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The server crashed?


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I have a confession to make, this is my fault.


I just got back from a Star Trek Convention, this is Karmic Balance. I am sorry, I live in a small town, this was the first real convention we ever had, I had to go.


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I have a confession to make, this is my fault.


I just got back from a Star Trek Convention, this is Karmic Balance. I am sorry, I live in a small town, this was the first real convention we ever had, I had to go.


You're grounded.


For life.

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Only problem is that now that it is back up the lag is so horrendous it is unplayable...


aaand several hours later no post from devs about the lag or the reason the planetary instances aren't splitting...i'm starting to wonder if they pay attention to the game quality at all...as long as the cartel market is accessable right

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This is the first time I've seen it happen.


Um...let's see, no less than 20 times in the past year. But then that's just when I have free time to play. Maybe they keep moving the maintenance window?


And the login server is still down...so don't log out or switch characters/servers.

Edited by Rerednaw
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I did notice that when I was able to get back online a few hours after the crash, I was back on yavin... (When it crashed I was doing cz dailies) so I took priority terminal back to cz and then realized that all the cz dailies were no longer in my inventory... must have been a hard crash for them to lose data....
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Well I'll put my two cents in..


For some tython is completely unplayable, it loads with no enemies. All Flash points with Reven are either so bad that it takes forever to finish, or, you die, not knowing, have to restart, items missing, so on. Items I mean loot, monsters, quest items. Was on koriban for the reven storyline, and only had 3 of 4 of the bosses, had to reset, rinse repeat until it worked.


This pretty much ends the Reven storyline for some. I know my wife is unable to get past Tython (the very first one evil side) or Koriban (good side), so, at the moment, her characters are doing nothing.


For the two we managed to complete last night, we're unable to get into Yavin. Both are 60 and now unable to get into Yavin for daily.


Yes, we pre-ordered like some, yes we lost a ton of money due to this launch, bug deaths and training (which now apparently will be free to all the scabs who didn't pre-order), and yes, this reminds me....




Terrible start ladies and gentlemen. Terrible.


You can't bleed the player base with these sweeping changes and expect us not to be upset

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Yes, we pre-ordered like some, yes we lost a ton of money due to this launch, bug deaths and training (which now apparently will be free to all the scabs who didn't pre-order), and yes, this reminds me....




Or it would be the last time I pre-ordered anything here. Still don't understand why I bought HC (Makeb) extension as it became free after a short period of time. Guess, this one will be too soon.

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Sorry for my English.

I write from Russia.

Faced with technical problems additions "Shadow of Revan"


1. Flashpoint is not loaded completely.

2. Flashpoint is loaded, but no index for the quest.

3. Skills are not working. Apply the skill and wait ~ 25ms. And so constantly.


All the same.


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