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Carnage Marauder Pvp


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Hello there fellow swtor friends, I've recently been loving my carnage marauder, but recently in pvp in 3.0 i've had some issues doing high damage before I die. My question is, how do you guys play marauder in pvp? What stats should i go for? Usually I open with Force Charge, Gore, Ravage, Force Rend. My second Gore window I will open with Gore, Ravage 2 Massacres. My issue is that I cannot 1v1 anyone, rarely I can kill anyone. Idk, any advice you guys could give me on some pvp tips for marauder would be great. I love the class to death but getting destroyed by a guardian, sorcerer, Jedi shadow is a bit discouraging especially if I cant kill them. Anyway, thanks for reading this and please leave some tips for pvp! Thanks =D -Arkadil
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Hello there fellow swtor friends, I've recently been loving my carnage marauder, but recently in pvp in 3.0 i've had some issues doing high damage before I die. My question is, how do you guys play marauder in pvp? What stats should i go for? Usually I open with Force Charge, Gore, Ravage, Force Rend. My second Gore window I will open with Gore, Ravage 2 Massacres. My issue is that I cannot 1v1 anyone, rarely I can kill anyone. Idk, any advice you guys could give me on some pvp tips for marauder would be great. I love the class to death but getting destroyed by a guardian, sorcerer, Jedi shadow is a bit discouraging especially if I cant kill them. Anyway, thanks for reading this and please leave some tips for pvp! Thanks =D -Arkadil


If you want an easy time, do what the guy above me said. If you want to stick with Mara, thick and thin, then you need work on your rotation a bit. 1st, your Gore window is 3 seconds, so it's imperitive that you get a devastating blast in there at some point. If you can fit a ravage and a DB in on the same gore window, that's even better. But DB is more important than Ravage.


Granted, I'm no pro at Mara and I don't necessarily follow rotations so I'm probably not the best person to listen to.

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Priority outside of a berserk should be a blast and throw in the gore window. carnage PVP isn't in my opinion about running a rotation it's about priority. If I can get a gore ravage in because I need immobilze someone then I do it. But if I'm waiting on CDs and ravage is the only thing ready - I use it.



In my opinion, the spec is less based on the previous gore- ravage- scream. And more on blast and throw. That said we have a number of burst options.


1: Gore-blast-throw of course you want to get an execute proc up first.


2: gore-ravage only cost 1 rage so it works great, but I nirmally only do this if someone is already stunned. Because at the start of an Arena they can simply KB you.


3: berserk - gore - ravage - blast - throw . The throw won't make the gore window but if you haven't ravaged yet you'll get the auto crit from the set bonus. If get the whole thing off it hits realllly hard. And with blast and throw being 10m it's easy to get it in.


4: breaker - gore - massacre spam. I find that I am often swimming in rage in WZs so I situationally throw that in.


For PvP - especially arenas I often forego using beserk more than once for the option of keeping predation up for my team. It gives my team mobility and a 10% defense buff.

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