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Scoundrel top season 3


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I write here to ask how is it even possible that the first Scoundrel in the world, as much North america as Europe, got the title and have stayed in the top ranked in group with 1882 with only 10 wins. After making a request, the person steal got the title.


In my position, I got of course frustated because with that kind of player staying first, I got 4th place. People could say that it's only a title, true, but the Learderboard with one player on the top is an image that everybody show to the other player, accepted by Bioware. So why some player had been taken off the leaderboard and him not?


I made a request with no answer except that they will check. The ticket was made on tuesday morning (GMT). Please Bioware do something.




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They reset the rankings of close to 10 people who win traded 10 games to attempt at getting top 96.


Im surprised he still got it, it's impossible to get that rating with ten wins unless the people on his team left before it started; thus, showing any reasonable person that the games were not legitimate.


Bioware, you dropped the ball with this guy, help out OP.

Edited by Nekrall
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