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Lvl 60 hm Fp's too hard?

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Droid in Korriban needs to be toned down a bit. Even with a very sharp healer and two rocking dps, we wiped three times before getting it. First boss on Tython is a major pain as well. Meanwhile, Rakata is laughably easy compared to the other three.


I would say the droid boss in Korriban is definitely a greater gear/skill check than can be expected of most pug DPS. The only time I have cleared it before the enrage was on my healer, and I was doing as much DPS as I could in between keeping people alive.

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I'd like to emphasize the last few posts. The difficulty in general is fine, but there are huge disparities both between whole flashpoints and between individual bosses in the FP. Someone gets Legacy of Rakata and will wonder what all the fuss about "too hard" is about; the next person gets Depths of Manaan and, well. Group kills the first boss in Assault on Tython, sweating blood, and will be scared to move on; then they get the second boss there and will wonder if a bug didn't suddenly turn the difficulty to pre-3.0 tactical level. And so on.

This "balancing against each other" could have been done better, in my opinion.

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All these same posts where seen when the level 55 content was released. You can't expect to face roll the new stuff until you are geared and know the fights. Some of the people I get in groupfinder have level 40 and 50 gear or have no clue what they are doing. If it's too hard look at your gear or watch a fight video and you will see the problem is one of those two things.
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Honestly, I'm sorry to say, but... it's just you. The new HMs are no harder than the 5 HMs when they came out. Bonus bosses aside, they are pretty easy,


really? then check out the bonus boss at "Depths of Manaan" FP.

try killing him with 3 other mates... it's almost as strong as Revan himself

at the mission "The Enemy Within"... over 2 million health and attacks that deal 15k damage

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Someone gets Legacy of Rakata and will wonder what all the fuss about "too hard" is about; the next person gets Depths of Manaan and, well. Group kills the first boss in Assault on Tython, sweating blood, and will be scared to move on.


now THAT'S the most true information in this post (including mine!)

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I'd like to emphasize the last few posts. The difficulty in general is fine, but there are huge disparities both between whole flashpoints and between individual bosses in the FP. Someone gets Legacy of Rakata and will wonder what all the fuss about "too hard" is about; the next person gets Depths of Manaan and, well. Group kills the first boss in Assault on Tython, sweating blood, and will be scared to move on; then they get the second boss there and will wonder if a bug didn't suddenly turn the difficulty to pre-3.0 tactical level. And so on.

This "balancing against each other" could have been done better, in my opinion.


I agree some of the flashpoints that are level 60 are doable however it is like a graph first it is way down then it goes to the extreme top to balanced bosses in the fights and the mobs that are trash is cutting through a tree with a lightsaber.


I think it was done sloppy, quick, and no effort at all.

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Yep, there are specific bosses that are completely over the top, while other bosses are complete push-overs. 2nd boss in HM Rakata, for example, isn't even as difficult as the 2nd boss in the Blood Hunt tactical flashpoint.


The second boss in Blood Hunt can go die in a fire with the idiotic punt mechanic coupled with healing stations right on the edge of the platform, and the numerous bugs that can cause the whole thing to reset.


It is a perfect example of the rushed and poorly designed content in 3.0 where one time you can do everything wrong, and still live (typically because you never pull aggro), then do everything right the next and get ganged up by both in last the phase, hammered to near death while stunned, knocked side ways, and punted off to your death - all in seconds and from any position on the platform.


Another useless but rather interesting stat....


Several HM Sparky kills on my 60 Sorc mostly on add duty so taking some add damge and getting some of the sunder stacks - total damage taken ~160K one fight, ~170K another.


Several attempts on the second boss in Blood Hunt with all 60s (who were doing pathetic damage as nothing was dying) on my 58 Sorc who ended up with threat most of the time even using Cloud Mind on CD - total damage taken ~210K on attempt (reset), ~280K (wipe), ~220K (reset).


Just why a character should expect to take substantially more damage in a leveling tactical fight without dedicated tanks and healers versus a HM level cap Operations fight is beyond me.

Edited by DawnAskham
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The Curve on these FP are much higher than previous (except Lost Island) which although it makes it fun for some, it means some lose all interest as they perceive it as impossible.


Tython I never do, first boss is far to buggy air strikes hit you even when your not in them! (please don't say jump, although that can work it should not be the case, that we have do stupid things to cover a broken game)

Mannan only ever do with a guild group, the last boss is to much of a DPS race to risk in a pug (once again, people continually wiping in here, will not encourage re-tries..)

Rakata and Korriban, the ones you choose when you've done the GF daily or going to pug.


I like the current FP they are a great challenge, but I can see how they will be an issue for some and could be detrimental for some people future in the game.


So for the OP I would suggest running Rakata and Korriban to gear up to 192 then try the other 2 FP.

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For the most part I've had pretty good runs with the level 60 HM's, what makes things difficult is people who haven't been there before who ask how the fight goes, ignore everything you say, then quit after their first death. But then again last night a group I was with facerolled Korriban Incursion 4 times & Manaan twice in 2 hours.
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They are actually fairly easy as long as you bring a plan to the fights, DPS'd and Healed them as well.... except for that Tython seem to be bugged on first boss and some of the bonus bosses can seem a bit weird then it is all OK


It is nice for once again having a challenge in those, it will wear over once people slowly get better gear again and finding some more keen knowledge in how to do stuff.


What they should add would be possible mk-2 loot instead of vendor mk-1 loot and well actually placing some better rewards in them as well or more rewards.... it is not like this is some kind of story mode FP where only one of the pieces is a 192 piece.


Other than that the difficulty is just right, it allow you further more to get the basic gear set which is entry to the new Ops as well unless min maxed with 180/186 gear already from HM & NiM DP/DF

Edited by SBR_QuorTek
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The flashpoints are HARD MODE and thats what they are, they are fine the way they are.

They require decent gear and a team that can co ordinate tactics.


Here's the thing, they're not really hard, except for three specific bosses:

Droid in Korriban (mechanics are fine, but his randomly selected attacks spit out way too much damage for non-tanks to soak during that last 20%)

Merc in Tython (bugged, and when the shields are bugged the adds plus the boss kick out more damage than anyone but a suberbly talented healer could possibly handle.

Final boss in Manaan (Luckily I haven't gotten this one yet)


If it's supposed to be this uber challenging flashpoint adventure, then why aren't all the bosses as hard as the three that are giving everyone problems? The last boss of Korriban Incursion, for example, is almost impossible to die to because he's such a pushover.


The big complaint is that they drop basic comms, and getting Rakata in the GF is like winning the lottery, because even with mouth-breathers as your dps, it's still very doable. And for the other three? A lot of work and a big repair bill for parsimonious rewards, due to a poorly tuned and reviewed roadblock boss.

Edited by nightsproull
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is it just me, or are the Lvl 60 hm Fp's impossible to beat? I've healed all levels in this game up till this point including hm ops.... But I have done 4 hm Fp's and not gotten past the 1st boss 1 time!!!!! Anyone else having the same problem? The damage is so fast and so much. Tanks are going down in 4 moves, and the aoe is impossible to keep up with. Is it just me?


Stop whining and suck less. Practice more!

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one think is they might be hard. That can be okay. But when the loot is a joke and just feels like a slap in the face. I barely see a reason to do HM 60's as they give basic. Should only be for the GF and weekly reward. What i saw drop in there was definitly not worth it
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Definitely not too hard, but they are challenging. It's all about working together, and also execution which are two things that players are lacking right now. I also see that they've kind of got the FPs ranked as Rakata (easiest), Korriban, Manaan, Tython (hardest) which is kind of backwards to me but oh well. I've pugged every single one of these to varying degrees of success. I've noticed that if players aren't in full 186 gear, you probably don't have enough dps to kill Stiv in Manaan, or the droid in Korriban to name the two most effected by lack of gear. I've noticed that players really struggle with the Imos fight's mechanics. I've seen players type out the correct way to do it in the chat box, but then when the fight gets going they are basically running around like a crazy fool. I had one dps guy on Imos type out what to do in the fight, and then continually stack on me (the healer) on the add phase for lord knows what reason. That fight is actually very simple. You burn boss, adds come, people to their corners, make sure you're on top of add, pop your dcs, orb strike comes in, everyone moves to the middle, healer pops heals, everyone back out to the adds, kills their adds first, then dps kills healers add. Rinse and repeat. It's the staying consistent that people have a problem with. Maybe we all have ADD or something. Korriban droid, don't stand in stupid, clean out the mines every so often, and burn boss.


TL DR version: When people decide to stop blaming things on bugs, and dedicate themselves to actually learning the mechanics, they'll start clearing the content quickly. Also, gear is important. If the gear is affecting game play, get some augments, use stims. Get better, quit cryin.

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I had one dps guy on Imos type out what to do in the fight, and then continually stack on me (the healer) on the add phase for lord knows what reason. That fight is actually very simple. You burn boss, adds come, people to their corners, make sure you're on top of add, pop your dcs, orb strike comes in, everyone moves to the middle, healer pops heals, everyone back out to the adds, kills their adds first, then dps kills healers add.


Actually, from what I have seen the easiest method for the Imos fight is for everyone to split up to drop their orbitals in each corner, then both DPS run to stack with the healer on his/her corner and rotate clockwise to the kill the adds one by one.


This is the best method because the adds are coded to attack whoever is closest to them. If the DPS and healer stack together then at least 2 of the adds will focus on the tank (3 if the DPS+healer stack correctly), and the remaining add(s) will most likely focus on a single person. This reduces the strain on the healer because it means he/she only needs to focus heal 2 people instead of 4 at once.


The other reason stacking is best: if you split DPS between 2 targets then both targets will die slowly and it will take a longer time for the incoming damage on the group to be reduced. However, if you focus fire on a single target it dies quickly, thus quickly reducing the strain on the healer.

Edited by Gardimuer
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Actually, from what I have seen the easiest method for the Imos fight is for everyone to split up to drop their orbitals in each corner, then both DPS run to stack with the healer on his/her corner and rotate clockwise to the kill the adds one by one.


This is the best method because the adds are coded to attack whoever is closest to them. If the DPS and healer stack together then at least 2 of the adds will focus on the tank (3 if the DPS+healer stack correctly), and the remaining add(s) will most likely focus on a single person. This reduces the strain on the healer because it means he/she only needs to focus heal 2 people instead of 4 at once.


The other reason stacking is best: if you split DPS between 2 targets then both targets will die slowly and it will take a longer time for the incoming damage on the group to be reduced. However, if you focus fire on a single target it dies quickly, thus quickly reducing the strain on the healer.


That makes a lot of sense. It makes me wonder why I've never cleared it using that method cause it certainly sounds easier in theory. I've only cleared it when the group takes the respective corners, and not when anyone has stacked on me.

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That makes a lot of sense. It makes me wonder why I've never cleared it using that method cause it certainly sounds easier in theory. I've only cleared it when the group takes the respective corners, and not when anyone has stacked on me.


In my experience, pug DPS tend to have issues remembering more than one direction at a time. "Stand in your corner" is easier for them to remember than "stand in your corner until the red circle comes down, then move to follow the healer."

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The rewards are definitely out of line with the difficulty. If at least the Rishi Maze gear was all optimized mods and enhancements for its level it may be worth 'downgrading' from the 186 basic comms gear to the 184 drops, but it's just the same crap, except lower rating.
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The rewards are definitely out of line with the difficulty. If at least the Rishi Maze gear was all optimized mods and enhancements for its level it may be worth 'downgrading' from the 186 basic comms gear to the 184 drops, but it's just the same crap, except lower rating.


IMO both flashpoints and sm ops should drop 192 non set bonus with unlettered mods instead of plain vendor massassi.

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TL DR version: When people decide to stop blaming things on bugs, and dedicate themselves to actually learning the mechanics, they'll start clearing the content quickly. Also, gear is important. If the gear is affecting game play, get some augments, use stims. Get better, quit cryin.


Except the Republic version *is* bugged, as 2 of the adds (specifically the ones on the right side as you go up the stairs) don't lose their shields. You have to run around the outside of the platform until the shield times out, then kill them while continuing to dodge the orbitals, and with all the crap lying around on the floor, jumping over it and possibly getting stuck gets old REALLY fast.

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