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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Latency Issues


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Everywhere I go, huge ability delays. And I too noticed some actually crazy powerful silvers. The same ones I have been fighting in dailies forever, a day after patch some of them hit like a nuke. Just their "auto attack" I mean, not stuff you can interrupt etc. Some silvers seem the same, some are crazy powerful now.


Seeing this at all levels really, though is not consistent. Been weird after the patch!


100% in agreement with this message as it dies seem to be all over AND also it is a hit and miss...


sometimes the same group you might have had issues with yesterday are absolutely insane damage output..


the next day you can to it with a little work but it is possible and a few hours later you are back at the dying time and again to stuff the same day you soloed with easy..


both my 2 tanks (JF and Trooper) have this (though my trooper also now feels way squishier at level 35 that my 33 JK) and my commando/smuggler are hideous to heal with because you are FORCED to spam heals for incoming damage often against almost greyed spawns of silvers (a few are still green but still pretty darned low) which leave you completely drained of energy.


I think it has something to do with the incredible lag spikes I am getting ONLY off SWTOR and just after SWTOR almost as if you have turned my broadband into a download site feeding 100s of thousands of downloaders.


this last part is a guess but are you using us as a feeder as players without even giving us the ability for deselect this option maybe?

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Shadowlands has been a mess since the crash yesterday. Ability delays of 5-10 seconds constantly. Flashpoints unplayable. And the problem also affects other, NON SoR content. My guildies have reported having bad latency all over, but MUCH worse in the SoR planets.


The culprit seems to be the instances. Yesterday before the crash there were 10-15 instances of Rishi. Since the crash it seems to cap at 3 instances, each with 65+ people.


Technically speaking, the game is PLAYABLE in that you can log in and play. PRACTICALLY speaking, the game is UNplayable, or at the very least unenjoyable.


No communication from BW either. They launched an expansion then apparently took the whole weekend off, the first weekend of the expansion. Very, very poor customer service.

Edited by Eldrenath
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Shadowlands has been a mess since the crash yesterday. Ability delays of 5-10 seconds constantly. Flashpoints unplayable. And the problem also affects other, NON SoR content. My guildies have reported having bad latency all over, but MUCH worse in the SoR planets.


The culprit seems to be the instances. Yesterday before the crash there were 10-15 instances of Rishi. Since the crash it seems to cap at 3 instances, each with 65+ people.


Technically speaking, the game is PLAYABLE in that you can log in and play. PRACTICALLY speaking, the game is UNplayable, or at the very least unenjoyable.


No communication from BW either. They launched an expansion then apparently took the whole weekend off, the first weekend of the expansion. Very, very poor customer service.


I found shadowlands to be unplayable today.

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Apparently said fix fixed nothing because Korriban and Tython FPs are unplayable on Shadowlands.


Shadowlands crashed I believe and may have more issues than the rest. I have noticed a difference on Red Eclipse. The problems are not gone but it does seem to be less laggy.

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Shadowlands crashed I believe and may have more issues than the rest. I have noticed a difference on Red Eclipse. The problems are not gone but it does seem to be less laggy.


and yet above you is someone who posted as unplayable .


HIT and miss issues suck since it is way harder to diagnose said issues .. BETTER LUCK guys ..


gonna log in myself and see if my lag is a bit better today compared to last night

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I found shadowlands to be unplayable today.


Unplayable today and yesterday. I can't play through Rishi proper or take my toons through the solo FPs.


I expected the problem to be resolved on Saturday after, I don't know, a day.

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I play on Shadowlands and was doing fine in warzones lastnight, with no ability delay at all. And guildies were doing dailies (other than rishi/yavin) without seeing that either. The problem seems to be isolated to the new content and the lvl 60 hmfp, which leads me to believe whatever "fix" they applied earlier in the week was undone when the server crashed.
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Unplayable today and yesterday. I can't play through Rishi proper or take my toons through the solo FPs.


I expected the problem to be resolved on Saturday after, I don't know, a day.


I switched over to Harbinger, which at the first two solo flashpoints is actually doing well. Fingers crossed that continues for a little while.

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Hey everyone!


We are investigating the latency issues that players are seeing in Flashpoints and certain Planet areas. I'll update you as I get more information!






soooo how about a update ? it takes almost 4.5 seconds to open my legacy storage box on Nar Shadda ... lets not even talk about ability use in ANY world area.

Edited by captpickles
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