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Ideal Utility Ability changes for Sent/Mara


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I'm not known for my sent/mara play but after playing it since 3.0 launched I'd like to share what I'd like to see their utility abilities fixed/changed-to. I used EXCEL so bear with me.


The original current utility talents in my excel format (for comparison)



My proposed upgrade/changes using the above excel version of the original stuff with the RED text indicates additions, or changes.



You can see I mixed a few boxes together to make things make more sense and be more ideal, the 2 red boxes are completely new (due to the freed up space). Feel free to flame, like, share, etc :rak_03:

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Seems legit, I might add a removal of the HP Cost from GBTF should be baseline fall all Sents/Maras^^


Given the 3min CD on Saberward the Utilitychange seems very legit:)


Thanks, I was going for: Changes that made sense, but made you really have to choose between awesome utility boxes. Which to me, is what Utilities for all classes should be about.

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First things first, I like most of your ideas, the utilities available at the moment are a bit meh for the most part. Having said that, there's a few things I disagree with.


First off, the new utilities you've invented. When do you figure the force kick cooldown reset being useful? The cooldown is short-ish, and we have no ability that breaks combat for us. The cooldown reduction that's currently in the utilities is much, much better. Also, what do you mean by TST "wounding" targets? The healing debuff? Also, the valorous call utility seems a bit OP compared to the rest and isn't really an effect that the class needs anyway.


Also, unless you were thinking about the silly Lethality dots that reapply themselves, I don't see any need for the change to Expunging Camouflage, since we can't be targeted by new effects during Force Camo anyway. A good change to it though would be to make the utility actually work, it's currently bugged and only cleanses effects that are neither movement impairs nor dots.


Finally, this last thing is a bit nitpicky, but with the way you've worded the Saber Ward thing, it would reduce the CD by 30 sec every time you're attacked while it's up, probably not what you intended. :p I wouldn't mind having that ability though...

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Some good ideas very similar to what waterboy and me have already suggested in other threads now burried in the depths of the forums.


I'll share my thoughts :


First, GbTF should be reworked to be a real DCD again and not a seppuku one, like this :


"Summon the Force to protect you for 4 seconds, reducing by 99% all damage taken and by 50% all healing received during the effect. Consumes 50% of your current health when activated."


=> problem solved for people thinking that the skill was OP but agreeing that the nerfed version is really useless



Now about utilities :


Tier 1 :


- very good idea for Force Leap, 100% agreed


- damage dealt by Rebuke could be removed from the first utility (so useless ...) and increased duration could be merged with Focus when attacked under Rebuke to be more incentive compared to the 4 Focus when CC


- increased Lightsaber combat forms should be baseline, like they did with other classes and could be replaced by the centering building when regen out of combat (we would have only one utility around centering)


- we would have a free slot to move down a Tier 2 utility


Tier 2 :


- Rebuke utility is better like this (merging the stun thing with the CD reduction)


- Pacify back to what it was before 3.0, 100% agreed


- Leg Slash utility is almost like I would have modified it => Leg Slash 2 less focus and an additional slow %, but in addition, they should bring back Crippling Throw (without the heal debuff) and make the 3 second root effect work with it again instead of Leg Slash (every 10 seconds)


- we would have a free slot to move down GbtF + 2 seconds from Tier 3 and add a 50% health cost reduction to it (so 25% from current health). Could still be stunned during the effect. *considering the changes to GbtF above*


Tier 3 :


- Transcendance unroot + 30% more speed should be baseline, but FOR THE SENTINEL USING IT ONLY (that means 50% speed and no unroot for the group members though). Then the utility should be changed in : "Transcendance bonus effects now also affect group members when applied or refreshed."


- add a CC immunity to the GbtF - 30 seconds CD utility. Still 50% health cost, only 4 seconds, but no possibility anymore to be shut down during such a punitive DCD, at the cost of an heroic utility. *considering the changes to GbtF above*


- add to Awe CD reduction the ability to be used when stunned


- Force Camouflage heroic utility should be a PURGE not a cleanse. And it should have a CD reduction in addition to the purge (~10 seconds).


- Saber Ward heal should be 5% (like for Vanguards with Shoulder Cannon). Agreed for the CD reduction idea, but it should be 3 seconds every 1.5 seconds when attacked.


- we have 2 slots free to add new utilities, as incentive as other classes had the chance to be gifted with 3.0.


I don't like the Valorous Call CD reduction, it is ok for me like it is now.

I don't like the Force Kick + DST ideas either, because we really don't need this.


These new utilities could be :


- movement impairing effects immunity (+ cleanse) for 10-12 seconds after using Resolute (or another skill, we have to think which one would fit the best with it)


- reduces damage taken while Rebuke or Saber Ward are active by an additional X% (have to think about how much)





There would be more real choices to make and it would be more incentive to put a utility point in our tree.

Edited by DarkNecroCrusher
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The valerous call and force kick boxes were added because, well i needed something to put there. The current force kick 2 second reduction is quite MEH as is, so having it reset in reg warzones more often i felt was a decent addition. Also yes i meant the heal-cutter debuff by the word: ''wound''.


I would love to see some more ideas thrown around for those last 2 tier 3 boxes if people have things to add, but I feel most of the boxes that i've ''mixed together'' definitely should be changed. It would greatly help Sent/Mara.

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I agree that some force kick reset mechanic would be nice, my point was just that having it reset upon leaving combat is useless since the times when you leave combat, re-engage and find that your interrupt is still on CD are extremely rare. I doubt it's realistic to get anything much better than the 2 sec reduction though, considering that devs specifically wanted to move away from short interrupt cooldowns.


DarkNecro's suggestions for the new utilities are pretty good, we definitely need a source of movement-impair immunity (or something to that effect), would also be nice if Fleetfooted gave the sentinel himself movement-impair immunity for its duration but I guess that'd make it far too good.


One thing that could be cool would be some utilities with both benefits and drawbacks. Like, say, half CD on force kick but it no longer causes a lockout on the target (just off the top of my head). There's no precedent for those kinds of things though, but I think it's an option they should've explored.

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