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Is it just me or is anyone else unable to get into SWTOR because the server lists come up totally blank?

What is the point of being a subscriber and paying for the early access well over a month ago if I can't even get into the game?

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:mad: I don't like the fact you guys messed with the powers I had before. I almost always threw 2 rocks with force throw and now its just one one but I got 3 "powers" or something like that. Big fricking deal! I can kill a whole mob now with force quake but some silver mobs 1 level below me can for some reason kill me in like 4 hits. I do not like this Sam I am. I'm now fighting on Hoth because I couldnt finish my quest on quesh. One of my standard yellow missions on hoth had me run into a base to get supply's. Greeting me at the gate where 2 elite level 60 turrets and an elite 50 guard. Inside I saw a silver level 38 robot but theirs no way I would have made it inside! I've loved the game so far and turned a bit of real money into fake money to add to my game play. As it stands now I'm canceling my subscription. turn the powers back to what they where and fix the game.:(
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:mad: Greeting me at the gate where 2 elite level 60 turrets and an elite 50 guard... but theirs no way I would have made it inside! ... (

Hi I don't remember the quest exactly but I think you don't need to go in, you need to go over the tunnel, you can go over the snow, once you reach the other end you should see that the supplies aren't in the base but in the next area of the map. Hope this helps!

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I feel ok with the new talent trees. I do not take it as a positive change, but my 40 lvl scrapper feels similar and my 49 lvl vanguard's dps seems similar.


However, I am not liking the drop of survavilability on both characters. I am usually overlevelled and overgeared for the planetary content I am doing, but my tanking comps go down really fast even when fighting ordinary mobs. Today, I even died on my vanguard because of not paying too much attention. My vanguard, even though he was dps, used to feel like a small fortress, for which I gave up a bit of dps. Now I need to heal after each fight. The goal of the update was to make mobs under lvl 50 weaker (see the patchnotes). Well, it feels more like they remained the same, but my armor values halved.


Having to re-buy some abilities was not a nice surprise as well.


Btw., the new top gear for the republic still lacks the cool factor, much unlike the new imperial gear. But no surprise there.


Overall, I am ok with the update, and I welcome the possibility to do some fp's alone, even though I play group flashpoints very often.

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Well, still not sure how much I like it yet. All I know is the rewards are still not up to speed. Solo Flashpoints that were way to easy at 55. Out of 6 pieces of orange/purple mod gear none were of any use to me. I used one for a companion. The Elite comms were about the only thing. I already have near 1000 basic comms. Look guys why don't you at least make the gear Legacy bound ? That way I can at least send them to an Alt. Seems like you are catering to the Newer players. What new content have you created at the lower levels to make leveling up better and more enjoyable ? This whole 12xp thing pushing people to level up to 55 was a mess if you ask a lot of people...But Oh well, I'm gonna give it until my next game pay date to see if I really want to stay. time will tell Edited by Agamaras
Changed my mind
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any way to turn off my pre order so I can keep my trees a bit longer?


There's 3.0 and Shadow of Revan.

Disciplines are part of 3.0.

Disciplines aren't part of Shadow of Revan.

3.0 and Shadow of Revan are two different thing.

3.0 is game update (core mechanics)

Shadow of Revan is an expansion including new level cap and content from 55 to 60, 1 planet, 1 moon, etc.


Why it's so difficult to understand something as simple as this?


Well, you have ruined the game for me. Paid for early access and can't do a thing because I have to do a Flashpoint to continue. I don't like you forcing me to group to get to content I paid for. I won't even get into all the other crap you have managed to screw up or NERF. I'm gonna play out my monthly on my account and then I'm done..


Do you mean Blood Hunt? There's solo mode for it. First and last bosses are a bit tricky but you can do it solo.

Edited by Halinalle
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Well, you have ruined the game for me. Paid for early access and can't do a thing because I have to do a Flashpoint to continue. I don't like you forcing me to group to get to content I paid for. I won't even get into all the other crap you have managed to screw up or NERF. I'm gonna play out my monthly on my account and then I'm done..


The Flashpoints are able to be done Solo now. You do not need to be in a group to complete and move on. On your ship you will have a terminal that will star the Prelude to Shadow of Revan story lines. This will allow you to go though the Flashpoint Solo. (I did not try to group with anyone, so not positive if a group could do this. I am thinking they should be able to)

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I don't like sounding like the negative nancy on the 3.0, but i'm afraid i have to to say i'm totally pissed. I literally freaking hate it. It completely boxes my toons in. I liked the skill tree. i liked being able to do a little of everything. With the way things are now, i lose no matter which way i choose to go. And i'd not seen one mention or comment or post about all of us having to RE-BUY OUR FREAKING SKILLS WHILE BEING URGED TO PREORDER! NOT ONE! I would have to not only re-buy all of that but i would have to completely respec ALL my toons since the way i have them geared atm would not work at all with the way the new skill tree b.s. has them boxed into one category! IT SUCKS! Thanks alot for ruining my all time favorite game for me, you just lost a subscriber. Edited by Dairana
left some concerns out
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I don't like sounding like the negative nancy on the 3.0, but i'm afraid i have to to say i'm totally pissed. I literally freaking hate it. It completely boxes my toons in. I liked the skill tree. i liked being able to do a little of everything. With the way things are now, i lose no matter which way i choose to go. And i'd not seen one mention or comment or post about all of us having to RE-BUY OUR FREAKING SKILLS WHILE BEING URGED TO PREORDER! NOT ONE! I would have to not only re-buy all of that but i would have to completely respec ALL my toons since the way i have them geared atm would not work at all with the way the new skill tree b.s. has them boxed into one category! IT SUCKS! Thanks alot for ruining my all time favorite game for me, you just lost a subscriber.


I agree with you. I started playing regularly because I wasn't playing a game that had a much longer history of boxing one into the same specs (WOW). For some reason, they decided to take away spec options as opposed to giving you more options, more flexibility. It keeps you interested in the game because now you want to play it out to see how the mechanics work. Rather, SWTOR has devolved and like you stated "boxed you in". I don't care about my hot bar lighting up, that's not new. Finally, I think anyone who pre-ordered should play till 60, not a deadline of 30 + days ago. I won't be doing that again. I've cancelled my sub, I'll play till the months up. Peace to you all.

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This Sucks, If I want to be a Half Gunnery and Half medic, That's my choice, this is World of Warcraft all over again, next thing were gonna have is Pokémon. Battles like in WOW what's wrong with you people, this IS less choice. Just like wow, Dumbing the game down, removing choice from the players.. It was exciting to get that one point per level. made it worth leveling,, now I can scratch myself and not care. Thanks for removing a fun factor from the game., Welcome to WOWTOR.


i completely agree with you. this is the worst thing swtor could have done. all they have accomplished is running off even more subscribers. they keep this up and they will be down to only 2 servers before long. a Pvp and PvE server. remember how many servers swtor started off with? this is what happens when they keep dumbing a game down for the idiots who can't be bothered to actually read and LEARN how to play the game, you lose the REAL players because they can't stand to see their favorite game butchered and all the stuff that actually made the game fun and worth playing sucked out of it. it was the skill tree points that made me wanna keep playing and made me feel like i had accomplished something, i'd be all like "YEAH! FINALLY! I CAN USE MY POINT FOR THIS THIS OR THIS!" Now i'm seriously doubting i'll ever log back into SWTOR unless it's to delete all my toons and shut my account down. 3.0 BLOWS! :(:confused::mad:

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, been a Sub for past couple of years. still waiting to download latest patch :/


i have noticed 60-70% of Posts are negitive . Due to some Problems bio didn´t notice or thought we woudn´t

1 lose of choice ( These are our chars that we created we deceide how we want them to Play )

2 storyline ( is too bloody quick )

3 comp partisapaton ( None )

4 re-buying skills ( this can be costly if u have all 12 chars at 55 )



i´m sure These topice will be getting their own threads



Edited by deadheadge
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It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Early Access week for the Shadow of Revan Digital Expansion.


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how long will it take swtor to get rid of this monstrosity of a craptacular mess it's made, and get back to making REAL updates instead of just dumbing the game down for the idiots? should have just expanded the skill trees to level 60. messed up everything that made this game worth playing. thanks alot. :mad:

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It's quite annoying how probably 75% of forum posts are negative. Bioware clearly has a direction they are wanting to take the game. If you don't like it, keep it to yourself. I'm sure they take some player feedback in to consideration for some things but ultimately, they create the game, and they take it in the direction that they prefer. If you don't like it... leave! You don't need to share it in the forum posts. They will see the loss of subscription when you unsubscribe. If you want to play the game, play it because it's Star Wars. play it because you enjoy it, play it because you have nothing else to do... But please STOP whining about the changes because you have lost choice. We all know it's because you want to show your "superiority". I have some news for you, it's a video game. It proves no superiority in life and you don't get paid for. You're not going to get an Olympic gold medal for coming first in DPS or Healing in a PVP match. Please just stop the whining like a bunch of little hungry kids! The game IS rated T so maybe you are not mature enough to play anyway.


With that being said.... Thank you Bioware for the additional content. I like some things and I don't like some things but I do like the game enough that it entertains me and therefore I will continue to play it.

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I understand that - before Nov 2 is only people able to play SOR expansion, but then why the hell the email to my toons saying have fun go play SOR!!!!! I pre-ordered on Nov 12, I get in game email saying go to mission terminal on ship and party down.....and of course I cant. bah!
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Hey SWTOR devs,

I have been a subscriber since launch and pre-ordered the expansion too late to receive early access. I took a hiatus from the game briefly to deal with personal life issues (maintaining my subscription all the while) and was not aware of the expansion pre-order perk of early access. I would appreciate if you would grant myself early access in good faith, being a loyal customer for so long. Please let me know if this is at all possible.


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Game for the dumb dumb.

I tried really hard to enjoy it, but it just fails, this new (rip off from WOW) system of character advancement stinks. At least with the trees, you got to pick per level your points, So what if most people chose the same thing. many of us liked to choose. Freedom.

No there is no choice and no variation . You just get to choose one of three Clones of each class

I'm sorry to bag on the people who like the new system, but to me, since everything is chosen, it tells me the unskilled and lazy enjoy having others choose your character for you. Anyone can now play a button mashing chimp since the button bar now it shows you how to play your character with the golden outlines

Granting 6 points at lvl 55 doesn't grant variation. just the illusion for the brainless and uneducated.

No longer do you have to try and figure out your character. Just eat your banana and enjoy.

Really!?!? a carbon copy of WOW. Lazy programming, surprised WOW doesn't sue.

When the Cartel Market allowed a quick buck to the company, it was cool at first but killed the Armor, Weapon, and Artifice skills. Then ruined the Galactic Market.

Won't make a new race, nor class. Barbie dream houses for you and your Guild? Lazy programming.

I'm paying to play a future version of World of Warcraft?

Didn't learn from WOW's mistakes, Just following in their foot steps. which is why they went from 12mil subscribers to 6 mil.

Getting my money back.

Edited by Spaceman_Spee
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Just managed to logon looking forward to the expansion just a quick thing I want to share the Revan Reborn Breastplate hood clips with every mask other than the batter revan mask is this intensional? if not will it be fixed whilst I like the asthetic of the rest of the gear I want to use the clean mask with it clipping throught the hood.


They clearly stated why they were making the changes so if you didnt read it its your problem there always will be people that dont like change and cant adapt


I did read and didn't like it and tried again but I still don't like the new system. I didn't ask "Why" they did what they did.. Obviously, You can't read what I originally wrote on page 4 nor did you read this whole forum about the expansion, not a bug report like your, not so bright posting above this one. There IS an in game help menu for reporting such things. oh I guess you didn't read that either. next time you want to slam someone,. do your reading first.

Edited by Spaceman_Spee
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Ok here is my take on this. First I was afraid of this. Every time you dumb down a game to cater to whiners that can't be bothered to learn how to play, you lose massive amounts of players. See we don't care if they can't be bothered to have to read, We don't care if all they do is whine. Who do you think is going to spend money in your Cartel? The whiners that can't play, or the people with brains? Who do you think is going to play to level 60? Won't be the damn whiners.


Now as to skills. I think you went way to far the wrong way. Taking control from us instead of building the tree up to level 60 was a huge mistake. This game is so linear as it is that now we have even less control and less reason to play.

Now I don't even have a choice as to what part of my tree I want to expand. Instead of have 45 decisions over the course of level 55 I now get a grand total of 7 in 60 levels. Hmmmmmm. Well let's see ... Do I play this with this crappy option at level 11 or this crappy option? I now have to choose 7 out of 15 options in 60 levels, I used to have 3 trees available to put the extra points in after I hit 45 and maxed my tree. If somebosy can't be bothered to learn the tree then they don't belong here.


I will be fair and try this, but I foresee only 2 servers in the very near future. 1 PVE and 1 PvP because you will have nobody playing this. That has already happened to you. How many servers did you start with? Then they were gone. Had to go to a free model to get players. Now I wonder what you are going to do when people stop renewing their subs. I have until Jan 10th. If there is not some real spectacular reason to stay, then my sub will be one that will be gone.


I left the game for a long time because there was no end game content. I came back and found the game dumbed down. Now after the mad rush to get my characters up in level I have so far I found no reason to stay. This had better be the most extreme expansion ever in the history of MMO's to get me to stay.


Yes, that's what I'm taking about Hit the nail on the head!!! Skilled gamer here!

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