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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorcs are BROKEN!!!


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Yes if they don't use any cc, knockback, stuns, or run away sure they can be killed easily, however thats never the case! If a Sorcerer want to live they will get away, and wait out cd's and come back and beat you because they have to much utility.


Yes you have made us aware that you can't beat not a sorc as a post 3.0 operative but also not even your shadow.

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bastion doesnt need to be completely removed it just needs to be nerfed because it absorbs too much damage

sorcs were meant to be focused thats why lightning and madness have such high mobility now


Rare bit of honesty here. People want free kills. It's that simple.

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Pretty sure mercs would still be the first target without bastion. You still have an anti focus button with barrier whereas mercs do not.


Pretty sure you haven't played arenas since s01 then.


EDIT: Think of your underpowered sin being without any dcds and phase walk on a 3min cd ;)

Edited by MusicRider
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Pretty sure mercs would still be the first target without bastion. You still have an anti focus button with barrier whereas mercs do not.


Pretty sure you don't know what it was like before Enduring Bastion. Barrier was just delaying the inevitable. You all just plain out are ignoring that there were very good reasons it was added in the first place. To wit, Barrier wasn't doing what the devs intended.


This is why I just shake my head when people complain about this or Focused Defense or Vanish or GBTF in the old days. These powers were designed purely to save a player from being focused. And the main complaint has always been that they do exactly what they are designed to do. The devs need to unnerf GBTF/UR and give Troopers/Bounty Hunters a comparable escape.

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I think the 'issue' people have is simply seeing the numbers on the chart and think its absurd. But the chart really doesn't mean squat in many cases, and spreading dots or FS spam is simply fluff damage that is easily healed through.


Whenever I have crazy numbers on my sorc alt, it's usually a voidstar where I got to cast FS repeatedly on a door against clumped targets, usually not killing any of them because of the scoundrel or mando healers are healing through the damage easily. I can get the same result on my sniper if I spam suppressive fire under similar conditions, and no one says I'm broken.


I often find in these cases, there is usually an opposing healer(s) who have nearly healed out all the damage I did, and we still wind up losing.

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If you have 3 ppl on a dps sorc and can't kill it you are 100 percent bad.players.


When it is 3 of them sitting together and following each other around healing and bubbling with focused heals you can maybe get 1 down.

Edited by Zadtro
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I really do think people are over reacting. The same happened to concealment and they were nerfed into the ground. I hate seeing that happen when it's really not needed. Once you focus a sorc they die fairly quick. My conclusion is if you can't kill them your under geared or not very good at pvp or perhaps both.


Sorcerers I think are balanced. Yes they top damage on more occasions but to balance that they die fairly fast.


If you must wave a nerf bat, surely hatred assassins and pt ap need a look at? they top damage and and are a lot more durable.

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Bioware you need to address some class balance issues badly. Sorcs are just flat out absurd right now. Surely you can see the game metrics and know how stupidly overpowered sorcs are right now. I've consistently seen match after match of sorcs doing 1.2+mill damage and 350+k healing. Bubbles need a cool down and healing needs to be needed. No other class is capable of this. Also their ability that makes them immune to everything and can't be interrupted. One on one they are almost unkillable.


Seriously, it's just dumb at this point.


This has to be the crazyest post I have even seen when PT Merc Mar and Juggs can hit for 15k in a single attack and you want to ***** about a sorcs. Oh and I seen a sniper in ranked hit for 19k against a sorcs. Hardest hit I have got so far on my sorc is 8k and I am 3 enhancement away from being fully min max so how is a sniper single target hits almost 3x harder.

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I really do think people are over reacting. The same happened to concealment and they were nerfed into the ground. I hate seeing that happen when it's really not needed. Once you focus a sorc they die fairly quick. My conclusion is if you can't kill them your under geared or not very good at pvp or perhaps both.


Sorcerers I think are balanced. Yes they top damage on more occasions but to balance that they die fairly fast.


If you must wave a nerf bat, surely hatred assassins and pt ap need a look at? they top damage and and are a lot more durable.


i agree mostly, but then force storm is obviously too strong atm and should be fixed as soon as possible. If there is even a chance i can hit 2 people, i'm kinda forced to use force storm over anything else i have, and it's boring and overpowered. imho

Edited by sanchito
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I really do think people are over reacting. The same happened to concealment and they were nerfed into the ground. I hate seeing that happen when it's really not needed. Once you focus a sorc they die fairly quick. My conclusion is if you can't kill them your under geared or not very good at pvp or perhaps both.


Sorcerers I think are balanced. Yes they top damage on more occasions but to balance that they die fairly fast.


If you must wave a nerf bat, surely hatred assassins and pt ap need a look at? they top damage and and are a lot more durable.


Do you happen to main a sorc?


I agree that PT & sin need a bit of a nerf but that doesn't take the attention away from sorcs needing it too.

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Do you happen to main a sorc?


I agree that PT & sin need a bit of a nerf but that doesn't take the attention away from sorcs needing it too.


Nope. I main a concealment op. I have got a powertech though. I ran pyro prior to 3.0 and loved it. Tried new ap and hated it. It really is easy mode now. My powertech is shelved until some changed are made.

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The game is just as balanced as it could be, there are no OP classes every class has its weakness as does its strengths, what people don't understand is this is a team oriented game especially in PvP. All they did was give the Sorc/Sage survivability


Too much IMHO.

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As a sage/sorc, I hate Vig Guardian, VG and Serenity Shadow. If you want to pressure a sage/sorc role one of the these or their imp equivalent. Always QQing.


You have a good point :p


Focus guardian can deal 20k quickly and that will give someone something to think about xD I wouldn't say the are OP at the moment, i honestly recommend a PT/VG because the cannon is just awesome.

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