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The shaft, and how Archaeology got it.


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The problem being that every single time EA/BW has had a chance to fix their mistake, they haven't.


The simplest solution would be to make Force using mobs "harvest-able" and to have Color crystals also drop Artifacts and Power crystals...or have Artifact and Power crystal nodes also drop Color crystals.


Yes, Archaeology has always gotten the shaft but there doesn't seem to be any move to fix that.


While I like the idea of force using mobs being harvestable (saber wielders should have crystals, after all) I'd like to point out there are actually benefits to archaeology mats being less common. While I realize not everyone sells crafting materials, archaeology mats almost universally sell higher than bio/scavenging mats just because they're less common in the wild, yet just as easy to get from missions. I like there being variety in how you get different mats, but I really am not trying to minimize your point. I certainly wouldn't complain if force user mobs were harvestable.

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Color crystals seem to take up 75% of the spawn points on Yavin 4. If people aren't picking them up, then those points won't spawn the materials we really need.


This is likely a player induced issue as player simply skip the color crystal nodes. Now.. I guess they could make archeology nodes such that you cannot tell what they are until you harvest them (like other gathering skills) but that won't solve the problem as people will just leave the harvested node there.


Gathering skills benefit overall by being somewhat different IMO. Why? Because players want diversity in game play in most cases. Unfortunately some players also want everything to be low hanging fruit for their personal play style/preference. There are too many different player styles and preferences to solve this broadly.


Personally, I'd hate to see them dumb down Archeology to be like every other gathering skill. But that's just me.

Edited by Andryah
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I always found the issue of multiple color crystals being annoying. I wante to make red lvl 50 power crystals and had to deal with hours of rng before I got enough reds. And they just fixed bio analysis. There were 4 mats last tier and I think I have like 15 stacks of viral extract or something since it's so underused compared to the others. That was rng too. Current tier looks good so hopefully they bring arch into balance. Edited by bdatt
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This is likely a player induced issue as player simply skip the color crystal nodes.

Well, I think it's more due to color crystals being practically useless at the moment. Would you rather use your Midlithe Crystals making dyes or hilts and enhancements?

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Scavenging: One node for both mats. Ditto for Bioanalysis. Plus, they get to harvest from strong or better mobs of the appropriate type.


You can't travel the new planets without tripping over Scavenging and Bioanalysis nodes.


Archaeology? Five separate nodes. One for Power crystals, one for Artifacts and one each for the colors and they do NOT give you Artifacts as they did previously.


And their nodes are sporadic to say the least, not to mention having no ability to harvest from mobs.


What give Bioware? What exactly do you have against Artificers and Archaeologists?




I cant move a foot on Yavin with out tripping over arc nodes and they respawn ultra fast making grade 11 arc nodes more available then even grade 1 nodes in Coruscant jedi temple


ok in hindsite the artifact complaint is true but meh, I run missions anyways so not an issue.


TONS of power mats out there along with color mats

Edited by Kalfear
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Scavenging: One node for both mats. Ditto for Bioanalysis. Plus, they get to harvest from strong or better mobs of the appropriate type.


You can't travel the new planets without tripping over Scavenging and Bioanalysis nodes.


Archaeology? Five separate nodes. One for Power crystals, one for Artifacts and one each for the colors and they do NOT give you Artifacts as they did previously.


And their nodes are sporadic to say the least, not to mention having no ability to harvest from mobs.


What give Bioware? What exactly do you have against Artificers and Archaeologists?


I have to admit, Archeology has been underrepresented in the game with respect to mat spawns. This is just a continuation of that unfortunate reality IMO.

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