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The mandalorian killer is bugged to hell


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Poor Mook is disappoint!!! Feel better now?


I'm wondering exactly how many of you jackwagons have actually been in on a game's launch. OMG bugs in the first months!!! Who could have foreseen such teeth-gnashing events?! Class/crafting/gear imbalances?! Mobs that just EVADE! Geez folks, at least act like you've been there before. Submit your bug ticket and somehow find a way to move on. There are a plethora of other things you could be doing instead of standing in a bugged instance crying in the corner.


MMO fanboys + Star Wars fanboys = inconsolable

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I keep getting this message on this mission, despite the fact I can hit the targets with AoEs and they can clearly hit and see me.


Also is the medical bay on this randomised somehow, cause I've stopped using them as I never seem to go back to the same one twice in a row.


I'm guessing this mission would be tough without the bugs but the difficulty of it with them is somewhat silly.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Still bugged as of 3 July 2012. I used the jetpack without selecting the Chief Engineer which resulted in:

- loss of the mission item and change of the quest conditions to kill the grenadiers and c.e.

- me staying on the ground floor unable to get to c.e. and complete the quest, attacking the grenadiers from the ground did very little damage to them and is clearly not intended

- some mobs in the room are friendly


Fortunately I had my fleet pass active so I used it, reset the quest and completed it using the jetpack correctly this time.


Note: The Jedi Master charged to the pack of mobs in front of him when I was killing them before speaking to him which was completely awkward but he didn't bug and I could finally speak to him and complete the whole thing.

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Still bugged as of 3 July 2012. I used the jetpack without selecting the Chief Engineer which resulted in:

- loss of the mission item and change of the quest conditions to kill the grenadiers and c.e.

- me staying on the ground floor unable to get to c.e. and complete the quest, attacking the grenadiers from the ground did very little damage to them and is clearly not intended


I have the same issue. I didn't have the fleet pass so I left the mission in my ship and flew around in space for a bit but it did not reset the mission. I also submitted a ticket. I waited over night and the mission did not reset itself.


(I thought I submitted the ticket but forgot to click submit a second time on the "we found a bunch of useless KB articles" screen)

Edited by werlynn
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I got locked out of the brig after getting killed a coming back in the medbay by the bridge. It's been six months and this still isn't fixed? :mad:


For real...this is the dam MAIN QUEST. Before adding group finder etc etc etc, how about working on PRIORITIES?


******* Bioware, come on.

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I'm also stuck on this quest. I apparently used the jetpack the wrong way (didn't target the chief). This could be easily fixed if the jetpack components would respawn, but they don't. And, if I an fight the other guys, why don't they take damage?
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  • 5 weeks later...
Yep, that mission gave me a major headache last night. I died in the room before the Warden and Blood, and it spawned me in a medical bay a couple of rooms past that, right outside the Bridge door. The door leading back to the Warden was locked, the door leading to the hangar was locked, the Bridge was completely empty, and I had used my Fleet Pass, so I had to wait 16 hours until this afternoon so I could use my Fleet Pass to get out of the locked room.


This is still not fixed :C just had the same thing happen...:(

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I noticed this here is what I did.


I ran inside the first room. I had a friend helping me after trying to jump on the top using my jetpack and failed I died. I had to rez outside the room. When I ran back to the room it said "Door locked" sadly I turned around and ran around the other entrance dodging mobs "Door locked"


So I had to quene in group finder. Travel outside and then travel back and re-start the entire thing thing. Make sure you make it when you jump up to the cheif. It's in your mission items that you should land on top.

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Yep, that mission gave me a major headache last night. I died in the room before the Warden and Blood, and it spawned me in a medical bay a couple of rooms past that, right outside the Bridge door. The door leading back to the Warden was locked, the door leading to the hangar was locked, the Bridge was completely empty, and I had used my Fleet Pass, so I had to wait 16 hours until this afternoon so I could use my Fleet Pass to get out of the locked room.


I submitted a support ticket, which was closed without comment, and left to rot.


Luckily I was able to Fleet recall this afternoon, and complete the mission. Now I'm reading horror stories about another BH quest that you're supposed to get at 50. Really looking forward to that!


I *want* to like this game. The fact that the BH class quests are obviously not done being worked on, is a major disappointment.

Happened to me also, and did the same thing as you, execept my fleet pass was ready

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  • 5 months later...
Hell, you guys are lucky! I can't even *GET* to the Aurora! I've tried for 2 days now, about 8 times. Every time I try to select it from the galaxy map the game freezes and crashes. No response from cust support yet, but to be fair it's only been an hour and on superbowl sunday...
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
So this has literally been an issue for years,

Nope. The game has not been out for multiple years yet. ;)

But I understand what you are saying. It has had many problems ever since launch. As soon as one thing gets fixed something else breaks.


Also ... the trick to the encounter is not all that intuative and the quest instructions are vague so some people die repeatedly until they figure it out. It can be a VERY frustrating experience even when it runs bug free.


After the frist time, it's a piece of cake. Push the button at the right place and the right time and VOOMMM!!! Dead bad guys; encounter done. See the cashier for your prize. Ofcourse you won't ever have to do it again unless you start another hunter -- or help a friend out with hers.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

No bugs here. But one rather odd situation. I got defeated because Mako didn't know how to position herself in the Aurora(no biggies, I get defeated in bugged things ONLY). So she pulled the whole Warden Prison Gang Rape squad(why aren't prisoners weak enemies anyhow?) to me. I didn't get defeated in WAY harder instances so I wrote it off as a bug(no really. The Cave dweller from the next quest and People's woes about him{3 shots etc}? He couldn't damage me for more than ~10% hp per hit-That's how tough I am). Last fight was ok, no super Healing. Could the prisoners be bugged and deal too much damage?


Oh, there was one concrete thing: the floor in the hall leading to the bridge was missing. Walking on stars lol!

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Still bugged.


Couldn't jetpack up to Engineer. Not sure why its needed as I can reach him with the leap. Did that in the end and the three mobs just kept resetting themselves and I couldnt damage them.


Respawned beyond them and can not get back.


I rarely get frustrated with this game but I can not believe that it has been bugged for this long.........

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  • 3 weeks later...
Still bugged.


Couldn't jetpack up to Engineer. Not sure why its needed as I can reach him with the leap. Did that in the end and the three mobs just kept resetting themselves and I couldnt damage them.


Respawned beyond them and can not get back.


I rarely get frustrated with this game but I can not believe that it has been bugged for this long.........


Yep, this situation is total BS. How long has SWTOR been out now? If I can't get past this I might as well delete my Bounty Hunter.

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  • 1 month later...
The only time the engineer has ever reset for me is when I have forgotten I have to activate a prototype shield before "charging" up to him (I just ended up killing myself in a flaming ball even if I rez behind him it is impossible to kill him). It took me 4-5 mission resets before I read the mission fully it does seem as if unless you do everything exactly as you are supposed to the mechanics wont let you progress on the mission.
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