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costs are out of line for skills...


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i get it, skill have costs, but going from 55-58 has not cost me half a million creds, thats ridiculous.

we dont all have stockpiles of credits so unless you are now encouraging people to buy gold instead of cartel coins this needs to get fixed...

i wont level another toon simply becasue i wont be able to afford it

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Half a million, you say?




Whenever I level a new character, I send it half a million from my main. By the time it has completed Corellia, it sends my main over 2 million. Without fail. And that leaves half a million on it.


Whatchoo blowin' yer wad on, bro?

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Not to worry, I'm sure whenever the people who handle this issue gets done playing golf, comes back from a trail hike in Peru or finishes visiting their cousin in France after Christmas, will look into the situation at Bioware...lol no serisously this has stopped me from leveling my alts that are 55+ as well, just because most no-lifers that grind creds and dailies every frigging day for past 3 years have millions to waste, doesn't mean EVERYONE does. :p Edited by Devako
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Half a million, you say?




Whenever I level a new character, I send it half a million from my main. By the time it has completed Corellia, it sends my main over 2 million. Without fail. And that leaves half a million on it.


Whatchoo blowin' yer wad on, bro?



i have bought nothing but skills.. i have done every quest i can find along the way.

This aint correlia anymore my good man, when you pay 38K per skill, it adds up fast.

I agree with you in the past i could level and have a bit of a surplus, certainly not lose anything, but in this case it simply isnt whats happening, ive gone backwards in a big way

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Not to worry, I'm sure whenever the people who handle this issue gets done playing golf, comes back from a trail hike in Peru or finishes visiting their cousin in France after Christmas, will look into the situation at Bioware...lol no serisously this has stopped me from leveling my alts that are 55+ as well, just because most no-lifers that grind creds and dailies every frigging day for past 3 years have millions to waste, doesn't mean EVERYONE does. :p

I agreed with you up until your 'no-lifer' comment. You were doing so well and gave me a laugh initially and then bombed hard here.

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Almost makes me miss the good old days of launch, when all skills 40+ were 40k each (not counting speeder piloting, that was a couple hundred k), and once you hit 50, you needed about 3 million to get anything done. And if you were using orange armor and ripping mods? Rakata pieces cost about 30k each to rip mods from.
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Hey folks,


Although there may have been some skills that would require training with the implementation of Disciplines, it does seem (due to these reports) that it may be wider spread than that. We are looking into this now and once I have more info I will pass it on.




Looking into it.


Until then, either don't play at all or wait for a fix perhaps. :(

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At 58, a sorc receives upgrades to 7 of their skills (overload rank 6, thrash rank 8) etc. at a cost of 39K each.


Fortunately I had enough credits to pay for this, but the cost is really high I feel.


I had only earned about 200K leveling from 55-58, so without credits at 55, I wouldn't have been able to get all the upgraded abilities I received at 58.


For the cost conscience, I didn't need to get the next rank of thrash, because it isn't even on my bars for a sorc, but the ability is available and will cost you.

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Looking into it.


Until then, either don't play at all or wait for a fix perhaps. :(


I'm just leveling my crew skills........I have, no scratch that had 10 million credits at the launch of this and right now I have 8 million. The skills they are asking you to pay for again is just ridiculous. Crewskills I can understand, 50k one time.....with 9 toon it may sting a little but I can live with it. I can not be dropping 5 million credits before I even kill anything. Oh well, I'm just running around everything and scanning all the matts I can just ignoring everything else since half my skills are completely overpriced.

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I agreed with you up until your 'no-lifer' comment. You were doing so well and gave me a laugh initially and then bombed hard here.


that wasnt meant as an insult to anyone, its fact... some people have more time to game than others thats all.. i had the creds, i could afford it, but it hurt the bottom line

either way whether you have 10 mill, 100 mil.. should it cost money to level? really? you are ok with that? To each their own i guess but i for one am not, especially when it is that excessive an amount.

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I'm just leveling my crew skills........I have, no scratch that had 10 million credits at the launch of this and right now I have 8 million. The skills they are asking you to pay for again is just ridiculous. Crewskills I can understand, 50k one time.....with 9 toon it may sting a little but I can live with it. I can not be dropping 5 million credits before I even kill anything. Oh well, I'm just running around everything and scanning all the matts I can just ignoring everything else since half my skills are completely overpriced.



Yes, i didnt add this originally but i have alos leveled my support skills as well as buying skills at trainer.


i have bought nothing, i have sold everything but gear upgrades which have been few, and am in the rears half a mil in 3 levels.


it really doesnt matter how many creds you have.. i realize some of you cant see passed your own nose but not everyone in these games has an endless supply.


Regardless of that, it should not cost to level doing nothing but paying for skills and abilities.

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