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Underlurker Bugged


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Well, if I see everyone in the cross and the person recording the fight shows everyone in the cross, and the players all see themselves and others in the cross it points not to latency but an issue with the cross.


In one instance the cross was partially obscured by floor terrain and I'm now wondering if the floor contours have something to do with these issues.


Yes, we've been jumping since it seems to be the only way to ensure the server has your location but I also have to wonder at the sorry state of the game when you have to do something like this to ensure the game knows where you are.


Once again the ball is in EA/BW court. If they can't fix operations bugs months after those operations have been released it points to failures in their system, not failures in players to constantly work around mechanics and bug issues.

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So my guild has several raid groups going and each of the groups are running into the same issue. Are we clearing the boss? Yes but only because we are able to flat out heal through the dps the cross is doing. Every other cross we will see the magic green cross but the other times we get several crosses to appear after the channel. We will get a green cross and a yellow cross at the same time and someone takes some dmg or we will get a red and yellow cross and someone nearly dies or just flat out falls dead. On some occasions we will get a pure green cross and still take a big hit. We are hugging each other like a colony of penguins, jumping and yet we still get several crosses at once. Something I have also noticed since the patch is the locations of the falling rocks have gotten worse. Before the rocks would drop within the same areas but now the rocks are all over the place. One group had rocks fall and only two rocks were available instead of the three.


If this is really a server latency issue and not a bug then might I make a suggestion to help groups who are getting screwed despite doing the machinists the right way. Make the rocks drop in set locations or set general areas. If BW wants to have say 3 sets of locations in order to keep the RNG in the fight then fine, but at least those set locations will allow groups to react in a better manner then praying to the RNG gods for good rocks. Something really needs to be done as there are people who are leaving the game because of not just this issue but BW's silence on the matter.

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I really don't know what you all are doing here because i've seen bugs with the cross yes, but not anytime recently...


The jumping to update your character position is absolutely nothing new to the game... ever run DF HM/NiM on Czero?? always jump from the w/e it's called field... otherwise the server doesn't know your out.. very easy to get by..

This is easier, get to your spot, jump once, DPS for the next ~5s, go kill ads... I have a few times seen it bugged out to a yellow color and could never figure out what that was from, only slight bit of damage, nothing a normal heal can't handle.. when it's red someone was out or didn't jump.. and the server thinks they are out... If you have a vanguard tank have them aoe taunt before devastation hits... this is helpful even on green crosses... (especially if your back tank isn't actually a tank since 3-5 are solo-tankable)

Either your groups are very very unlucky or your doing something wrong.. The biggest issue I ever see in there now is ads not going down, either due to ****** DPS or AoE not hitting all the ads... If the ads don't go down they stack, and if you double up on 2 or more ads, your heals will be overwhelmed in a matter of seconds...

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This is a horrible bugged mechanic they should instantly review it because this is not quality gameplay at all.


Agreed, jumping to correct a bug is not a feature, its a bug. Now they want to run timed ops tournament through ravagers and tos but still have not addressed these bugs.

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Agreed, jumping to correct a bug is not a feature, its a bug. Now they want to run timed ops tournament through ravagers and tos but still have not addressed these bugs.


I'll say it again... there are many instances in previous operations where we had to jump in order to update our char position with the server... biggest one I remember being the anti-grav field on HM/NiM Corruptor Zero... If you didn't jump at the end it didn't matter how quickly you saw it.. you were caught (or how far out you were really..)..


And honestly I don't see what the big deal is to get to roughly your spot ( myself I usually jump INTO my spot... then DPS boss...) with a jump or jump once there... it's far better than the cross mechanic was a month ago.. it actually works now.

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I'll say it again... there are many instances in previous operations where we had to jump in order to update our char position with the server... biggest one I remember being the anti-grav field on HM/NiM Corruptor Zero... If you didn't jump at the end it didn't matter how quickly you saw it.. you were caught (or how far out you were really..)..


And honestly I don't see what the big deal is to get to roughly your spot ( myself I usually jump INTO my spot... then DPS boss...) with a jump or jump once there... it's far better than the cross mechanic was a month ago.. it actually works now.


Just because there are "many instances", at no time should you have to jump for the server to update your location. This points to a fault with the server/client communication that needs to be addressed if the Dev's are going to continue to add mechanics in that require pin point accuracy of player location.


Your harping on the subject does not magically make it a feature. It points to a distinct bug that needs fixed on EA/BW's side of the field. The existence of a work around does not make a bug no longer a bug.

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I never meant to say that it is a "feature...". I was only pointing out that it happens in many other areas of the game and i'm not software dev but, i'm pretty sure it has to do with the games engine and/or general lag in server communication times... I also really don't see it as that big of an issue, I tend to jump a lot when playing anyway.. especially when dodging out of stupid..


Now i've seen you run a lot of 16m ops and i'll be honest, I won't even run them ATM because they are exceptionally .. i hesitate to use the word... buggy (probably more like, laggy as **** as well as having elements of general chaos with the current bosses and 16 players.. on top of that some of them having tuning issues).. So, I know you probably like the ultimates from GF.. but, maybe you should run 8 mans because they're just easy as balls now... It's always been more difficult to get 16 people to work well together than 8 (thus why most of the serious raid teams run 8 mans..)


I'll tell ya one thing, the ultimate gear, is crap, just like it always was... My sage was decked out in 192/198 comm gear and stats were correct, I had trouble pushing 3800 dps.. now I have mostly 192 BiS gear and I can easily hit 4200 (also only have a 2pc set bonus.. with a 6 I would probably pull 4400+, and with the mods from that 4.6-4.8...)

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