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Abilities Lag / Combat Lag


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Seems absolutely horrendous on Belsavis ever since 3.0, was non existent beforehand. Chat was filled by people upset dealing with it. We're talking about pressing an ability, pressing them again.....pressing them again....go to commercial....come back.....then see what happened......that kind of delay. Sometimes you see the character start to attempt the ability with every press but doesn't actually completely execute it. Try four times, then you use something else, then it finally executes the first ability you were trying before. At times there's just staring contests mid fight. It's horrible. Must be addressed.




No frame rate or other sort of lag is occurring in this example travelling about the planet, etc.

Edited by Code_Airwolf
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Hey folks,


First off, I apologize if you feel that we haven't communicated around looking into the lag/delay issues which have been happening since 3.0 launched. When 3.0 / SoR early access started there were quite a few issues around things like ability delay. We worked very quickly to make some changes to our "instances" in order to help alleviate those problems.


Since then we have been monitoring lag across the game and making adjustments as best we can to remove any issues that players are experiencing. Tomorrow we are adjusting things further in hopes that this will further improve performance or even completely remove those issues. That said, we are always going to be looking at performance and making improvements where possible. We want you to have the best experience you can while journeying through Rishi and Yavin 4!




From here:



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Happening on Korriban as well. Started a new Jugg up last night and it would take at least 5 to 10 seconds for any ability to activate. Pushed through it as I leaned on Vette for DPS and logged off when I made it to the fleet. Started the game up today and the entire game lags; cutscenes, character selection screen, loading screens, in game.


Guess EA finally said **** it, pull the plug.

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Lag is NOT fixed! Makeb is unplayable at times.


Yup, was on Makeb today and literally had spikes of 3-10 seconds during combat where nothing was happening on screen despite being in combat.


I normally don't complain about lag as I'm a 20+ year vet of MMORPGs and know lag comes with the territory in these games


but the lag on Makeb today went above and beyond acceptable standards of any kind.

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As above has said, never bother with lag complaints, but logged into my 43 Sniper on BELSAVIS, after giving it a week and another patch.




You devs have got to login to Belsavis and actually play and see there is a very real issue and fix it already.


3 weeks is to long, no wonder people want a month free as this is the length of time it will be by next patch!


Worst the game has ever been in!

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Maybe the servers weren't prepared for all those people returning for SoR


Would explain their solution: If the lag itself and "customer service" just peddling "discounted" gambling packs drive away enough players, the lag will be gone in a month or two.

Edited by Mubrak
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I have had this odd lag after the newest patch and its been HORRID! I have a very over powered pc for this game and have had no issues with hardware lag ever. All of the games that are graphic-intensive like Metro Redux and others that are in need of a powerhouse of a pc to run at highest settings, have no issues. I love SWTOR and its practically unplayable. You tell it to do a move and 1-3 sec. later it does it, and lets not even talk about PVP! Sometimes I will do a force lightning area attack and the move is almost over before the first enemy is even hit.


This happens on any character or planet I go to. Same thing. I think its been the worse the last 3-7 days-ish. At first I thought it was just due to the new graphics needing to be tweeked and such but it happens on all planets.


Another odd thing is that the "server lag" was like 30-40ish most of the times. Thats pretty normal and very playable in the past but its acting like its a 500 ping or worse. Again, I play many games and no others have any issues.

Edited by MythicEvil
Horrid spelling & typos
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I'm getting huge lag spikes as of 3.0. Never had this kind of problem before. On any planet too....

This is sad as I was planning to quit FFXIV to come back to SWTOR. :confused:


The new expansion is awesome except for the lag issues! It is worth you coming back but I wouldnt blaim you for wanting to wait til the lag issues are fixed but I do love the new content!

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Just adding my voice to this thread by saying that I, too, am experiencing lag issues on every planet I've been to. I'm sure it's a server population thing. Otherwise, the new content has been great. I like that class stories have been advanced a bit, and I love the Revan/Emperor conflict.
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yeah the lag and all the problems are fixed... tell me another joke lol the game is so unplayable due to lag and ability delays, it is on every planet, on every toon on every server with everything you do! and even in your own stronghold too! I am now the second to last in my guild, everyone else has left, unsubbed and left! including the guild leader and all due to the constant lag issues, ability delay issues and the shockingly bad customer service!. Don't bother putting in a ticket, all you get is a automated droid reply blaming your pc, yeah i have a ton of them in my inbox now! so why bother?. when it gets to the only thing left to do is craft, and it takes you ten seconds to even open your locker in your strong hold... yeah what point is there in remaining in the game? that may i remind you bioware.. WE PAY FOR! i am subbed for a little longer, but when it runs out i am most definatly not re subbing unless this game is fixed! and frankly i cannot see this happening, what a shame, such potential with this game. oh well there are other games i guess, i've been here over two years and i've never seen it this bad, i wonder if things CAN be fixed. sad to leave, but i'm not paying for something that i cannot play, bought this new computer just for this game, was totally fine till 3.0, but even this fine computer cannot help me with the lag/delays. i'm a sad starwars fan!
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It's still bad, even worse than immediately after 3.0 hit. For some reason Belsavis is the worst of all, consistently.


I have never seen it like this. Ability delays of up to 10 seconds, very commonly about 5. GCDs with no ability going off, or several GCDs with nothing happening...or press key and nothing, no GCD....or the GCD begins and stops.


Attack NPC..which suddenly appears elsewhere, or use a gap closer and land somewhere that the NPC is not located. Companions mysteriously die on elevators frequently. They are often completely unresponsive...back track more than 30 meters and stand there....seem follow the weirdest pathing, going in odd directions.


It is indeed chronic. I see it everywhere though Belsavis is the worst by far. Honestly I have never seen it so bad. I just hope it can be fixed soon; playing with this state of affairs is not really feasible.

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Ever since 3.0 went live for me, the lag is just bad and unacceptable....if they expect me to keep paying for an unplayable game, then they are insane and need to get help. :-)


Same, still bad and really really annoying when you use an ability and it just takes so long the animation is already done and then the effect kicks in. Been like this since 3.0 and I've heard all manner of excuses, but now its no longer new users, or expansion, its just bad code...something was introduced that is dragging the game down.


please fix, I want to continue subscribing to finish my goals in-game!

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