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Explain the new Cauterize to me


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The new Cauterize has no CD. It applies its damage over 12 seconds.


In what circumstance would you want to re-apply cauterize before the 12 seconds of DOT are up?


If the answer is "never" or "almost never", why isn't it on a 12 second CD?


Another target who avoided smash when you went for the AoE spread

A scoundrel who used dodge to cleanse it

An assassin who used shroud to cleanse it

A sorc who used superbubble to cleanse it


Also teaching you skills in managing DoTs

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The new Cauterize has no CD. It applies its damage over 12 seconds.


In what circumstance would you want to re-apply cauterize before the 12 seconds of DOT are up?


If the answer is "never" or "almost never", why isn't it on a 12 second CD?


Also when your target dies in less than 12 seconds.

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K I'll explain the new rupture. (I'm an imp. Deal with it)


Sorc - affliction

Assassin - discharge

PT/Merc - incendiary missle

OP/sniper - poison dart


Does it make sense now?

That role is filled by Force Rend. Any real need of having to reapply Rupture due to Cleanse/Target Death is now due to the fact it is used every 12 seconds. Applying it was never really an issue when it was 6 seconds since it ticked so fast. The change to Cauterize is terrible and the changes to Watchman as a whole are just flat out bad. They changed it from an active and fun playstyle, to something very passive, and very very boring.


The fact that they so drastically changed the playstyle of a spec when there was no one asking for it just baffles me.

Edited by Emperor-Norton
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Low lvl but I use it twice in my rotation. AoE and Single. FC/BA/RuptureSmash/Cyclone. Then I go into my single target. Rupture/Ravage/FS/Slash. I think it's for stringing your AoE attack into a single target. Again, I'm low lvl but I'm finding the instant works great like that.
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That role is filled by Force Rend. Any real need of having to reapply Rupture due to Cleanse/Target Death is now due to the fact it is used every 12 seconds. Applying it was never really an issue when it was 6 seconds since it ticked so fast. The change to Cauterize is terrible and the changes to Watchman as a whole are just flat out bad. They changed it from an active and fun playstyle, to something very passive, and very very boring.


The fact that they so drastically changed the playstyle of a spec when there was no one asking for it just baffles me.


I played Watchman in PvP last night and was surprised how effective it was, even at level 57 without all the goodies. I understand what you are saying though. Once you get cauterize and Force rend on the target it feels like you are looking for abilities to use after merciless slash. The thing is, I am not sure if once I play with it more that I will figure out some ways to make it feel dynamic again by finding the best possible combination of non-dot attacks while still making sure overload saber is used on cooldown and twin saber throw is used when the damage proc is up. I'm going to need to play with it more to figure out if I love it or hate it.

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That role is filled by Force Rend. Any real need of having to reapply Rupture due to Cleanse/Target Death is now due to the fact it is used every 12 seconds. Applying it was never really an issue when it was 6 seconds since it ticked so fast. The change to Cauterize is terrible and the changes to Watchman as a whole are just flat out bad. They changed it from an active and fun playstyle, to something very passive, and very very boring.


The fact that they so drastically changed the playstyle of a spec when there was no one asking for it just baffles me.


I am not sure whose at fault - the people on the PTS testing the spec or the devs, but something has gone wrong somewhere. The marauders on the PTS must surely have felt the same as what the majority has expressed since 3.0's release, so I assume the fault lies with the developers. They must have been dead set on changing the spec and flat out refused to listen to what people had to say, regardless how much it changed the playstyle. It may have increased annihilation's viability in PvP, but in PvE the fun of the spec is completely removed. It is incredibly dull and mechanical.


I mean, look at how they changed gore because of PvP'ers. It seems their entire focus is PvP, yet they failed amazingly in regards to removing deadly throw. Carnage has been flat out nerfed and simplified, with one less ability in the rotation and a gore that is very affected by even slight fps or lag problems. Seeing how good the game is optimised (sarcasm), I suspect lots of people playing carnage having issues.

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From what I heard there were very very few people playing the mara on the PTS.


Now I agree. I played a bit of anni last night and it seems clunky and awkward now. Anni used to be fun and flow. I think part of the problem is adding force rend. Having another ability that is only a dot interrupts the flow. I could say I would use it when I did deadly saber but then it would be in the wrong spot. And now that annihilate doesn't tie in, it just doesn't feel right.


Loved old anni. Not liking the new. I think they need to get rid of force rend and tie that dot to another ability.

Edited by Ld-Siris
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From what I heard there were very very few people playing the mara on the PTS.


Now I agree. I played a bit of anni last night and it seems clunky and awkward now. Anni used to be fun and flow. I think part of the problem is adding force rend. Having another ability that is only a dot interrupts the flow. I could say I would use it when I did deadly saber but then it would be in the wrong spot. And now that annihilate doesn't tie in, it just doesn't feel right.


Loved old anni. Not liking the new. I think they need to get rid of force rend and tie that dot to another ability.


That's very unfortunate. I would have thought they had some sort of tools to see what classes were played, and if low, invite people they know play marauders (either by looking at progression threads or from pvp leaderboards). The flow is indeed silly now, and the spec has become very mechanical. Not fun at all. It's hard to understand their reasoning for this.

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That's very unfortunate. I would have thought they had some sort of tools to see what classes were played, and if low, invite people they know play marauders (either by looking at progression threads or from pvp leaderboards). The flow is indeed silly now, and the spec has become very mechanical. Not fun at all. It's hard to understand their reasoning for this.

What may or may not have happened in testing can't be talked about due to NDA.

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The fact that they so drastically changed the playstyle of a spec when there was no one asking for it just baffles me.


You need to remember that this is EA. Baffling people with idiocy is par for the course.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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That role is filled by Force Rend. Any real need of having to reapply Rupture due to Cleanse/Target Death is now due to the fact it is used every 12 seconds. Applying it was never really an issue when it was 6 seconds since it ticked so fast. The change to Cauterize is terrible and the changes to Watchman as a whole are just flat out bad. They changed it from an active and fun playstyle, to something very passive, and very very boring.


The fact that they so drastically changed the playstyle of a spec when there was no one asking for it just baffles me.


This a thousand times.. New watchman is just in no way enjoyable.. and I'm sad :(

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