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SH Decorations, Droids, Menus and Items totally screwed up by patch 3.0


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I have already noted two missing items: Jedi Fountain and Painting: Abstract colors, now missing from SH decorations menu.


In addition, items that can be crafted cannot be viewed because their menus are totally screwed up. They display the wrong items, often reverting to some item not even in the category.


Many existing decorations are simply not showing up in menus at all.


Add: Luxurious blue rug

networked security monitor (wall)


Wow SH decorations got seriously FUBARd by this patch.

Edited by Velarax
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Pretty much anything before the galactic starfighter update is gone. I.E., tauntaun mounts, varactyl mounts, Lhosan speeders, Orlean speeders. Here's some other stuff: shipping crates, smuggler's gambit, metropolitan benches. Thats just what ive discovered so far. Hopefully they fix this soon, because this is kind of an inconvenience. I was going to have friends over to my stronghold to show them my cool set up, but now half my crap is gone and the place looks dumb. :rak_02::rak_02:
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I don't know whether to laugh or cry how could they break dozens of decorations so badly and HOW did this pass any kind of testing.


And that it just on top of previous problems that are still not fixed like missing decorations that were advertised in the Decoration Menu (Kingpin's Mark Slot Machine, computers for Dark Projects, warzone comms Generator Nodes, Voss centerpiece sculpture for achievements etc) along with decorations that were broken in other patches (Hunter's Table, Selkath Console).

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Everything is gone! The alderaanian throne, the desert peddler's rug.. seems like everything... if I try to buy and use something from a droid, it just disappears into thin air. All that hard work treasure hunting and crafting gone to hell.


I was spending so much time leveling characters last month I wanted to finally relax and decorate.. Now I can't. :-/ I can't believe someone messed things up this bad!

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I intended to add the Merchant Stall to this list, then I clicked a little further and noticed more and more things missing.

So yeah, loads of decorations broken, I hope they fix this promptly and that we haven't lost all those items.


Additionally, the Palm Tree from the decorations vendor doesn't work either.


I do wonder how this got through beta unnoticed. :confused:

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I encountered this issue with my Senate podium crystals. Changed the hook type they were on to place the new Rishi decoration from the pre-order figuring I would just place them on the small hooks to either side of their origanal hooks. Lo and behold they magically no longer exist. I even went through the full options list for the small, medium narrow, and medium hooks (all 200 something combined pages or so) only to find they aren't listed anywhere anymore.
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Same here. Everything was fine Monday, then after the patch things are gone. I pick them up, and they disappear from my menus. And even entire menus are gone...my entire mount and pet collections...gone from selection!!


Seriously...I come back after several months and this is what I'm greeted with?

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All of my speeder collection - gone from the list. A ton of pets - gone. I suppose someone messed up big with the indexes. I'm pretty certain the decos will be restored to us, though I dare not think how long it would take to get a cosmettic fix such as this on the way...
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Jedi fountain, several plants, pets, and other items. Also, can't pick up items that have already been placed because they are no longer in the list.

See image below...



Also, some of the new vendor items are not what they claim to be. The ferns and palms are exactly the same thing when they land in your inventory.

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I first got this months ago with the "Gree Light Pillar (Blue)". It wiped my inventory and deleted the ones I had. As far as I can tell, they never fixed that (Haven't been able to try and buy more tho).


Getting the same thing today but with many many more items. Lots of plants and lots of different computer stations are getting this problem now. Hopefully they'll fix it ASAP. Quite annoying not being able to pick anything up.

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I've noticed many things missing from my decoration list as well. Particularly my Ashfall Tauntaun and many of my pets (including several astromechs and orokeets, of which I just obtained but do not show up in my decoration list).
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