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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Shadow of Revan NDA expires when?


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Does it expire Dec 2nd? Not the press NDA, the one that testers on the closed test server are bound to.


yep dec 2nd its over becuz the Xpac will have launch to the general public if you preorder..everyone and their mama will be streaming 3.0 sor

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Its never really over, they cant talk about what the devs posted in the testing fourms, was my understanding.


you are correct that they cant talk about now, but starting Dec 2nd all bets are off any and everyone can talk about it..becuz what the testers have access to the public will have access to starting Dec 2nd

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you are correct that they cant talk about now, but starting Dec 2nd all bets are off any and everyone can talk about it..becuz what the testers have access to the public will have access to starting Dec 2nd


No.. you did not understand my post. Say a class had an ability during beta, but the devs thought it was too OP or didnt work with the game or whatever, and took it out for live, because of the NDA the testers would never be able to share that information with anyone. Thus the NDA is never really over.

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No.. you did not understand my post. Say a class had an ability during beta, but the devs thought it was too OP or didnt work with the game or whatever, and took it out for live, because of the NDA the testers would never be able to share that information with anyone. Thus the NDA is never really over.


ok i understand what your saying from that pov, but things that didn't make it into the game always find its way on the internet.

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Why would you -want- to reveal any of it? Let the players have their fun, spoiler free! Be that gameplay, story or both. Let them have the adventure of finding it all out themselves.


I'm not really interested in spoiling the story. I'm more curious about crafting things and economic issues so I can plan accordingly.

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When it expires depends on what BioWare told you when you agreed to join the closed beta. Usually for things like this, they send you the NDA form in an e-mail.


For GSF at least, the NDA was never lifted for the closed beta. Those who were allowed to participate can never reveal any gameplay footage or discuss what was posted in the closed beta forums.

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No.. you did not understand my post. Say a class had an ability during beta, but the devs thought it was too OP or didnt work with the game or whatever, and took it out for live, because of the NDA the testers would never be able to share that information with anyone. Thus the NDA is never really over.


Testers can only discuss stuff that makes it to live.

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I'm not really interested in spoiling the story. I'm more curious about crafting things and economic issues so I can plan accordingly.


You'll plan "accordingly" once the expansion hits.











Just like everyone else I guess. :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The NDA specifically states it doesn't expire. If it did when 3.0 went live, then I wouldn't have to powerlevel both my Vanguard and Powertech to level 60 ASAP so I can finish my guides for Dulfy (they are currently lacking a parse analysis section and a video section because those were cut out after revelations the NDA doesnt expire)
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It is reasonable for BW to not bother testing that on the PTS, it's pretty cut and dry.


You would think, but crafting can be just as buggy as the rest. I remember with 2.0, Underworld Trading kept getting Holinium which wasn't used for *ANYTHING*. So I do hope crafting was tested thoroughly this time.

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You would think, but crafting can be just as buggy as the rest. I remember with 2.0, Underworld Trading kept getting Holinium which wasn't used for *ANYTHING*. So I do hope crafting was tested thoroughly this time.


Problem is, with BW's testing method, nothing can be "thoroughly" tested, relatively speaking. In order for expansions like this to be thoroughly tested, a PTS community should have been established, thus keeping the PTS up and running as it was originally, and all patches placed there first in a timely manner (based upon the nature of the patch - from one week for small ones to months for expansions).


As it is, prepare for bugs and broken systems at launch, and months of patching to try and fix it.

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