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  1. I think Mercs should stay the way they are tbh. The reflect ability is pretty easy to spot and the moment it goes up, I just go to a different target and wait it out, then jump back. I've made many mercs/mandos back pedal super hard by just being patient, and that's with a Marauder. Sin's are fun to go against. They have enough DCD's and CC's that actually beating one feels like an accomplishment. Though screw that piss puddle of doom ability sins have now. Never been parried so much before in my life.
  2. The soft-cap on Crit is somewhere near 40 - 45 if I remember correctly (please don't quote me on this). I could be wrong because it's been a while since I've played Fury (last time I played Fury was actually when it became Fury from Rage), but I believe your stat priority should be: Crit -> Power -> Mastery Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm going off of memory for this.
  3. So I'm not going to make some huge thread about this, but I'm genuinely confused. I've been PvPing since launch, first as an assasin dps/tank hybrid (The glory days amirite?) and then as a marauder (my main is now the marauder). So here's what I need explained to me. How are Mercs OP? Everyone is complaining about mercs, yet I have more problems with assassins than I do with mercs. Everyone is complaining about mercs, and I just got yelled at in gen chat because I said mercs weren't OP, but I have yet to see anything Mercs have/can do that doesn't have an easy work around. Someone help me understand this. Shouldn't we be complaining about how they took away our beloved stat of expertise instead? Is this because of an influx of new PvPers trying to grind out some easy CXP or is it genuinely a problem?
  4. If you want an easy time, do what the guy above me said. If you want to stick with Mara, thick and thin, then you need work on your rotation a bit. 1st, your Gore window is 3 seconds, so it's imperitive that you get a devastating blast in there at some point. If you can fit a ravage and a DB in on the same gore window, that's even better. But DB is more important than Ravage. Granted, I'm no pro at Mara and I don't necessarily follow rotations so I'm probably not the best person to listen to.
  5. It could be worse. You could be a Mara/Sent and not even exist in the proximity of said barrel.
  6. Check it out if you want! http://www.twitch.tv/mgagne002 I am also a follower of Keensaucery (The guy with the stream below) so if you haven't checked him out, please do so!
  7. Thanks man, I appreciate the shoutout
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