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Anyone else leaving SWTOR until 12xp comes back?


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I think I managed to level 4 alts to 55 in the WEEKS of 12xp we were given. ...and I really wasn't trying too hard. I got bored leveling.


Dunno if I'll bother with leveling another toon until I see a 12xp weekend event again... but then again, I got 10 55's now to play with so adding more is not a huge priority. And actually, once you get a little bored with all the end game stuff. I did kinda like slowly leveling a lowbie with all the fancy bonuses, gear, and so forth that my supporting toons can provide.


So no... 12xp is fine with me. They should actually adjust it down to 1/4 XP to slow down the leveling. Leveling was too fast to begin with. Nothing special about people having multiple max-level toons anymore.


It's actually made it more of a planned multi-toon or legacy progression experience now... which is a little odd because it is really shedding direct light on the lack of consolidated legacy-wide management tools. A legacy-wide crafting panel would be a godsend! ...and legacy storage needs about 5x the tabs.

Edited by XL-Jedi
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12x xp wouldn't destroy the game lol. Man there are some doom and gloom people here. They just had 12x xp for almost two whole months! And yet the game somehow miraculously survived. Not only survived but saw an influx of new and returning players. It flourished. The only thing that suffered was grouping. Which I'm not entirely convinced that's a 12x xp problem as much as I'm convinced it was a limited time event problem. If people could 12x at their leisure, instead of having to do it as much as they possibly can before the end date, many would still partake in other avenues of the game. For instance I enjoy doing space missions but leveled 3 characters without even touching them. Not because I didn't want to do it. Not because 12x made it trivial but because I didn't have time for all that. I believe if it was a permanent option the game wouldn't implode into apocolyptic oblivion. If anything I see it offering something for everyone. Hardcore player? They got something for you. Casual? They got something for you. Endgamer? They got something for you. Rper? Something for you. Altaholic? Something for you. There's nothing wrong with making the game appealing to a wider audience. So long as content remains that appeals to everyone. Swtor is awesome. 12x xp is even more awesome for someone like me who is more interested in immersing myself in star wars than doing end game raids. Once I hit cap I roll a new toon. I've done this long before 12x but 12x would make it a million times more of an enjoyable experience. Especially since I'm limited to an hour of gameplay a day. I'd pay a ridiculous amount of money for this feature.
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Especially since I'm limited to an hour of gameplay a day. I'd pay a ridiculous amount of money for this feature.

If you only got 1 hour of gameplay per day, why do you need to rush up in level?

On the side of that, I would hate to have 12x exp on the new content (55-60).

Edited by Mineria
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I cannot believe this thread is still going lol .


If they are going to bring the 12% back , they should make it for

A) Subs Only

B) Legacy level 50


Atleast promoting the Sub and work behind getting it .


And cap it at lvl 55 for a while or until a new expansion or level cap is incoming.

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As I have posted in other threads, If they were to do Legacy Xp as a 12XP vehicle, this is how I suggest it should be done.



1) Account wide legacy perk

2) For subscribers only. Perk would be disabled if you go preferred, not available to F2P.

3) For every core class (mirrors) you complete the chapter 3 questline, you get the ability to unlock a 3X XP bonus through legacy. 4 chapter 3 completions, 12X XP unlocked.

4) Each unlock would require a minimum of legacy level 20 and would cost 50k/100k/150k/200k or 60/60/60/60 coins.

5) Toggle would exist to disable when desired.


That way folks have to complete the storyline for each core class first (one of the mirrors in each core) before you get the buff.


This is a great way to increase the appeal of a sub.


You would only have to level up 4 core mirrors to get the complete 12XP, and it would come to you incrementally as you leveled each class naturally...so you would first get 3, then 6, then 9, then finally 12.


So this is how it would work if it was set up as I suggested.


You are a subscriber.


You level Knight or Warrior to chapter 3 completion.

A legacy option for 3X XP boost can now be unlocked in Legacy (Legacy Experience I) for 50k/60 coins.


You next level an Sage or Inq to chapter 3 completion, using the 3X XP boost to skip some side quests.

A legacy option for another 3X XP boost can now be unlocked in Legacy (Legacy Experience II) for 100k/60 coins.

You next level a Trooper or BH to chapter 3, using the 6X XP boost (cumulative) to skip a good portion of side quests.

Next legacy option opens up for another 3X XP boost (Legacy Experience III) for 150k/60 coins.


Next you level a Smuggler or Agent to chapter 3, using the 9X XP boost (cumulative) to skip most of the side quests.

The final legacy option opens for another 3X XP boost (Legacy Experience IV) for 200k/60 coins.


From now on you will have 12XP available for all toons you level in your legacy. This will be ACCOUNT WIDE and will be for subscribers only. You will also have an option to turn off the boost if you wish using a toggle.


Added to this, I would unlock as a perk, once you reach legacy Experience IV two packs of comms you would be get when creating a new character. The packs would be for a level 10, would contain 198 Basic comms (two packs of 99 comms each) to assist in gearing for the character. This would be account wide, once for every character you create.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I could roll with capping it at 55 or even 50. And being sub only. But legacy 50 is too much. Sure it could be a legacy reward for reaching some achievement. But it should be purchasable too. Like treek.

Legacy 50 is the most under rated Achievement , having 12% added to it would make it worth going for .

Some things should be work .


Through Legacy you are already able to Buy or Work towards getting 30% exp for everything you do in this game .

With guild you get another 10% XP


So with Legacy and Guild you are already getting 40% Exp.


So if the 30% is already buyable than the 12% should be earned .


But I imagine with todays Generation even if they add it back and you get a grand total of 52% EXP the game will still be just too much grind .

Edited by mefit
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Minimum gear requirements for group-finder for hard mode flashpoints and operations.


I have no beef with people willing to pay a subscription fee just for story content. However, they're not the problem. The problem is people hitting the space bar all through that story content so they can get to 60 and then pollute the group finder while still wearing green 40-something gear.


I'm as willing to help people gear up as the next player, but not when they would clearly prefer that I carry them through a hard-mode rather than go through Oricon themselves once.


12 XP does create serious problems. This is not a case of "Why not?"

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I've seen people post that they have something like 5-7 alts and still haven't hit legacy level 50. So I have to disagree. Some people pour a lot of time into this game before being able to reach max legacy. There's not a lot of legacy to be earned in leveling. Not like doing dailies and what not. A lot of people would already have done all 8 classes before reaching legacy 50. That kind of destroys the point of 12x. Which is to make the leveling alts experience more enjoyable. I can't help but wonder what is peoples problem for this game being more enjoyable? If you don't want 12x you don't have to do it. No skin off your teeth. But if someone does why make them jump through ridiculous hurdles to get it?
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Minimum gear requirements for group-finder for hard mode flashpoints and operations.


I have no beef with people willing to pay a subscription fee just for story content. However, they're not the problem. The problem is people hitting the space bar all through that story content so they can get to 60 and then pollute the group finder while still wearing green 40-something gear.


I'm as willing to help people gear up as the next player, but not when they would clearly prefer that I carry them through a hard-mode rather than go through Oricon themselves once.


12 XP does create serious problems. This is not a case of "Why not?"


I did not personally see any increase in this kind of behavior due to the 12XP event. It happened before the event, it is happening now despite the event being over.


I do not think, personally, that the event increased or decreased the frequency....what I DO think, however, is that it made it more prevalent because geared folks were busy taking advantage of the event and were not queing for content.


So it only seemed like there was an increase. Once the event was gone properly geared and trained folks started queing again.


The likely vast majority of folks that take advantage of this kind of thing are well experienced players with alts. They have the gear and the know-how before they even begin. They were simply busy IMO.

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I've seen people post that they have something like 5-7 alts and still haven't hit legacy level 50. So I have to disagree. Some people pour a lot of time into this game before being able to reach max legacy. There's not a lot of legacy to be earned in leveling. Not like doing dailies and what not. A lot of people would already have done all 8 classes before reaching legacy 50. That kind of destroys the point of 12x. Which is to make the leveling alts experience more enjoyable. I can't help but wonder what is peoples problem for this game being more enjoyable? If you don't want 12x you don't have to do it. No skin off your teeth. But if someone does why make them jump through ridiculous hurdles to get it?


That is bs I have 3 55s and 1 30lv and I am sitting on Legacy 48 almost 49 now .

It's not ridiculous at all .

Edited by mefit
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I did not personally see any increase in this kind of behavior due to the 12XP event. It happened before the event, it is happening now despite the event being over.


I do not think, personally, that the event increased or decreased the frequency....what I DO think, however, is that it made it more prevalent because geared folks were busy taking advantage of the event and were not queing for content.


So it only seemed like there was an increase. Once the event was gone properly geared and trained folks started queing again.


The likely vast majority of folks that take advantage of this kind of thing are well experienced players with alts. They have the gear and the know-how before they even begin. They were simply busy IMO.


Biased Goggles are for sale where ?

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Maybe not for you. The way you play the game. But for others it appears to take longer.


You are right , I play the game and hence it was not hard and to be honest if I did not take breaks I would have hit the 50 Legacy a months of it coming out .


I mean , I can't see why everything must be handed to people at all .


YOU GET 40% EXP NOW , you understand ?

Leveling in this game is way easier than it was when it came out , was not 40% then and people managed to get all 8 classes to 50 .

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I am sure you are beyond understanding outside your own views.


Oh, I see now. You made an agenda post. Fair enough.


I am also fairly sure that you have no idea what the limits to my understanding would be. You most certainly do not define them.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I understand. Do you understand that a lot of players believe 12x makes the game a million times more enjoyable?


I believe that once it was added it still was not enough for people who just want to fly through everything .

If you are not enjoying the game as is than why play ?


I play a game not simply because I can fly through levels .

I mean why have levels at all ?

Why not just throw out Quest , Leveling , and just make a game mindlessly on endgame that gives you everything you want in one run ?

Edited by mefit
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No. Unfortunately for you my post history clearly demonstrates the opposite.

Biased still ?

Reminds me of the old PEE WEE Herman seeing " I know you are but what am I" .


Your views are perfect by your own opinion and anyone who disagrees is bad and has an agenda .

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I didn't enjoy the 12x because I was "flying through levels" I enjoyed it because it let me enjoy the class stories without hindrance. And yes I was completely content with that. I don't need anything else. Except them patching up the bugs. I play the game because I enjoy the class missions. Which is exactly why 12x appeals so much to me. *gasp* how dare I enjoy the game for different reasons! Right? I must play it the way you want me to!
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