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Devs fix our class Sign this Petition to get them to listen


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I already backed this and I can see the thread grew nicely but... have we had any success in drawing any BW attention yet? Do we actually know of anybody from "the office" was looking or at least suggested they would look into this issue? :(


Sadly, I would be surprised if they did... :(

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Ok yeah it took me awhile to sign this but its is true. Sentinels, even well geared ones die constantly unless there are tons of heals and even then being constantly rooted and chain stunned we drop like flies. Please fix our class so we can at least compete in PVP.



Edited by Johnnortiz
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/Sign anyway. Even if they don't listen.


My concerns are in line with what everyone is saying, I think both utility AND DPS need reworks. The DPS at least from a PvE perspective on fights where our uptime is effectively screwed. I don't know how you make up for it, because on some fights we can do fine (not amazing compared to other classes, but ok) but in general it's lacking. It still feels like a need for a raw increase though.


And please fix undying, ugh... At the least health consumed on cast. But how about 10% health lost? or none? I mean really why do we have to suffer so hard there, when the CD on SW is awful? Force camo is another great CD, but its my speed CD AND a DCD, now I gotta cleanse with it, you're breaking my balls here BW... :(

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After three years plus the beta period, it really feels like Bioware doesn't know how to get this class right. Not that they haven't done some good things or that they don't generally know what they're doing, but conceptually aren't sure how to get the right fit. I've just started playing a vigilance spec Guardian and that spec feels like a combination of Watchman and Combat, it feels solid. I've played a Combat sent as my main since launch and while I seriously love the class, its fun, but it also really feels like its missing that something that makes it feel solid.


Our utilities need a lot of work, somethings feel like they should be combined or just tossed out, and in the case of Defensive Forms and the centering aspect of Contemplation made a base class thing. Defensive forms an early teen level thing, and contemplation around 55 in my opinion. So we don't get them earlier really, but we get them.


As far as improvements to the class go, I'll leave most of that up to others, I just want to put out there that the defensive form for Ataru has always seemed rather weak to me. To better our CC situation, I think having reduced CC effects built into it would suit it very well, at least things that hamper movement..


Just my two or three creds.

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Ah didnt you ppl learn they dont care about these classes move on. When was the last time they even said they would look at it ?


If you ask something about Store items you get answer , (Admin is there even for private chat to help you) but when ppl who pay for this game and thread that have over 7 k views try to get help or answer....nobody there!!!!!

They just try to get more and more money Items from stupid fanboys and thats there strategy. No open pvp, no balance and sent/maro are in rbg unplayable...gj BW!

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I know it's the Holidays and all... but a simple "we hear you guys, give us a chance to look it over" would go miles here. It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth when overwhelming dissatisfaction with a set of changes is met with silence.


/Signed (again)

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