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3.0 patch notes are here!


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I really hope the 3 credit discount on the two houses isn't the only 3rd anniversary rewards i'll be extremely disappointed considering how bad last years reward was.


There is more to come, no worries. Keep your eyes on the site as we get closer :rak_03:



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Thanks for the patch notes!!


So I am wondering. With one character I am currently on Forged ALliances part 2, about to do Manaan. Can I from this point do it solo or once started by flashpoints I need to continue trough flashpoints? Just curious, I wouldn´t mind either way.

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There is more to come, no worries. Keep your eyes on the site as we get closer :rak_03:




There better be because that would be lame as hell. Considering everyone already paid the measly 5k for them by now. While a discount for the minority that did not bother is nice, this would be yet again another "reward" that would be pointless {like so many before it}. Do understand I do not expect any reward...nor do I feel entitled to one, but get sick of these "rewards" you all give that have zero benefit...or drop after everyone already either has them. Please start thinking of your long time vets for a change when granting some of these things.


I speak only for myself, but am getting tired of "rewards" that have zero utility to me unless I just joined the damn game.

Edited by Urantia
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Well all I will say is this.


There's no doubt that the bioware team has worked very hard on this expansion, to provide new content/mechanics etc and for that effort I congratulate & commend them.


But I think Eric will have a tough time for the foreseeable future , as many of these changes have/will enrage a lot of players.

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