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Anyone else leaving SWTOR until 12xp comes back?


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I've always enjoyed leveling alts. The whole point for me is that they react differently to the same situation, and I want to experience that.



We don't live eternity, and our times have be to be spent wisely, be it work, romance, or entertainment such as this.


It is an undeniable truth that SWTOR forces you to repeat the same side quests 4 times on each faction when you start an alt. This means, after your first character, you are forced to spend over 150 hours of repetition with absolutely no entertainment value(unless you enjoy doing the same things over and over while leveling) to get a character to end game contents. That is a whole month of spending 5 hours a day, doing things that is not enjoyable.


After 12xp, I've tried to raise an alt, spent 30 hours to get to level 30 with all legacy unlocks and available boosts by repeating KDY like 30 times, then decided it's not worth my time. This is literally stupidest thing I could do with my leisure time. 99% games are more enjoyable and shorter than repeating the same SQ in SWTOR. I would rather play Ride to Hell:Retribution(the game that scored 1/10 in GS review.)


SWTOR does not have enough side quests to avoid repetition, and on top of that, those fillers are not even well-made. The time and efforts it takes to normally level up is simply not worth it. Bioware should seriously consider bringing back 12xp in CC or legacy unlock because otherwise the leveling contents are simply too awful to repeat after the first time and Bioware is not really getting long-term profit by taking it away when people don't bother to play like me.


I am unsubbing and I somehow doubt something like 12xp will ever come back. SWTOR felt very enjoyable while it lasted. :(

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You must have misunderstood my statement.


License to speak FOR ME, not to me. Meaning you defining what I mean in opposition to me doing so. I have to grant you that license, otherwise you are engaging in hyperbole. Obviously the person giving the opinion is a better source for that opinion's meaning than someone else.


This is hardly rough mefit. The only person you are making things rough on is yourself.


And, once again, my post history clearly demonstrates I welcome discourse. Yours on the other hand....


There is nothing wrong with you expressing your opinion. But your insistence on being combative has reduced your standing in this thread, and that is your doing.


And only you can reverse that.


Willcutt has said I am "PISSED" , Please with myself , and so on .

This is the internet and people with opinions will make statements as such .

You are being Biased , that is not speaking for you , it is telling you my observation of your post . You in return responded negatively and understandable

So no you do not welcome Debate or Discourse or Opinions .


I am not being Combative , having an opinion does not make me Combative .

Most of all I so not care what my standing is in a thread , obviously you do by that statement and not only that you seem to speak for everyone now .


I can and will stay the course.

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Or...if you wish folks to give your opinion merit you could choose to engage in dialog instead of hyperbole.


You are of course welcome to do as you wish, but I am puzzled as to why you would want to waste your time.


So now because we disagree it is Hyperbole .

Stating our Opinions is engaging in Dialog but now I guess it is Hyperbole I guess ......:rolleyes:


Is it a waste of time everytime you post ? So why would it be for others that disagree with you ?

Edited by mefit
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Maybe you weren't pissed, maybe it doesn't matter to you, but when you use hyperbole and extremes (like because I want to level an alt without grinding flashpoints or side quests I must want them removed and will never be content) then it looks like you're just being emotional.
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Willcutt has said I am "PISSED" , Please with myself , and so on .

This is the internet and people with opinions will make statements as such .

You are being Biased , that is not speaking for you , it is telling you my observation of your post . You in return responded negatively and understandable

So no you do not welcome Debate or Discourse or Opinions .


I am not being Combative , having an opinion does not make me Combative .

Most of all I so not care what my standing is in a thread , obviously you do by that statement and not only that you seem to speak for everyone now .


I can and will stay the course.


Well, if you wish to iceskate uphill I certainly can't stop you.


As far as you not caring about your standing in the thread....why wouldn't you? Why else would you post? Obviously you want your opinion heard and not ignored.


But again, I digress. Have at it.

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Maybe you weren't pissed, maybe it doesn't matter to you, but when you use hyperbole and extremes (like because I want to level an alt without grinding flashpoints or side quests I must want them removed and will never be content) then it looks like you're just being emotional.

Its not HyperBole no more than this thread making the assumption that players are going to leave until 12XP comes back .

Proof of it is in the posting , the game itself when you log in has more players in it before the new content and the 12xp . Granted at any day likely in a week or two it might go down back to the norm once everyone is done with the new content .


Now you are accusing me of being emotional , which I am not , I am not really swayed even with your attempting to put a mentality on me with these insults .

To be honest I expect it from years of seeing how people react to opinions that differ theirs .

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Lol I'm not insulting you dude. Just explaining why I thought you was pissed. I'm also not in agreement with the op. I'm not leaving because 12x is gone. But I can see why other people would. And I can see why 12x would draw more people. There are articles about what an amazing event it was all over the internet. I personally would love it. As I said before, it makes the game a million times more enjoyable to me. And as you stated before, you don't really care either way. (Hope bioware devs are taking notes here)
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Well, if you wish to iceskate uphill I certainly can't stop you.


As far as you not caring about your standing in the thread....why wouldn't you? Why else would you post? Obviously you want your opinion heard and not ignored.


But again, I digress. Have at it.

I do not think it is uphill , it is more like leveled ground , you want to go vertically down hill , which is faster and yes can be more fun a ride but can be dangerous .


I post to say my opinion in a game that I pay money into , just like you . You might wish everyone to like you , but I am just fine knowing you disagree and others disagree with things I might say or opinions I have .

After all I do not want to live in a world where everything is the same .


And sometimes yes Opinions are ignored , obviously the 12% is worthy of a debate as we are choosing to spend our time we could be doing something else in here .


You and the other poster I disagree with might think I disliking you and thinking the worst . I obviously understand two of us are not going to ultimately like the same things and I respect that .

I just give my examples of my opinion of what I believe will or could happen .


You thinking poor of me is your right but I am not going to lose sleep over it either .


Loved the movie Waiting !

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Lol I'm not insulting you dude. Just explaining why I thought you was pissed. I'm also not in agreement with the op. I'm not leaving because 12x is gone. But I can see why other people would. And I can see why 12x would draw more people. There are articles about what an amazing event it was all over the internet. I personally would love it. As I said before, it makes the game a million times more enjoyable to me. And as you stated before, you don't really care either way. (Hope bioware devs are taking notes here)


...lets not leave out that Bioware indicated it was a huge success....paraphrasing here of course.

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Lol I'm not insulting you dude. Just explaining why I thought you was pissed. I'm also not in agreement with the op. I'm not leaving because 12x is gone. But I can see why other people would. And I can see why 12x would draw more people. There are articles about what an amazing event it was all over the internet. I personally would love it. As I said before, it makes the game a million times more enjoyable to me. And as you stated before, you don't really care either way. (Hope bioware devs are taking notes here)


What world do you live in where you can say " That I am pissed " is not an insult ? I am one person in this thread of many who have disagreed with this but probably the only one that says either way I won't be bothered . Bioware taking note of that is not really good , they should take note of the strong disagreement and agreement .



I still say 50legacy should be the level to unlock it , Thus making you have to break out your own level of wants and likes to do other things and thus encouraging gameplay

Edited by mefit
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Is believing someone is pissed an insult? Sometimes I get pissed. There's nothing wrong with it. Being pissed that is. Its just a human emotion. Now I may not understand why people get pissed over certain things but its still not an insult. I've said I'm pissed off before. Was I insulting myself?
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A person can enjoy ALL the gameplay without being legacy 50. But I don't see what the devs would profit from by forcing players to partake in parts of the game they personally don't enjoy. For instance I hate pvp. Any mmo that forces me into it I'm gone like donky kong. A lot of players have stated that they don't want to roll alts because the thought of grinding flashpoints or sidequests again nauseates them. However they do want to see what the other class stories have to offer. All accessable 12x does is make the game more enjoyable for a wider audience. Edited by Willcutt
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I do not think it is uphill , it is more like leveled ground , you want to go vertically down hill , which is faster and yes can be more fun a ride but can be dangerous .


I post to say my opinion in a game that I pay money into , just like you . You might wish everyone to like you , but I am just fine knowing you disagree and others disagree with things I might say or opinions I have .

After all I do not want to live in a world where everything is the same .


And sometimes yes Opinions are ignored , obviously the 12% is worthy of a debate as we are choosing to spend our time we could be doing something else in here .


You and the other poster I disagree with might think I disliking you and thinking the worst . I obviously understand two of us are not going to ultimately like the same things and I respect that .

I just give my examples of my opinion of what I believe will or could happen .


You thinking poor of me is your right but I am not going to lose sleep over it either .


Ok, well let me be clear about a few things, just so there is no confusion.


I do not think poorly of YOU. If i gave that impression, I offer my apologies. I thought poorly of a FEW of your statements pertaining to the meaning of MY statements....that is all.


I also absolutely support your right to express your opinion, and appreciate that you do so. Simply because we do not agree on a certain point does NOT mean I do not appreciate the discourse.


Now...perhaps I was a bit hard on you. Perhaps I was not as eloquent in my speech as I should have been so my points would be clear. If that is the case, again, I offer apologies.


I have a strong disdain for those that define the meaning of my words. I always have. Instead, I prefer folks to ASK me what I mean by something that I say....and then I can define it. And I expect them to accept that definition.


Note that I did not ONCE define your words. I let you define them.


You indicated your opinion was that my opinion was biased. I disagreed. I indicated that your posts were hyperbole. You disagreed. That is all fine and good.


Where we met an impasse was when you decided to indicate what I was saying...they type of "so what your saying is" comment that I detest. That is where we had issue.


I do not think poorly of you mefit, and I will try to be more tolerant of your posts. I ask that you consider mine as well.


That way we can both have our say. And be heard.


Loved the movie Waiting !


Yes, one of my favorite movies of all time. :D

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Is believing someone is pissed an insult? Sometimes I get pissed. There's nothing wrong with it. Being pissed that is. Its just a human emotion. Now I may not understand why people get pissed over certain things but its still not an insult. I've said I'm pissed off before. Was I insulting myself?

Saying someone is pissed is pretty insulting . It does not matter what you get or not . You are putting an emotion on me and you stated several times I was emotional too .

Yet nothing I am doing is saying anything of emotion .


You are welcomed to say what you feel but to put it on others on what they feel is kinda insulting more so when I have not given anything of the sort to be believed as such .


I have stated that my thought of you is neither harsh or do I even dislike you . Heck I have no feeling towards you at all .

If you wish to continue to accuse me of being pissed and emotional , that is totally up to you . If that is you thing .



The only times playing MMOs since 97 have I ever been upset is

1) FF11 bringing in Casual Gameplay and ruining the game .

2) Archeage Publisher Trion being probably the poorest Company in the whole MMO world when it comes to Customers communication , fixing bugs, allowing everyone to hack and cheat with no punishment , and having probably the worst cash shop I ever seen .


But this 12% is silly either way and nothing I am going to have nightmares over .

To be honest I have enjoyed the topic which is probably the best part of this thread .

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Ok, well let me be clear about a few things, just so there is no confusion.


I do not think poorly of YOU. If i gave that impression, I offer my apologies. I thought poorly of a FEW of your statements pertaining to the meaning of MY statements....that is all.


I also absolutely support your right to express your opinion, and appreciate that you do so. Simply because we do not agree on a certain point does NOT mean I do not appreciate the discourse.


Now...perhaps I was a bit hard on you. Perhaps I was not as eloquent in my speech as I should have been so my points would be clear. If that is the case, again, I offer apologies.


I have a strong disdain for those that define the meaning of my words. I always have. Instead, I prefer folks to ASK me what I mean by something that I say....and then I can define it. And I expect them to accept that definition.


Note that I did not ONCE define your words. I let you define them.


You indicated your opinion was that my opinion was biased. I disagreed. I indicated that your posts were hyperbole. You disagreed. That is all fine and good.


Where we met an impasse was when you decided to indicate what I was saying...they type of "so what your saying is" comment that I detest. That is where we had issue.


I do not think poorly of you mefit, and I will try to be more tolerant of your posts. I ask that you consider mine as well.


That way we can both have our say. And be heard.




Yes, one of my favorite movies of all time. :D

No need to apologize , never was my feelings hurt and if I was bothered I would have quit long ago .


To me it has been a good debate .

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Well I do think you were being emotional. Maybe not pissed, though I did believe it at the time because you were taking what I was saying out of context. But it wasn't ever intended as an insult. Just an opinion. However right or wrong that is. To be honest I'd rather talk about the amazingness of swtor and 12x than our feelings. I feel like we should start singing kumbiah or something.
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A person can enjoy ALL the gameplay without being legacy 50. But I don't see what the devs would profit from by forcing players to partake in parts of the game they personally don't enjoy. For instance I hate pvp. Any mmo that forces me into it I'm gone like donky kong. A lot of players have stated that they don't want to roll alts because the thought of grinding flashpoints or sidequests again nauseates them. However they do want to see what the other class stories have to offer. All accessable 12x does is make the game more enjoyable for a wider audience.


Ok let me just outline something , maybe we can break some ice in our differences.


When I log on (Well before 12% and the New Expansion )

I would Que for my PvP , Space , and Flashpoint dailies.

Being the first thing I do before anything else , because it gives me so much experience . I love to always 10 levels above the quest .

Reason is , I also like to fly through things and like to get to just the story .

But I am well able to gain that fly through with already available Experience boost through legacy and guild.


Now what I do before leveling a Alt is take my main and beat my head into the wall doing dailies at the endgame building up money through crafts and daily rewards .

Then I go on my alt I wish to level and buy all the Legacy Buffs plus repair droid and Mail ...........because I hate running to town all the time and the mail symbol feels like Christmas to me all the time .


Easily because of dailies and craft if I so wished to ignore my kids and life and work , I could make at the very least 1mil credits a day .

So this is not hard to do .


While and I will admit it bores me to tears , once I get the stuff unlocked and achieve level cap , I feel good about playing the game and pulling my hair to get through the day of dailies .


To be honest with my OCD and ADHD , it should be surprising I do not support 12% increase outright .

But it is not just owning gear and getting caps that make me happy , its knowing I had that uphill struggle that bored me to tears and often because of bad players had me bashing my head against the wall trying to do those FlashPoints and Operations with them .

Edited by mefit
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