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Thoughts on 3.0 class mission


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Overall, I liked the main story of the expansion. I was overly hyped for the one class story mission , expecting it to be a epic one time return to what made levels 1-50 awesome (I was a stupid kid, okay!)


I didn't find any of them (aside from two) interesting



Bounty Hunter - one of my favourite characters were killed off screen, taking away alot of the cares I gave.

Inquisitor - Nothing really interesting. Though the holocall that introduces you to the mission made me feel like a dark council member.


Councillor - Felt cool to make my own holocron


Jedi Knight - Felt really disappointed. I mean, Revan is back (Scorge not giving any reaction to it so far.....) and I'm wasting my time solving small problems (I know that nothing is to small for a jedi, but with Revan threatening genocide, I don't think I have the time!)


Trooper - It really felt like a plot for an entire chapter. The final scene of it tries to make you feel, but I don't feel as guilty as I should of been for killing six of the republics best. Maybe if it gave us a cutscene where we talk to Eclipse Squad first..... Though I did like throwing Garza's *** out of the army.


Smuggler - did not have a high leveled smuggler


Though the two I actually liked were:


Sith Warrior - Actually felt connected to the current story, I liked the dialouge (Though I wish I could have to option to say something along the lines of ''I wish to serve the empire faithfully'' in reply to Vovron's question, as all three options are along the same tone)


Imperial Agent - I loved seeing Watcher Two and Keeper again (Though I was confused with keeper's voice. Was he putting on a accent, or did his voice actor change?) and the end of it with Watcher Two was pretty emotional. Though I think it would of been better if we were allowed to romance her......I can dream....



So, what are your thoughts on the missions?

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Inquisitor was nice, wrapped up little things like the Silencer that people have been asking about.


I actually loved the Knight one, the feel of dealing with the little things. A bit annoyed, however, that when

Orgus restores your memories you don't actually get to SEE them.


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Inquisitor was nice, wrapped up little things like the Silencer that people have been asking about.


I actually loved the Knight one, the feel of dealing with the little things. A bit annoyed, however, that when

Orgus restores your memories you don't actually get to SEE them.


As it should be IMHO. :D


Many people -- me included -- have their own theories of what happened during the time you were under the Emperor's influence.


Having them impose whatever they feel that happened almost three years later would be lame. If that was their original aim, they should have done it back then.


You know he controlled your character in some way or another... The rest is up to you, just like it's up to you if your character fell to the dark side following its "release".


I did like the fact Satele made us Battlemaster of the Jedi Order, seeing I always envisioned that following the death of the previous holder of the title. :cool:


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I've only done the Knight so far (and will keep it that way till the patch comes) but I love what happened.

I know this is war and everything, but it really was a nice refresher to go and do what a jedi would really do, i.e. care for and help the less fortunate. A great change of pace imo. Seeing Orgus again...oh man i shed a tear or two for sure. It would've been cool to see the restored memories like someone said earlier.

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Warrior - It was okay, but not as good as I hoped it would be. I do love Vowrawn, but alas, didn't even get to talk to him again in the end.


Agent - I love the former Minister. And man, that guy is a genius at his work, apparently. Sucks that he's "retired". :p Also, same voice actor, fake voice for most of the negotiation though.

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Warrior - It was okay, but not as good as I hoped it would be. I do love Vowrawn, but alas, didn't even get to talk to him again in the end.


I so agree to this. :(


They recaptured the magic and the wonder of the SW class story, but only for a brief instance. As you were getting enthralled by it, they just take it away in a single sweep.



Maybe it was the stress of the situation, seeing that a Servant of the Hand had been captured and Vowrawn probably knew what the Emperor plans, but Servant One sounded quite different from what I remember. I just got the feeling they wanted to get over with it, and greatly accelerated his dialogue lines.


Really didn't like that.


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Ive only done 2 and I intend to do my third one this week after work so...


I LOVED both of them (the Trooper and Agent)


My Republic main character: It was nice speaking with General Garza again. I always liked her (even if I did think she was a crazy war criminal) and having her say her goodbyes to me was slightly touching.

I still think she could do good in the Republic so I vouched for her.



My Imperial main: Speaking with the Retired Minister was great and even better hearing what happened to Watcher 2.

I supported the Minister's cause so it really felt good helping Watcher 2 start a new life away from the Empire.


The best however was AFTER defeating Revan, it continued my Agents story


As I contacted my Republic contact to inform him of the developments.

That small touch really impressed me.



I cant wait to take my Jedi Knight through this story

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The best however was AFTER defeating Revan, it continued my Agents story


As I contacted my Republic contact to inform him of the developments.

That small touch really impressed me.



I cant wait to take my Jedi Knight through this story


Are there any clips of this? Though i parted with my jedi friend on good terms, i did not defect. Though i would really like to see this ending.

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The warrior one seemed pointless.


Supposedly the hand who have not had anything to do with me for 2 years have supposedly been keeping an eye on me. So in response I kill some droids and then get to talk to servant 1 who is so stupid as to think letting himself be killed to fuel the emperor so he can wipe out the galaxy.


And then by the end of it Im out of a job with out Darth Marr saying he sees me as the empires wrath thats great thanks Marr what can I do with that you just promoted the banana to imperial intelligence and I get what. No much as far as I can see and does vowrawn make contact again other than 3,000 credits and a I had to leave early mail nothing. It felt unfinished and achieving nothing.

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The warrior one seemed pointless.


Supposedly the hand who have not had anything to do with me for 2 years have supposedly been keeping an eye on me. So in response I kill some droids and then get to talk to servant 1 who is so stupid as to think letting himself be killed to fuel the emperor so he can wipe out the galaxy.


And then by the end of it Im out of a job with out Darth Marr saying he sees me as the empires wrath thats great thanks Marr what can I do with that you just promoted the banana to imperial intelligence and I get what. No much as far as I can see and does vowrawn make contact again other than 3,000 credits and a I had to leave early mail nothing. It felt unfinished and achieving nothing.


I thought it was obvious that the emperor's hand were insane. Though I do not see the pointless in the quest.It's as pointless as any other side quest. Plus, you got to choke servant one. AWESOME!

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I thought it was obvious that the emperor's hand were insane. Though I do not see the pointless in the quest.It's as pointless as any other side quest. Plus, you got to choke servant one. AWESOME!


You get about 10 minutes of class story. For the warrior its turn up and meet Vowrawn who is on the run from the emperors hand, he wont talk until the droids are dealt with. The droids are destroyed and come back his gone and crazy 1 tells you nothing new. (yes choking is good but since you let him live its a bit of a downer). You then get a mail from Vowrawn apologizing for leaving and 3000 credits. Laughable in that it cost over 10 times that to get one skill and a Darth seems to think 3k is worth even sending. As the class story goes you get very very little. As the person that was going to plot with you flees, I spent the rest of the expansion (so about 3 hours) waiting for an invite to his ship to continue the dialogue.


Other than him being on the run and the emperor and his hands being crazy and thereby a joke the story has not progressed.

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You get a mail from Vowran??


**** on german servers the text is bugged and not showing and so for the last days I got mails with some credits but without anytext. :(


But it felt good to chocke Servant One. I am nobodies servant and instrument. Servant One said that this was a mistake. Well then come at me Emperor!

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I thought it was obvious that the emperor's hand were insane. Though I do not see the pointless in the quest.It's as pointless as any other side quest. Plus, you got to choke servant one. AWESOME!


I wouldn't call them insane. More like, Servants see the galaxy differently from the rest of us.


Plus, it is fair to assume they were either indoctrinated by the Emperor or -- as implied above -- agree with his way of thinking.

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I don't think he needs to, really. I mean, Servant 2 basically became part of him due to... overexposure.


More of a joke than anything else. :p


Servant Two appears to be so frail that he would self-ignite upon being possessed.


BTW, since I'm calling future bosses, anyone else afraid we might have to kill Hesker?


I've been wondering since forever where that guy went. :(

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You just wait, he's probably one of the most powerful Sith in history :p


He just needs Servant 1 to know where he is.



Been wondering myself which Servant Vowrawn interrogated exactly. It would at least account to the stress Servant One manifested on Rishi.


Or maybe I'm just trying to come up with a lame excuse, to justify the difference between Vanilla Servant One and his Rishi incarnation.


After all, this is the first time Servant One appears in person -- or via-hologram -- while not accompanied by Servant Two.


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Been wondering myself which Servant Vowrawn interrogated exactly. It would at least account to the stress Servant One manifested on Rishi.


Or maybe I'm just trying to come up with a lame excuse, to justify the difference between Vanilla Servant One and his Rishi incarnation.


After all, this is the first time Servant One appears in person -- or via-hologram -- while not accompanied by Servant Two.

I don't think the torture that could extract relevant information from Servant 2 has been dreamed of yet. :p

I'm guessing it was 11, the female one the Warrior met on Corellia, so it becomes "more personal" for the player. By the way, what do you think about their numbering system? I feel like there is a system to their numbering. Servant 1 is definitely the most... mentally clear and independent one we've met so far.


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I don't think the torture that could extract relevant information from Servant 2 has been dreamed of yet. :p

I'm guessing it was 11, the female one the Warrior met on Corellia, so it becomes "more personal" for the player. By the way, what do you think about their numbering system? I feel like there is a system to their numbering. Servant 1 is definitely the most... mentally clear and independent one we've met so far.



Truth be told, Servant One does claim that Vowrawn interrogated a Servant; If the latter was successful in extracting the information he wanted is a different matter. :p


Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if Vowrawn -- somehow -- was able to listen to the comments the Opticrons uttered while facing the Wrath. As far as Servant Eleven is concerned, that is yet another possibility. :D


Concerning their numbering, Servant Eleven appears to be, hmmmm, mentally stable as far as regular people go. Two is the ONLY one thus far that sounds like a complete loon.


always cracks me up. Sounds like something someone would say during an operation, just as one of the bosses enrages. :cool:


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Truth be told, Servant One does claim that Vowrawn interrogated a Servant; If the latter was successful in extracting the information he wanted is a different matter. :p


Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if Vowrawn -- somehow -- was able to listen to the comments the Opticrons uttered while facing the Wrath. As far as Servant Eleven is concerned, that is yet another possibility. :D


Concerning their numbering, Servant Eleven appears to be, hmmmm, mentally stable as far as regular people go. Two is the ONLY one thus far that sounds like a complete loon.


always cracks me up. Sounds like something someone would say during an operation, just as one of the bosses enrages. :cool:


Eleven is stable, but there is like a vast difference between the way 11 behaves and talks and the way Servant 1 does. One seems different (and by that I don't mean his ability to fluently create coherent sentences), he seems like he's superior in every way. A loyal fanatic, but not as mindless as Commander Crazy on Yavin, well capable of independent thought and even deception (what he tells the Wrath about the Emperor on Rishi qualifies as deception IMO).


I'm telling you, Servant 1 and 2 will be a pair of operation bosses. Servant 2 is clearly untauntable :p


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