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SoR & Revan


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  1. Revan is in stasis for 300 years
  2. Revan is defeated by Imperial strike-squad
  3. The LS portion of Revan dies at this point
  4. The DS portion of Revan...does stuff to escape (unknown)
  5. He realizes his followers (I believe he mentions Dromund Kaas) have more value than he previously thought
  6. He begins to accrue a massive following catching Lana/Theron's eye


LS Spirit mentions that he was perverted by the Emperor, presumably he's referring to the stasis he was held in. Yet LS Spirit maintained life throughout this and only fell at the hands of the Imp strike-squad. Where was Meetra? She should've been right beside Revan, as far as the novel states.


Why I'm trying to sum this up is, I really wanted to side with Revan when it came to the ritual. I feel like I missed something major. Was a direct result of the ritual, the Emperor's consumption of the entire galaxy? Or was it simply going to re-embody the Emperor? Was DS Revan under the direct control of the Emperor?


Pardon my ignorance, I always seem to miss these major plot points.

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Fanboying: Instead of LS Revan doing the spirit-dance, Meetra takes the hit during the Imp fight. Meetra sacrifices what little is left of her 'life-force' and becomes a void in the force (how Karpyshyn of me =P ) while Revan is left to continue his life's mission of exterminating the threat against the Republic.


Leaving the story with: Revan, Scourge, and the foreseen Knight (aka destroyer of the Emperor) the boss is actually the Emperor re-incarnated. The Emperor strikes Revan down, but the Knight saves Theron right before destroying the Emp's spirit.


File this under meaningless things on the interwebs.

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Oh I'm not trying to be convincing, more providing my pot-holed understanding. I'd love to see his timeline now that we have all the cards on the table.


As well, I found it odd his ire shifted from the Emperor to the entirety of the Sith species.

Edited by Kremsau
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Oh I'm not trying to be convincing, more providing my pot-holed understanding. I'd love to see his timeline now that we have all the cards on the table.


As well, I found it odd his ire shifted from the Emperor to the entirety of the Sith species.


Revan believed everything the Emperor had built should be destroyed, as seen

. As such, he probably referred to his Empire as well.


Plus, there's also this.


In other words, judging from that response, he believes the Imperial Agent is representative of the mindset comprising your average Imperial citizen.


As such, in his mind, Revan was right: Everything the Emperor touches or creates is intrinsically corrupt.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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why would you want to side with Revan? the man was WRONG!


His grand scheme was to ressurect the Emperor so he could kill him.


and had his plan worked do you wanna know what would have happened? he would have fought the emperor again... and Lost.. again


After 2 or 3 failures you;d think he'd realize "MAYBE I'M NOT THE CHOSEN ONE TO SINGLE HANDEDLY DEFEAT THE EMPEROR!"


I mean Albert Einstein once said that "doing the same thing over and over and expecting differnt results is the definition of insanity" and by that definition, yes Revan is completly nuts

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As such, in his mind, Revan was right: Everything the Emperor touches or creates is intrinsically corrupt.


I guess I'd romanticized this notion in my mind, and when push finally came to shove...I should've expected what we got. It felt so lackluster seeing it was Revan under the mask. I almost wish he'd shown more corruption. When I saw the face of the hero (plus a few burns) followed immediately by the notion of killing him, I was a bit conflicted.


and had his plan worked do you wanna know what would have happened? he would have fought the emperor again... and Lost.. again


In this case, the Knight was there. Scourge was there. Satele was there. I wouldn't rely on the Dark Side accomplices...because well...Scourge.

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  1. Revan is in stasis for 300 years
  2. Revan is defeated by Imperial strike-squad
  3. The LS portion of Revan dies at this point
  4. The DS portion of Revan...does stuff to escape (unknown)
  5. He realizes his followers (I believe he mentions Dromund Kaas) have more value than he previously thought
  6. He begins to accrue a massive following catching Lana/Theron's eye


LS Spirit mentions that he was perverted by the Emperor, presumably he's referring to the stasis he was held in. Yet LS Spirit maintained life throughout this and only fell at the hands of the Imp strike-squad. Where was Meetra? She should've been right beside Revan, as far as the novel states.


Why I'm trying to sum this up is, I really wanted to side with Revan when it came to the ritual. I feel like I missed something major. 1Was a direct result of the ritual, the Emperor's consumption of the entire galaxy? 2Or was it simply going to re-embody the Emperor? 3Was DS Revan under the direct control of the Emperor?


Pardon my ignorance, I always seem to miss these major plot points.


I've numbered your points:


1. Semi-direct, the Emperor would have consumed the Galaxy shortly after the Ritual via a 2nd ritual of his own design.

2. It would have re-embodied him at 100% strength (when the Knight fought him he was massively depowered from 3 failed rituals).

3. Revan was corrupted by the Emperor but not under his control (poisoned might be the best term).

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The DS portion of Revan...does stuff to escape (unknown)


Pretty sure he was using the same technique Sion did to keep going despite his body being logically incapable of supporting life. Which isn't unbelievable, they were both trained by Kreia.

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I have been trying to figure out the order of events re: Revan, so let me get this straight his LS spirit "died" during the imperial flashpoint (Foundry I think) after being released by the Republic (Maelstrom Prison).


But because of his actions in the foundry (i.e trying to commit genocide) he had already fallen back to the dark side by this point so why would his spirit have split at this point?)


Forgive my question or ignorance but I have not done the imperial flashpoint, and have only done the republic one 1/2 tops.

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I have been trying to figure out the order of events re: Revan, so let me get this straight his LS spirit "died" during the imperial flashpoint (Foundry I think) after being released by the Republic (Maelstrom Prison).


But because of his actions in the foundry (i.e trying to commit genocide) he had already fallen back to the dark side by this point so why would his spirit have split at this point?)


Forgive my question or ignorance but I have not done the imperial flashpoint, and have only done the republic one 1/2 tops.


By the time of the Foundry events, Revan was already split in two apparently, at least in spirit; They were simply housed in the same vessel, namely his body.


Call it a side effect from his fight of wills against the Emperor, in addition to the Dread Masters' meddling, throughout 300 years.


By the time Revan as a whole was defeated at the Foundry, his LS-halve decided it was time to depart and become one with the Force; alas, the DS-halve felt it was too soon, that he still needed to defeat the Emperor, to exact his revenge upon him.

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Pretty sure he was using the same technique Sion did to keep going despite his body being logically incapable of supporting life. Which isn't unbelievable, they were both trained by Kreia.


This is an excellent point that, I'm ashamed to admit , didn't cross my mind at all. DS Revan mimicking Sion seems very likely!

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