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Refund training costs [yes] / [no]


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I doubt they could tell who spent what.


Well.. I actually think that they could... but it would take effort to make it programmatic and bug free. And even then... people would insist and complain that they were not refunded the correct amount.. and a forum snowball of epic proportions would ensue.


Personally, I want them stomping on real bugs that are impacting the ability for some players to actually play. This teeth gnashing over retraining costs is way over blown and more then compensated for by the free training for life.

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So, "It's not. But L2P anyways"?


Nevermind I didn't come here to debate Sents/Maras. I came to say we didn't need credits refunded. I simply used that as an example of better things Devs could work on (and if you think Sent/Mara utilities are perfectly refined and polished, that's on you I guess; there's a whole lot of people that disagree, though, some of which are very prominent Sent/Mara players). Then Reno started the ad hominem attacks. My fault for responding I guess. I really should L2P the forums better.


Either way, I'm not getting into Sents/Maras in this thread. That's what THAT forum is for.


It wasn't an attack, it was a suggestion to help you get better at the game. No need for you to de-rail a thread about it. Anyways, we weren't getting a refund because it's pixels and not real money.

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Because this change was only done 1 week after 3.0 launched its only fair that all early access players get full refunds for all training they did from 56-60.


This would take away development time as it is a cs issue, the same as returning items is a cs issue.

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No refund. Early access got the ridiculous security chests which were the SWTOR version of food stamps....money for nothing. So it's basically a wash.


LOL spent 800k on new skills, opened one security chest and got 20k


hmmm it dosnt balance out for me ;)

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Full refund. Since, by removing them, you're admitting they were unnecessary in the first place. Therefore...

This argument is why we will never see the removal of modification extraction costs. If making skill training free generates this much QQ, can you imagine the QQ if they removed extraction costs?


This is why we can't have nice things.

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No why it is easy to make creds in this game omg my level 60 cost me 1 mill in training cost yet i made 11 mill last week at at crafting on my level 60. Seem like i need a refund 10 mill profit is just not enough


I am unsure how people make so much money so quickly.... I have not had 10 mill once in my life playing this game.

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I am unsure how people make so much money so quickly.... I have not had 10 mill once in my life playing this game.

Crafting. Particularly the early birds on the 186 gear.


The first few days a lot of that stuff was selling for 1-3 million each.

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I am unsure how people make so much money so quickly.... I have not had 10 mill once in my life playing this game.




Or, if your lazy, just send your crew members on constant gathering missions and sell the mats on the GTN.

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Either refund all training costs from Day 1 of pre-release way back years ago or get over it. Any other cut-off point is arbitrary.


Poll should have been yes or no only. I don't care is the equivalent of no. [/Quote]



Well not really. Personally I don't care but would welcome the refund. So not against it.


We don't have that many votes yet but the trend is interesting. Reminds me the polls on the tube shooter at the time.


I would have to agree in this case it should be Yes or No. Obviously only those that care in the sense of wanting it are going to say YES. Those that don't feel it's necessary are going to either vote No or Don't Care, so No got split across two answers. If they don't care, then it's not a big deal and they don't think it's necessary. That's a No.

Edited by Code_Airwolf
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I know, right??!? It's such a shame there's only one security chest in the entire game.


Oh wait ...


I only came across the one im afraid :(

I spent most of my time spending creds on new skills to get ready for a boss fight that couldnt be finished.....

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I think some refund should happen because it would be the right thing to do in this situation.


Dec 3rd we're told skill costs are correct and intended. 2 days later we are told they are removing all skill costs.


IF we don't get a refund it's no big deal but I do think given how it played out there should be one.

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I'm glad some other people's time is meaningless or they are so godly they can print their own money in the game, but that isn't the case for me. The loss of those credits was harsh for me even if it wasn't for "you". What really makes me angry was they couldn't even be bothered to sticky the post they said they would change it in which would have saved some people some credits at least.

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I'm glad some other people's time is meaningless or they are so godly they can print their own money in the game, but that isn't the case for me. The loss of those credits was harsh for me even if it wasn't for "you". What really makes me angry was they couldn't even be bothered to sticky the post they said they would change it in which would have saved some people some credits at least.


You sound jealous.

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I'm glad some other people's time is meaningless or they are so godly they can print their own money in the game, but that isn't the case for me. The loss of those credits was harsh for me even if it wasn't for "you". What really makes me angry was they couldn't even be bothered to sticky the post they said they would change it in which would have saved some people some credits at least.


exactly my thoughts too :)

They could have even put a message on our launchers seen as some people dont visit the forums often

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I'm glad some other people's time is meaningless or they are so godly they can print their own money in the game, but that isn't the case for me. The loss of those credits was harsh for me even if it wasn't for "you". What really makes me angry was they couldn't even be bothered to sticky the post they said they would change it in which would have saved some people some credits at least.


My time is not meaningless. (Well... maybe some of the time here on the forum is, but in general, my game time is not.)


That's why I spend a little time learning how to make enough money that in game credits are never a concern for me. I'm already well ahead of the credit total I had pre-3.0 despite leveling crew skills for 8 toons and leveling another to 60. (And re-buying loads of skills that would be free today.)


Again, it's not hard to make money, and it's not hard to learn to make money. In fact, it requires less effort than raging on the forums, and in my opinion, is far more rewarding.

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My time is not meaningless. (Well... maybe some of the time here on the forum is, but in general, my game time is not.)


That's why I spend a little time learning how to make enough money that in game credits are never a concern for me. I'm already well ahead of the credit total I had pre-3.0 despite leveling crew skills for 8 toons and leveling another to 60. (And re-buying loads of skills that would be free today.)


Again, it's not hard to make money, and it's not hard to learn to make money. In fact, it requires less effort than raging on the forums, and in my opinion, is far more rewarding.


Agreed, I am a very causal player. By that I mean, play one hour a day. Sometimes life is so busy I do not get to play until the weekends. Even then its like two or three hours.


But with that said, my characters are not hurting for money....so easy to make money. Learn to play the GTN game....very rewarding. $$$$$$$$$

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yes because they did the change so fast and it made all subs who preorder feel like idiots who pay for a beta.


that is why no more pre-orders for ea tittles.


if they dont do that, they will be punished when the time comes by players.



their attitude, to recall their mistakes before even the early access ends, made me to stop lvling my characters, they made me stop playing for a couple of days.. I was only did some dailies with the allready 2 60s i ve made... And I paid more than 2m for both 60s.

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