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Its kinda an answer?


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Yes it's an answer,


But in my opinion (emphasis on my opinion) it's not a good one. We already got this answer earlier and it's essentially a repeat. I don't blame the Community team for it; if the devs don't give them any info they've got nothing to pass on to us. It just shows, that despite the fact that the Community team realizes that this is a problem (so much so that they've responded to it in two separate threads,) the dev's do not seem to think so. If we had a post from one of the Devs saying something to the effect of...


"Hey guys, we understand you're really frustrated about the lack of bug fixes since May of 2014 and the ones that were just introduced. Unfortunately, we're busy with other issues that arose during 3.0 early access that could cause huge problems for the official launch tomorrow and we have to get those resolved ASAP before we can focus on GSF. We're very sorry, we know you like flying, and as soon as we get these problems fixed we'll work on getting all your ships repaired and back into the skies for more dogfighting."


Then we could honestly say oh the devs are looking into it. It's still a lousy answer from the dev team (in my opinion) but it would be an answer. Right now, the community team tells us that the devs are looking into it, but for all we know, the devs could be sitting back, drinking coffee and making jokes.


So I mean, yes it's sort of an update or answer, but it also really isn't. Nothing's really changed, we're still being ignored.


EDIT: I apologize to anyone if I sound rude, upset, or angry, that was not my intent. If my post has offended, insulted, or hurt anyone in anyway I deeply regret that and offer my sincere apology; my intent with these posts is not to cause harm. If anyone is bothered by what I have said, please let me know immediately so that I may edit accordingly. Furthermore, everything I have said here is my own opinion, I do not presume to speak for anyone else and my thoughts and statements should not be taken as facts. I am merely a frustrated gamer, voicing his frustrations in an effort to excise them.


Thank you

Edited by Caernos
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Yes it's an answer,


But in my opinion (emphasis on my opinion) it's not a good one. We already got this answer earlier and it's essentially a repeat. I don't blame the Community team for it; if the devs don't give them any info they've got nothing to pass on to us. It just shows, that despite the fact that the Community team realizes that this is a problem (so much so that they've responded to it in two separate threads,) the dev's do not seem to think so. If we had a post from one of the Devs saying something to the effect of...


"Hey guys, we understand you're really frustrated about the lack of bug fixes since May of 2014 and the ones that were just introduced. Unfortunately, we're busy with other issues that arose during 3.0 early access that could cause huge problems for the official launch tomorrow and we have to get those resolved ASAP before we can focus on GSF. We're very sorry, we know you like flying, and as soon as we get these problems fixed we'll work on getting all your ships repaired and back into the skies for more dogfighting."


Then we could honestly say oh the devs are looking into it. It's still a lousy answer from the dev team (in my opinion) but it would be an answer. Right now, the community team tells us that the devs are looking into it, but for all we know, the devs could be sitting back, drinking coffee and making jokes.


So I mean, yes it's sort of an update or answer, but it also really isn't. Nothing's really changed, we're still being ignored.


EDIT: I apologize to anyone if I sound rude, upset, or angry, that was not my intent. If my post has offended, insulted, or hurt anyone in anyway I deeply regret that and offer my sincere apology; my intent with these posts is not to cause harm. If anyone is bothered by what I have said, please let me know immediately so that I may edit accordingly. Furthermore, everything I have said here is my own opinion, I do not presume to speak for anyone else and my thoughts and statements should not be taken as facts. I am merely a frustrated gamer, voicing his frustrations in an effort to excise them.


Thank you


I completely agree with ya!


I just started this thread to let everyone know what they "are" saying. Hence the dot, dot, dot to say, really that's the best you can DO!

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