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Removing the flat LS/DS points from the mission in place of a consumable


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With the need for purple diplomacy returns now more than ever with the removal of reusable items I am sending companions more frequently. However, in order to maintain my max dark side points, I am forced into some rather unappealing choices that my other characters don't have to worry about.


I can either send companions on all missions and suffer the loss of morality points, send companions on light missions first and then enough dark missions after to recoup the loss, or just flat out send them only on dark side mission.


What I propose is that instead of the mission itself granting the morality points is that you get a consumable item that grants the same points a success/failure would. The can be Bind on Pickup, Bind to Legacy, or even no bind status at all so they can be sold or traded or whatever.


Any thoughts?

Edited by iEuthanasia
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As it is now, diplomacy has twice the amount of missions available: a LS and DS variant for each yield. Other mission skills only have a single mission per yield (possibly two for moderate). If the alignment is moved to an item so it can be conveniently ignored, then the number of diplomacy missions ought to be cut to half to match other mission skills, and the item ought to randomly be LS or DS.
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With the need for purple diplomacy returns now more than ever with the removal of reusable items I am sending companions more frequently. However, in order to maintain my max dark side points, I am forced into some rather unappealing choices that my other characters don't have to worry about.


I can either send companions on all missions and suffer the loss of morality points, send companions on light missions first and then enough dark missions after to recoup the loss, or just flat out send them only on dark side mission.


What I propose is that instead of the mission itself granting the morality points is that you get a consumable item that grants the same points a success/failure would. The can be Bind on Pickup, Bind to Legacy, or even no bind status at all so they can be sold or traded or whatever.


Any thoughts?


Question: why are you trying so hard to maintain DS-5? Are you using the title it affords? Because other than the title, there is no legit reason to maintain level 5 alignment. So what if your alignment drops to DS4 once in a while because you run diplomacy missions? You can still be a psychopathic murderer (JOKING) in the rest of the game.

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Question: why are you trying so hard to maintain DS-5? Are you using the title it affords? Because other than the title, there is no legit reason to maintain level 5 alignment.

The visual effect it gives? Or is that the same as DS4? I wouldn't know, since the deepest any of my characters have ever been is DS2.

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Question: why are you trying so hard to maintain DS-5? Are you using the title it affords? Because other than the title, there is no legit reason to maintain level 5 alignment. So what if your alignment drops to DS4 once in a while because you run diplomacy missions? You can still be a psychopathic murderer (JOKING) in the rest of the game.


I do use the title! :D


And it's a point of pride to maintain my dark sidedness!


I realize that the system is somewhat antiquated and alignment really has no bearing beyond title anymore when you're at max level. It's still required for some low level gearing options and for a pet and mount but nothing later on. I suppose that's part of the reason that I wouldn't mind seeing the LS/DS gains changed on Diplomacy.

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I do use the title! :D


I'm actually annoyed that (unlike any other titles in the game) you have to maintain it. I went to a lot of effort to get DS 5 on a LS char (and vice versa) just so i could use the opposite title and speeder (fortunately, you don't lose the ability to use the speeder).


Yeah, I was bored. But I really wanted to tool around on the white speeder with a DPS Jugg named <charname> The Pure, Lifeday Celebrant with DS 5 facial features (and the Corruptor Blade instead of a saber).

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