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Dear BioWare, why don't you explain your events to the 'common people'?


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You missed the point about simply logging into game and having this information available. The vast majority of players rarely visit the main website and forums. Mmos have suffered from this issue for ages. Immersion is entirely about entering and game and having every single resource (including information) available inside that environment. It enhances the game experience having the internal systems available to emulate real life resources.


Is alt-tabbing out of the game to visit an external webpage part of playing that game? It certainly isn't. It is lazy programming. Where are the fleet intercom messages advertising this? Where are the in game signs and alerts for advertising like there would be in real life? Lazy programming. Poorly designed mmorpg development.


This is the core principle behind mmo immersion and why Swtor lags behind other developers. A true mmo should provide no reason to exit a game and search for information elsewhere for simple things as to where to even begin new content. Guides for completion are another beast entirely. How to play the game should be within the realm of the game itself.


The simple fact remains that with each new content addition I see endless players asking the most basic questions in chat on how to even begin events. That is an issue. That is an immersion break. What amazes me is that the very first event (or close to it ... Rakghoul) had fleet broadcasts informing you of what was going on (in an rp friendly way) yet later events went off at times with some players not even noticing they hit the game. It can be done better ... far better.


Future mmos (i.e. Camelot Unchained) is using html to create their UI. You want information in game? 3rd party sites conforming to content rules could simply be access in game. Imagine the Dulfy site simply being part of Swtor as if part of the Star Wars universe (written from that perspective of course). Developers had these tools before but never bothered to use them. TSW touched upon this but it could be taken further.


I though TSW did it well. I never had to leave the game, and I always knew what was going on.

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