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Star Wars Jumped the shark with Pirate Theme


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Because you're lazy and couldn't be arsed to spend a few seconds to take out the mods and put them into armor you like?


I LOL'ed. :D


On a more serious note, the all pirate-themed island ran its course way sooner than expected for me. The absence of memorable characters and lackluster story didn't help.


Only redeeming factors I can find on Rishi are the Slayers Three, which had potential but were ultimately underused, and Arankau. The Rishi Maze skybox also looks beautiful.

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Rishi is a jungle planet that is a smuggler/pirate/criminal haven. So the look and feel is just fine by me.


As to the "pirate" appearance to the equipment that drops through questing...a segment of players did want more "pop culture" references in SWTOR, and now they have it.

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Rishi is a jungle planet that is a smuggler/pirate/criminal haven. So the look and feel is just fine by me.


As to the "pirate" appearance to the equipment that drops through questing...a segment of players did want more "pop culture" references in SWTOR, and now they have it.


I don't know that the pirate look is any more "pop cultish" than the Space Cowboy for smugglers.

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I'm just glad it's the fantasy Treasure Island pirates with parrots, palm trees and eyepatches - instead of the modern day ******, murdering and drug trading pirates


Are you kidding? That type of Pirate has existed in Star Wars since the 70's. The largest population of that type of Pirate is found on Tatooine under the patronage of renowned Captains such as Jabba Desilijic Tiure.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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Anyone else feel this way?


Having a hard time playing Rishi. Why does my Vanguard look like a pirate? Nothing about the planet feels anything like Star Wars anymore. Feels/looks like Booty Bay in WoW.


C'mon Bioware where is your integrity?




I don't know...why does your vanguard look like a pirate?


We're playing in the era of adaptive gear, where most late game gearsets (not even counting EVERYTHING from the CM or Social Gear) is completely moddable, and wearable by anyone. You only have one person to blame for your charater not looking how you want him/her to look. And it's not the dev team.

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