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Weekly GALACTIC CONFLICTS (level 60, 100% bugged).

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Listen, I don't care if it works for some of you, that's great and I'm glad it does, but it doesn't for a lot of us. I have dropped the weekly and picked it back up a couple times now after seeing it not register a completion, and it is still not working.


Don't insult us that are bugged, it's bad enough that I've done around 10 lvl 60 HM FPs and have missed out on Ultimates I've earned.


The circumstances of my situation are that I had the quest 'completed' and ready to turn in before 3.0. I'm thinking that's where the issue is coming from. It reset the quest when the patch went live but doesn't fully reset, even after I drop it and pick it back up again.


Is this the same circumstances for everyone? Did everyone that is bugged have the weekly ready to turn in pre-3.0? or is it just me?

Edited by Volcan
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I am experiencing the same bug. I completed two level 60 HM FP and it is showing 0/3 for the weekly. I did not have the pre 3.0 HM weekly before 3.0 launched if that matters to anyone. I have not tried dropping the weekly and picking it up again, but I will give it a shot tonight.


A guild mate is having the same problem, he submitted a ticket two days ago and has heard nothing.

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Pretty much everyone in my guild (pub side pot5) has this issue. Dropping and re-picking it up does nothing. The most aggravating thing about it is no matter how many tickets are sent or how many times this pops up on the forums the devs have yet to acknowledge it.
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Let me guess, you have run lvl 55 Hard Modes? Because that's actually the ones that count for the HM 60 weekly.


Not on my end. I did 3x 60 HMFPs and the Weekly dinged over.


I believe it can be bugged, sure. I've had times back with lvl 55 HMFPs were I didn't get credit.


As the poster one or two above said: have filed a ticket? Posting *here* requires the CS Team to forward it to QA. Opening tickets in-game will generate data for QA.

Edited by thewitchdoctor
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I dont understand why people that this quest work for keep arguing that its fixed, you were on all accounts that quest does not work for or what?


I retake my quest. I'm doing HM FP everyday for daily elites, but still have 0/3. Hope it will be fixed and we are not forgotten BW <3

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Guy guys ......... firstly. No the flashpoints are not to hard. They MIGHT FEEL hard because most are used at overgearing content. But guess what? ...... Now the gear is suddenly at the correct level and its hard again. Just try the lv55HM with all 4 people in ~150 gear. All of a sudden you think lv55 HMs are to hard and 'impossible'.


Anyways. Buckle up and stop slacking (pardon my wording)


Regarding the 0/3 weekly flashpoint bug I can say this.


Imperial side everything is peachy. Doing the new lv60 HM properly ticks off the weekly requirement and Tython 1st boss isn't bugged.

Republic side once again is borked. In order to complete the lv60 HM weekly you need to do the lv55 HM flashpoints. This currently can only be done manually since its not in the GF. This will be possible in 1 of the coming patches. Just check the devtracker.


Tactical weeklies I don't know if something is bugged or not. Havent payed attention to that one.


Owh and before someone goes off crying. Lv55 hardmodes are giving many more elite commendations than the lv60 HMs. Also they are easier because you overgear the content even further (please do note OVERGEARING :rak_03:)

And I guess that bioware will change the lootdrops in the lv60 HMs because basic comms in 60s vs elite comms in 55s doesnt make sense ;)

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Your OP states it is bugged '100%.'


It is not. That poster, a few others, and myself have all completed it. Therefore his post does add to the discussion.


It stinks that it was bugged for you (and some others), but it isn't 100% bugged. I have had this happen once or twice during 2.0 HMFP Weeklies.


As far as it being too hard: I disagree. They are hard, yes. But not impossibly so. I have had only one fail, on Korriban. My other DPS wasn't performing well and the healer couldn't do enough output to overcome the encounter as it was playing out. The next attempt I had a tank who was happy to rally the adds to him and a healer who could work through that. We succeeded. My point: they are hard now because they are new and we do not have the gear, experience and mindset. People ragequit probably because they were being carried before and cannot handle a group that cannot carry them now. (Or the reverse).


Note sure if this has been noted yet, but obviously some of you are talking about two entirely different things.


The question the OP is stating is not about the difficulty of the FP. It is about whether you get credit for Galactic Conflicts for completing them. I don't know if there was/is a bug or not, but the same FPs do not get credit for this as post 3.0. Only the tactical 'storyline' FPs now get credit for this (Rakata, Manaan, Tython, Koriban). I completed mine last night and did get credit. There maybe was a bug for getting credit, but I have not experienced it.

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I am at 0/3 still after dropping the weekly twice. Others in my guild have the same issue I am surprised its not a bigger issue here.


Patch notes are up, they say it will now work for Republic characters. So either it was only bugged for Pubs, or it's bugged for both and they're only fixing it for Pubs. Conspiracy theories........GO!

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