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POLL -12xp storyline for Subscribers!


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I could have 20 different options for answers, these 3 are guaranteed to be what it will come down to. It will be an unlock for subs/legacy, it will be a cartel market item or it will not exist.


And if you think it should be available how is this not Option 1 on the poll? :p


because you added in max legacy level. not just max level of the toon.

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Legacy level 50 seems like a steep price. By the time an average player would reach Legacy 50, they will not likely need it much anymore to level any other classes. I play this game a lot, and I'm only Legacy 36.


I would rather see it as part of the "Classes" perks, where each level 50+ character you have, gives your whole Legacy +50% more experience across the board (not just class stories). The reason the xp bonus should be all-inclusive, is to give players incentive to player all areas of the game, not just rush through the class story.


I would like to also see a separate system for Recruiting friends. I have a couple of friends who are just getting into the game, but there is no way for them to quickly level up and join me with my main characters. I want to see a 12x bonus applied to Subbed recruited friends for the first month after they sub, as long as they are partied with the recruiter.


Overall, I prefer an experience boost that applies to the entire game rather than just the class story, so that it gives players, especially new ones, the opportunity to see all areas of the game instead of just rushing through the story.

Edited by Tommerbobby
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Oh good, a completely unbiased poll consisting of three possible answers:


  • Yes, I like this and I want it in form A
  • Yes, I like this and I want it in form B
  • No; I don't like this because I'm an idiot.


People need to stop making polls in such an obviously biased way.


That said, I have already made my stance clear on future 12x XP possibilities (I want it, as some sort of unlock)

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Bingo! Nailed it in one. Even though I could get to 55 at this point pretty easily... I want to play my other characters. And play my other games. Given the fact that people make it to my current level and still don't know how to play their characters, I can't see what magically changes at a certain time to make them worthy.


It's not elitism. Not if you truly think that 12x xp is a bad thing, and you think having those higher requirements will at least slow down the tide of idiots at max level who have no idea how to play their class.


I have no problem teaching a new player the basics of their class. I will not, nor would I expect ANYONE to have to teach a max levelled player the basics of their class.


Also, MMOs create content to keep people playing, creating a mechanism that allows people to skip most of the content is counterproductive at best, and could signal a death knell of the game at worst.


Sorry, but I do not support 12x xp returning to the game. I thought it was terrible as a preorder perk for SoR, and it would be even worse for the game in the long run if it was made available to everyone without some kind of high unlock requirements.

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The only problem with that is the legacy 50 part.


When I got my first level 50, my legacy wasn't maxed out.


Some people may have only 1 max level toon (for whatever reason), but should they suffer because their legacy isn't high enough?


Would this alternative work?


Have a level 55 character




Have a legacy level 40?


Maybe even do something like level 55 and a legacy level X amount?

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Nah looks like its workin just fine!


Have fun grinding :)


It looks like it's working just fine because it's giving you the answer you want, as biased polls tend to do. People who agree with you, vote with you. People who see the bias walk away without voting.

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It looks like it's working just fine because it's giving you the answer you want, as biased polls tend to do. People who agree with you, vote with you. People who see the bias walk away without voting.


I don't see how it's bias.


It gives 3 options (Which seems to be what the community has drawn up):


A - Sub Perk

B- Cartel Purchase

C- Don't bring it back.

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I don't see how it's bias.


It gives 3 options (Which seems to be what the community has drawn up):


A - Sub Perk

B- Cartel Purchase

C- Don't bring it back.




Except the way it's worded, that's not what it says at all. What it really says is


A: Yes

b: Yes

C: No, because I'm wrong.

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I don't see how it's bias.


It gives 3 options (Which seems to be what the community has drawn up):


A - Sub Perk

B- Cartel Purchase

C- Don't bring it back.



the exact wording of the responses, especially "don't bring it back" clearly however tells you what you are supposed to think

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I fully agree this should be a legacy unlock.

I currently have 15 toons (1x60, 13x55, 1x19). My legacy level is 50.

All 13 55s were leveled during 12x XP. I had real-life obligations/commitments during the last weekend prior to 12x XP ending. Had I been able to play, I would have done those last 2 toons.

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Except the way it's worded, that's not what it says at all. What it really says is


A: Yes

b: Yes

C: No, because I'm wrong.


Thats what you are seeing.


Face it. It's coming back in some form or another. Anyone who thinks otherwise, like the 12%, are kidding themselves. Way too many people want it, enjoyed it, and would pay for it.

Edited by agento
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Except the way it's worded, that's not what it says at all. What it really says is


A: Yes

b: Yes

C: No, because I'm wrong.


It could be because it's late and my brain has shut down, but the wording sounds like what it means:


A - Yes. As a Max Level/Max Legacy Unlock (Sounds to me like a Sub/Legacy Perk)

B - Yes. As a Cartel Market Purchase (Sounds to me like a Cartel Purchase)

C- No. I Love Grinding for Hours (Sounds to me like no. It is a grind(ish) to level.


Again, it maybe because my brain has shut down for the night but how does this sound bias?

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It could be because it's late and my brain has shut down, but the wording sounds like what it means:


A - Yes. As a Max Level/Max Legacy Unlock (Sounds to me like a Sub/Legacy Perk)

B - Yes. As a Cartel Market Purchase (Sounds to me like a Cartel Purchase)

C- No. I Love Grinding for Hours (Sounds to me like no. It is a grind(ish) to level.


Again, it maybe because my brain has shut down for the night but how does this sound bias?


The best part is some people who are crying biased think I DON'T want it back...

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