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Mercenary DPS Guide: Innovative Ordinance


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From the looks of things some of these rotations are using a hard cast Power Shot/Charged Bolts to proc Mag. Personally I think this is a huge no no. It might work well on a target dummy, but in a real ops it's only gong to be a handicap.


Leave Power Shot/Charged Bolt for your Instant Proc and save your hard casts for filler/serated. Personally the only essential static ability you want to hard cast in your rotation is serated. Even then you can pop your instant CD for emergencies to keep your rotation flowing during constant movement for upwards of 3 full rotation blocks, 22.5 seconds (2/5 Ravagers anyone?).


With this rotation you can keep the 7.5 sec Mag going strong even when on the move 100% of the time by using an Unload/Fullauto to proc one Mag and the instant PS/CB to proc the other.


This to me is essential for actual operations and any deviation is simply a target dummy rotation for bigger numbers.


Yeah.. You're right.. But me, Medin and TACe are mostly just playing around the optimal position of IM, SS, TD, and our fillers... Not about hard-casting or not PS...


I'm gonna get in front of the 198 ops vendor and calculate the optimal stats sometime this week.. So Sunday I should have at least a rough draft backed by maths of the best stat distribution.. Maybe one week to math the augments for every interresting permutation of accuracy/tertiary/secondary.

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Yeah.. You're right.. But me, Medin and TACe are mostly just playing around the optimal position of IM, SS, TD, and our fillers... Not about hard-casting or not PS...


I'm gonna get in front of the 198 ops vendor and calculate the optimal stats sometime this week.. So Sunday I should have at least a rough draft backed by maths of the best stat distribution.. Maybe one week to math the augments for every interesting permutation of accuracy/tertiary/secondary.


Yea, I know some already understand. but it seems like a lot of people are just looking for numbers on a target dummy and are not taking into account actual operations. Figured someone should lay it out so they don't keep going down a path that is just going to be a headache in actual ops.


I look forward to seeing your calculations for stats.

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I wasn't saying mine is optimal. Its what I'm using now and it does work. I get the 1.5s loss at the start but, EN up front will get me six dots on the boss while my adrenal and supercharge gas are active. Even the relics could be active.


By the way, you have 11 GCDs in your rotation. I'm guessing "Mag" doesn't belong in there.



SS > MS > PS (StB) > rotation


MS > IM > TD > Mag > Filler > Un > Filler > SS > MS > PS (StB)...


I like the flexibility of the ones like this, using UL for one of the IPA procs. It will help more once we ditch our +15% PS crit set pieces.

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In an operation, when ads spawn, should you not use the rotation of SS->ED switch to next target IM->FM then continue rotation on Main Boss.


My reasoning is the ED with distribute the bleed dealt by SS to all targets around the ad and FM distributes the burn dot to all targets around. Effectively you would of spread both DoTs to all ads if the offtank was able to get them all on him.


You could even lay DFA instantly after and the Merc IO should be on add responsibility all the time.


Secondly, I know it was mentioned that one should not take power overrides as a utility, giving you to insta-cast your next 2 channeled cast's. Wouldn't you love to be able to have PS proc MS then immediately use SS instantly to spread/refresh your main DoT without an activation time. I know that it procs but to have another ability to spread that DoT instantly to any other baddy during the 15s window that it will not proc.


Food for thought

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I wasn't saying mine is optimal. Its what I'm using now and it does work. I get the 1.5s loss at the start but, EN up front will get me six dots on the boss while my adrenal and supercharge gas are active. Even the relics could be active.


By the way, you have 11 GCDs in your rotation. I'm guessing "Mag" doesn't belong in there.




I like the flexibility of the ones like this, using UL for one of the IPA procs. It will help more once we ditch our +15% PS crit set pieces.


Yeah... I made a mistake.. It's


SS > MS > PS (StB) > rotation


IM > TD > MS > Filler > Un > Filler > SS > MS > PS (StB)



My bad..

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Its actually:


Sweeping Blasters away from target -> Wait 7 seconds -> IR -> SS -> MS -> PS (StB)


SS > IM Is better.. Don't forget the elemental damage boost from SS bleed.... My problem comes more from clipping IM.. the first MS being free and proccing Plasma makes the second regen 5 heat which i good enough.

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I still have to test all augments.. But for now, maths are saying BiS would be around 50-80 crit and 120 alacrity. I'll post graph curves and everything one I'm done.


Just checking if your accounting for the pretty much 100% uptime on the +10% surge passive. That would make crit worth a bit more as a stat.

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Just checking if your accounting for the pretty much 100% uptime on the +10% surge passive. That would make crit worth a bit more as a stat.


I didn,t account for the relics.. Too wild to follow and not that useful at all.. I accounted for the 2p and 6p..


But what are you talking about??? 4p isn't about 10% surge.. There is no 10% surge buff in the discipline.. Nothing I can see at least.

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I didn,t account for the relics.. Too wild to follow and not that useful at all.. I accounted for the 2p and 6p..


But what are you talking about??? 4p isn't about 10% surge.. There is no 10% surge buff in the discipline.. Nothing I can see at least.


There is a passive for all mercs that dealing a crit grants 10% bonus surge for 6 seconds. Its pretty much up at all times

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Advanced Targetting.. I forgot about this one /slam face in desk....


As for relics, they do have a pretty big impact. You could always do it the lazy way like I do and just use an estimated lockout of 23 seconds (I saw that as the average once and thought "That looks good, I will use that from now on!") which means an 890 power proc is a boost of ~232 power on average (which when doubled to account for having 2 relics means crit is going to get more benefit).

Mainstat is a little more tricky to calculate the crit, but its not that bad


Or you can just be incredibly lazy and say:



Power boost from relics: 410

Crit boost from relics: 1.325%



Power boost from relics: 430

Crit boost from relics: 1.375%



Power boost from relics: 450

Crit boost from relics: 1.425%


The numbers are going to be off (lower than expected), but its far better than not accounting for them at all.

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As for relics, they do have a pretty big impact. You could always do it the lazy way like I do and just use an estimated lockout of 23 seconds (I saw that as the average once and thought "That looks good, I will use that from now on!") which means an 890 power proc is a boost of ~232 power on average (which when doubled to account for having 2 relics means crit is going to get more benefit).

Mainstat is a little more tricky to calculate the crit, but its not that bad


Or you can just be incredibly lazy and say:



Power boost from relics: 410

Crit boost from relics: 1.325%



Power boost from relics: 430

Crit boost from relics: 1.375%



Power boost from relics: 450

Crit boost from relics: 1.425%


The numbers are going to be off (lower than expected), but its far better than not accounting for them at all.


30% for an event to happen... Last 6 sec with a lock out of 20s.. On average you say it will proc every 23s??


But you only have 1-0.7^2 = 0,51... So 50% chance to make it happens.. Guess it can be good enough. Between the ICD and the chance to happen you would have 6/26 = 23% uptime on this buff.


For Advanced Targeting... You have crit% chance to trigger it. Assuming 25% crit chance, it means you will proc it before it ends in 1-0.75^4 = 68% Not really enough to be a 100% uptime... if you consider 12s and 8 GCD's, you get to 89% chance to proc it... So I would probably say it looks more like a 70-80% uptime depending on your luck...


But you're right about both.. Their impact is kinda to important to left out..

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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For Advanced Targeting... You have crit% chance to trigger it. Assuming 25% crit chance, it means you will proc it before it ends in 1-0.75^4 = 68% Not really enough to be a 100% uptime... if you consider 12s and 8 GCD's, you get to 89% chance to proc it... So I would probably say it looks more like a 70-80% uptime depending on your luck...


But you're right about both.. Their impact is kinda to important to left out..


Well my Starparse shows an average of 97% uptime on Advanced Targeting from this weeks Ravagers and Temple when I was doing damage. Any crit can proc it, u have 3 DoTs running on the target, Hammer Shots hitting 6-7 times in a single GCD etc.


I'm sitting on 29% ranged crit chance give or take. I'm actually toying with the idea of dumping surge enhancement or two in favor of Alactricity. I don't want to augment for tertiary stats.


Also is there any Mando who could post a parse? Im currently in 186s (crafted enhancements) 192 OH, MS relic (power relic is Obroan) and 1implant, no Alactricity, MS augs and I'm averaging around 4k DPS.


Seeing u Mercs hitting 4,5k+ makes me wonder what gear u have? Fact is the MS relic alone did 100-200 DPS boost but still...

Edited by spudik
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After having included relics uptime (23%) and Target Lock (100%), I end up with 120 alacrity, 500-550 crit and main stat augments (except one accuracy)


Don't go over 500 crit, DPS begins to fall 'quickly' after that.


I'll test out a few other augment such as one alacrity.... But full main stat comes out ahead of power-crit by 30 DPS.


Another interresting fact is that 500 crit have higher DPS during the standard rotation, but during execute phase, 550 gives higher DPS... But it is kinda moot.. The difference isn't even 0.5 DPS.

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Well my Starparse shows an average of 97% uptime on Advanced Targeting from this weeks Ravagers and Temple when I was doing damage. Any crit can proc it, u have 3 DoTs running on the target, Hammer Shots hitting 6-7 times in a single GCD etc.


I'm sitting on 29% ranged crit chance give or take. I'm actually toying with the idea of dumping surge enhancement or two in favor of Alactricity. I don't want to augment for tertiary stats.


Also is there any Mando who could post a parse? Im currently in 186s (crafted enhancements) 192 OH, MS relic (power relic is Obroan) and 1implant, no Alactricity, MS augs and I'm averaging around 4k DPS.


Seeing u Mercs hitting 4,5k+ makes me wonder what gear u have? Fact is the MS relic alone did 100-200 DPS boost but still...


I'm actually going to do a quick test to see if the crit that procs advanced targetting will also be affected by it, because if it does than they may as well give +10% surge to you automatically.

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