows where and ops can roll pretty far in any direction making it a pretty big guessing game.


I always thought it should have some buff on it like you can't be sapped while standing in it (at least for Commandos, VG's have Shoulder Cannon for stealth caps). VG's get some cool buffs to it I wonder why commandos were left out?

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I agree 100% with you that I should not look at it as a Trap and I do not play a trooper, so if my selection of words seem harsh, well I am sorry. Your right its not a useless skill there are ways to use the stealth detection and you have explained to me the ways that you use it with your toon. But don't you think it would be an even better ability if you could enhance it and make the skill unseen to the enemy. I think it would add more fun to the play, what do you think? Edited by BlairSparks
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I think that you both have great ideas but what about getting the enemy zapped when the commando drops the probes, what I think would be really cool is if you could do damage without breaking the effect. That's the problem with the hilt strike when the Guardian applies it. Or do you think that the skill would just be too powerful? Edited by BlairSparks
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That actually made me laugh. If you're not a troll, and you're actually being serious, I'm sorry for you.


No I understand him completely. Stealth scan should be bigger. He is talking about stealth scanning out of the blue which is pure luck not skill. That said does stealth class have a vanish that makes them undetectable for a few seconds? I'm 100% sure tho tbh I don't play those classes. Anyway to the OP yes try to "guess" where they are after a vanish is the best way to use it or plot when a smuggler uses smuggle is the best way to get people cu it's a group which is easier to hit.

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I agree 100% with you that I should not look at it as a Trap and I do not play a trooper, so if my selection of words seem harsh, well I am sorry. Your right it not a useless skill there are ways to use the stealth detection and you have explained to me the ways that you use it with your toon. But don't you think it would be an even better ability if you could enhance it and make the skill unseen to the enemy. I think it would add more fun to the play, what do you think?


I'd blab about how great stealth scan is but it's been covered already.


If it was invisible to the enemy I'd think it OP. Being visible to enemies can be useful though, since you can influence their movements some; like routes to nodes, or temporarily deny areas to them.

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I'd blab about how great stealth scan is but it's been covered already.


If it was invisible to the enemy I'd think it OP. Being visible to enemies can be useful though, since you can influence their movements some; like routes to nodes, or temporarily deny areas to them.


Well at least give a talent that makes it invisible at some stealth lvl. I don't think it would be OP considering stealth itself is OP. the fact that you have the drop no matter what plus stuns and burst is OP the stealth just adds to it.

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It makes me wonder does Bio Ware even read these forms are we even wasting our time with these discussions what do you think Joeslxxpack? Thanks for understanding and clarification Darth Reaver.


Reading this thread would be wasting their time....The way stealth scan functions currently is perfectly fine.

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Well at least give a talent that makes it invisible at some stealth lvl. I don't think it would be OP considering stealth itself is OP. the fact that you have the drop no matter what plus stuns and burst is OP the stealth just adds to it.


You don't have the drop no matter what. stealth scans with 2 back to back can close off approach lanes. Sniper/slinger positioned right can make it hard for stealth to approach. AOE placed correctly. There are ways to minimize it.

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No I understand him completely.


At that point, I was actually laughing at this poor attempt to contradict my arguments by calling me:

I know other Troopers in my guild that would make you look like a cub scout. Your not that good. I think that you need quit lying to yourself and to get over yourself. Your not that great of a Super Trooper but your bragging skill is amazingly noted!
Edited by Derzelaz
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At that point, I was actually laughing at this poor attempt to contradict my arguments by calling me:

Once again the Super Ego Trooper really can't seem to let it go. Anytime you show the enemy your tactics, is just a bad idea. It's that way in real life and that way in the game. Lost my leg in the A. War. because of poor positioning tactics. The game does that for you, it shows the enemy what your doing, and your going to defend this? If you want to play with a crappy skill be my guest.

You had no augment, you stated your individual opinion and I didn't agree with it. It was that simple. Then you made it clear to me with your condescending tone that you play better than ever one else, or at least you're trying to convince me of that. Are you trying to tell me you're such a skilled player? Assuming that I was a Trooper player, and then trying to what, give me fatherly advice on how to play that character? By bragging about how many ways you can use the skill, well you're missing the point completely. Once again we are not here to talk about your Trooper Talents. I not impressed, it takes no skill to use detection you simply deploy the droids and then they go away. And the conversation that you are having with that other player by the way, he is going to agree with you because he is a stealth player. He does not want any skill that detects stealth which makes you look more like an idiot. At the current time with the stealth detection that you have, I will take my stealth Sorc against you any day and I will win. I will just wait till you drop your probs avoid the area, back stab you, blast you with shock, ect. I can tell you have very little or if not no exp in warzones, just by the way you continue with your ignorant discussions. You have no idea what everyone is talking about in these threads pertaining to team play. It's not all about you. Even though you consider yourself the center of STWOR Universe. We are here to discuss the Trooper skill that could possibly be made better in a Team setting. Last time I checked there is no I in Team. So being a skilled Trooper you have really missed the mark. Get it now or are you going to continue to make yourself look foolish? Go ahead because your making us all laugh. Just stay out of the conversation, you clearly are not adding insight to the discussion other that your pride being hurt! So go bother others on another thread.

Edited by BlairSparks
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Once again the Super Ego Trooper really can't seem to let it go. You had no augment, you stated your individual opinion and I didn't agree with it. It was that simple. Then you made it clear to me with your condescending tone that you play better than ever one else, or at least your trying to convince me of that. You trying to tell me you're such a skilled player? Assuming that I was a Trooper player, and then trying to what, give me fatherly advice on how to play that character? By bragging about how many ways you can use the skill, well you're missing the point completely. Once again we are not here to talk about your Trooper Talents. I not impressed, It's not all about you. Even though you consider yourself the center of STWOR Universe. We are here to discuss the Trooper skill that could possibly be made better in a Team setting. Last time I checked there is no I in Team. So being a skilled Trooper you have really missed the mark. Get it now or are you going to continue to make yourself look foolish?


Except it doesn't need to be made better. It functions exactly how its supposed to.

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