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What happened to the Emperor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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So unlike the Republic side where everyone who gets called to makeb speaks to SC Saresh,which unequivocally tells you that Janarus is no longer Supreme Chancellor, for whatever reason, . That damn Satele didn't say why. Luckily I played a Bounty Hunter too!


The Sith warrior and apparently the entire Empire is unaware that Vitiate was killed by the Hero of Tython! I mean only the Republic knows that the emperor is dead?


What happened to those idiot Hand of the emperor? Shouldn't there be a cut scene prior to Marr contacting you to go to makeb? Wouldn't the Sith know through the force that the emperor is no more? Would the Republic broadcast it to all and sundry that the emperor is dead?


So why is there no indication from the empire side that the emperor is dead?


How will the Sith warrior story progress henceforth?


Forget me if all this was covered in the makeb story because I have only gone as far as Dr. Ogorubb, or whatever his name is.

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The Empire doesn't realize the Emperor is dead because


1# He isn't actually dead, just seriously messed up


2# Even if he was dead, he often went for long periods of time without telling anyone to do anything and left the day to day running of his Empire to the members of the Dark Council.

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The Empire doesn't realize the Emperor is dead because


1# He isn't actually dead, just seriously messed up


2# Even if he was dead, he often went for long periods of time without telling anyone to do anything and left the day to day running of his Empire to the members of the Dark Council.


The Dark Council is well aware of it, though. Darth Jadus realised as early as Act 1 that the Emperor was preoccupied. Darth Malgus proclaims him to be dead upon naming himself the new Emperor. Darth Marr notes that, even if he wasn't dead, he's still been silent for a long time.


Plus, I figure Satele Shan, Jace Malcom and Leontyne Saresh making a public announcement of the Emperor's presumed death would give people in the Empire a hint.

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I made a thread about this earlier. The community and I bounced a few ideas off of each other and basically we all came to my conclusion that Lana Beniko is the Emperor. Based on the evidence, which there is much (and is all laid out in the thread I created (please check it out)), it is pretty obvious what Bioware is doing with Lana and how it will come down to a showdown between Revan and Lana "Emperor" Beniko. Hope this helps.
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I made a thread about this earlier. The community and I bounced a few ideas off of each other and basically we all came to my conclusion that Lana Beniko is the Emperor. Based on the evidence, which there is much (and is all laid out in the thread I created (please check it out)), it is pretty obvious what Bioware is doing with Lana and how it will come down to a showdown between Revan and Lana "Emperor" Beniko. Hope this helps.



Not a single person agreed with you in that thread, and every one had multiple reasons that showed the fallacies within the evidence you based this theory on.

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I made a thread about this earlier. The community and I bounced a few ideas off of each other and basically we all came to my conclusion that Lana Beniko is the Emperor. Based on the evidence, which there is much (and is all laid out in the thread I created (please check it out)), it is pretty obvious what Bioware is doing with Lana and how it will come down to a showdown between Revan and Lana "Emperor" Beniko. Hope this helps.


Oh gosh, this guy again.........:rod_frown_p:


move along folks, just a delusional random guy who doesn't even acknowledge his own theory got destroyed and that EVERYONE DISAGREED with his theory.


I hate liars.

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The community and I bounced a few ideas off of each other and basically we all came to my conclusion that Lana Beniko is the Emperor..


That's the conclusion you came to based on that discussion? I think things play out very differently in your head than in the real world.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Lana isnt the emperor. however could her being a Children of the emperor? that is another story.


The Children of the Emperor were all unmasked and / or defeated. As such, doubtful.


That's the conclusion you came to based on that discussion? I think things play out very differently in your head than in the real world.


It is fair to assume he's just trolling. :p

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The Emperor may be dead, but that doesn't mean it's going to be a known fact in the Empire. the Emperor lead the Sith Empire for over 1000 years he's at the center of Imperial civil society. he's pretty much a DEITY to the rank and file in the Empire. if news of his death reached the Imperial public, you'd likely see a break down of society. So I suspect that the average Imperial citizen likely doesn't know he's dead. I mean all they have is republic propaganda claiming that. Propaganda I bet the average citizen doesn't even see. (it's a totaltarian regime. holonet access is proably highly restricted)
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The Emperor may be dead, but that doesn't mean it's going to be a known fact in the Empire. the Emperor lead the Sith Empire for over 1000 years he's at the center of Imperial civil society. he's pretty much a DEITY to the rank and file in the Empire. if news of his death reached the Imperial public, you'd likely see a break down of society. So I suspect that the average Imperial citizen likely doesn't know he's dead. I mean all they have is republic propaganda claiming that. Propaganda I bet the average citizen doesn't even see. (it's a totaltarian regime. holonet access is proably highly restricted)


Basically, anyone could replace him and nobody would even know but the counsel.

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There was actually a female version, she had a different name though. Chosen, enlightened, something like that but definitely daughter.



The First Son was the top-dog among all the Children of the Emperor. He was the only one with a different title altogether, considering his unique role among his brethren.


Other than him, all were just Children of the Emperor, not First Daughter, Second Daughter, Second Son, etc etc.


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The First Son was the top-dog among all the Children of the Emperor. He was the only one with a different title altogether, considering his unique role among his brethren.


Other than him, all were just Children of the Emperor, not First Daughter, Second Daughter, Second Son, etc etc.




I'll find her now, she was one of the between-planet bosses. She didn't seem important but I assume she had purpose.

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