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Please,make this happen, I'ts just impossible to win ranked warzones when some noobs just enter and die in 5 seconds,and when you ask them where is you pvp gear they say "just here to lose 10 rounds for tier 3 crystals", please,make it so nobody can enter RWZ without pvp full pvp gear, or minimal valor of 60....
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Or, raise comms cap to, say, 5000 so you can get a set-piece (gasp!) at level 60 (gasp!). 'Cause, you know, you spend months leveling to Level 60, to start out in the top bracket with 2 relics and 1 piece of gear. No matter your zone count, no matter your valor, you get the 2750.


Do you guys think it's such a joy being undergeared?


TBH, people who enter ranked for those crystals with the intention to quickly lose, and die in 5 sec might make it to 10 sec mark if geared. That's much joy?

Edited by DomiSotto
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Or, raise comms cap to, say, 5000 so you can get a set-piece (gasp!) at level 60 (gasp!). 'Cause, you know, you spend months leveling to Level 60, to start out in the top bracket with 2 relics and 1 piece of gear. No matter your zone count, no matter your valor, you get the 2750.


Do you guys think it's such a joy being undergeared?


TBH, people who enter ranked for those crystals with the intention to quickly lose, and die in 5 sec might make it to 10 sec mark if geared. That's much joy?


Um, what? No one should be starting out in the top bracket as soon as they reach level cap. It's there as an option for more skilled and geared players. If you think the comms cap is a problem, you're not converting your regular comms into ranked comms... With which you could upgrade entry-level pieces straight away. And if you're not Valor 40 that's a different problem. PvP gearing is meant to take a while, just like PvE gearing.


Anyway, that's not even what this thread is about- THIS is the problem being discussed:


when you ask them where is you pvp gear they say "just here to lose 10 rounds for tier 3 crystals"


The problem is people with no PvP gear at all queueing ranked to get a rating, and not caring about losing and bringing down their teammates, not "woe is me I just reached level cap and I don't have PvP gear so I get smashed in Ranked".

I sympathise with you OP but I agree with Warlockanap:


Valor is a poor way of making sure someone won't be detrimental to your team, it could of been achieved when they were level 50 for all you know.


I personally think that having an Expertise minimum to enter Ranked could be a viable option, but I'm sure this discussion has been hashed out many times so there's probably some who disagree. Sorry if I've missed it in other threads.

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Working as intended,


You think Bioware wouldn't know this would have happened? They did us a favor by not announcing "participation reward" sooner, otherwise the whole season would be filled with people that just join to lose 10 games.


Ranked should require full pvp gear, period. There is simply not enough people playing ranked wz for real matchmaking, so at least make it so you can't join RWZ without it.


I returned to the game late in the season 3 after taking a break from it after S1, because of what Bio did, achieving decent rating in 20-30 games without queue sync or win trading is simply impossible due to number of undergeared clueless people and trolls (I've had people join games with no gear whatsoever). Total cesspool.

Edited by Ankhkharu
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Um, what? No one should be starting out in the top bracket as soon as they reach level cap. It's there as an option for more skilled and geared players. If you think the comms cap is a problem, you're not converting your regular comms into ranked comms... With which you could upgrade entry-level pieces straight away. And if you're not Valor 40 that's a different problem. PvP gearing is meant to take a while, just like PvE gearing.


I did not mean ranked, I meant unranked; nobody asks you if you want to accumulate the equipment before getting into L55 bracket; you just get in and play with the folks that can have Level 2 gear. Even if I convert unranked comms into ranked, one still needs to accumulate enough unranked comms to purchase Level 1 gear to show BioWARE the homework.


While I understand that gearing has to take time, and I do not argue with that, I don't understand why the limit is not enough to get the 5-piece, or half the price of the full entry-level set? Is it about 14,000 comms all told? and the limit is 2750? So you are allowed to accumulate 20% of the set between level 1 and 60, and have to put in 80% afterwards? That's NOT counting in the fact that stats distribution leaves to be desired and good stats need to be purchased separately for each piece.


In levelling, as soon as you reach max level, you were initially handed out an entry-level 5 piece, then you get an area that allowed you to acquire an entry level 5-piece in under 2 hours. Then, the process becomes slow.


In PvP, you get into the unranked very undergeared by definition, with having to commit significant amount of time to acquire an entry level set of all 14-pieces, then having to acquire even more to do a proper stats distribution, because you cannot craft to replace the bad mods and enhancements.


And, since there are no gates on ranked based on gear, the entry-level comm cap doesn't serve any purpose whatsoever but to keep a new high level player under-performing in the top unranked bracket for weeks.


Why can't I put my time into the Tier I purchase through the long stretch of time, while leveling from 1 to 60? Why does it have to be a binge-play marathon after I reach level 60? I am doing one right now, and Hells bells, it's silly.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I did not mean ranked, I meant unranked; nobody asks you if you want to accumulate the equipment before getting into L55 bracket; you just get in and play with the folks that can have Level 2 gear. Even if I convert unranked comms into ranked, one still needs to accumulate enough unranked comms to purchase Level 1 gear to show BioWARE the homework.


While I understand that gearing has to take time, and I do not argue with that, I don't understand why the limit is not enough to get the 5-piece, or half the price of the full entry-level set? Is it about 14,000 comms all told? and the limit is 2750? So you are allowed to accumulate 20% of the set between level 1 and 60, and have to put in 80% afterwards? That's NOT counting in the fact that stats distribution leaves to be desired and good stats need to be purchased separately for each piece.


In levelling, as soon as you reach max level, you were initially handed out an entry-level 5 piece, then you get an area that allowed you to acquire an entry level 5-piece in under 2 hours. Then, the process becomes slow.


In PvP, you get into the unranked very undergeared by definition, with having to commit significant amount of time to acquire an entry level set of all 14-pieces, then having to acquire even more to do a proper stats distribution, because you cannot craft to replace the bad mods and enhancements.


And, since there are no gates on ranked based on gear, the entry-level comm cap doesn't serve any purpose whatsoever but to keep a new high level player under-performing in the top unranked bracket for weeks.


Why can't I put my time into the Tier I purchase through the long stretch of time, while leveling from 1 to 60? Why does it have to be a binge-play marathon after I reach level 60? I am doing one right now, and Hells bells, it's silly.

2750 unranked, and 4500 ranked. Amass all that by the time you're 60(it's actually quite easy) then you have most of your tier 1 done(you can convert ranked coms back into unranked).

The rest, bolster helps out and puts you at a competitive level. At least competitive enough to allow for skill to prevail over gear.


Regardless of what gear you are wearing, if you're bad at PvP, you'll lose regardless. I can't believe people still complain about gear in regs, and that's it's hard to gear up. BW made it easier than ever with the bolster system, and all you have to do is stop buying decorations and buy some actual f*cking PvP gear.

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Blah de blah de off-topic blah


If you're so passionate about that issue make a separate thread about it, because it's different from what was being brought up here. So can you really blame me for thinking you're talking about Ranked, when that's what the thread is about?


BW made it easier than ever with the bolster system, and all you have to do is stop buying decorations and buy some actual f*cking PvP gear.


Thanks for the giggle. :p

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I am not making myself clear, I apologize. I also was not blaming anyone for anything, I was only trying to clarify myself and overdid it.


What I am trying to say in relation to ranked, is this:


1) There is no gate on the gear to enter ranked


2) Tier 1 cap is restrictive and allows direct purchase of ~30% of the entry-level gear


Leads to players entering ranked undergeared, on a lark, to see how it goes, etc. The current system seems to work more in favor of a person who has no serious intentions and against someone who honestly tries to do the Right Thing.


Seeing that it is (presumably) more desirable to attract more people into playing ranked to increase the pool and games availability, rather than to further restrict the entry, to me it is more logical to allow more significant comm acquisition to take place during the 1 to 59 leveling period.


On the other hand if the goal is to admit less people into ranked, leaving the comms as is, and predicating the entry on having the full gear set will be the preferred solution.


Also, consider this. The PvP community by whatever reason does not do much networking and public relationship stuff, the way their PvE peers do, so it is hard to expect that the Player Covenant on Gearing is widely known and its importance - appreciated. I would not want to trivialize any geared player's achievement by dismissively calling assembling a great set of PvP gear an 'easy' feat. It requires lots of thinking and lots of doing.


//Off-topic tangent:


To be honest I have never even thought of storing comms in the ranked ones while leveling at a 60% loss, because the Contender thread specifically advises against trading in ranked comms for unranked to speed up the Tier I purchase. I'll file it away for pondering.

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Please,make this happen, I'ts just impossible to win ranked warzones when some noobs just enter and die in 5 seconds,and when you ask them where is you pvp gear they say "just here to lose 10 rounds for tier 3 crystals", please,make it so nobody can enter RWZ without pvp full pvp gear, or minimal valor of 60....


One solution to this would be to establish an OWN Ranked queue for people WITHOUT PvP gear ... This would be a win-win situation ...


to see how it goes, etc.


So, if I understand you correctly, peoplke who do not know how Ranked "goes", should not enter Ranked ?


How do you get new people into Ranked, then ? Because this would directly lead into an closed circle consisting exclusively of people who know "how it goes" ...


With this behaviour you are directly keeping new folks out, because people just need to learn and to adapt, anyone does it - you did it as well, in the long lost forgotten past, of which you really don't want to be remembered of I guess, when you wre a Newbie as well.


And this is ALSO a rather social problem : Professionals demanding and expecting Newbies to know how to play a game with EXACTLY the SAME level of skill and gear the Professionals have acquired durin YEARS of practise ...


This is like ... Either basketball teams allowing Newbies in, but constantly whining that these Newbies just don't have the same level pf Professionalism the team has learned through years of training ... And at the same tiome meanwhile constantly whing still refusing to train these Newbies ... As if these Professionals are constantly waiting for an MASTER NEWBIE ... One Newbie who has already the Black Belt ...


And then there are those who allow Newbies in, but for the purpose of farming them for Commendations.

On the Republic fleet on my server there is actually someone appearing every now and then indeed asking for inexperienced Newbies for farming for imperial side players ... At least he one even used these words : ""Inexperienced players for wanted for imperial PvP farming." I have no idea, though, whether he was serious or rather ironic. My "inner cynic", however, tells me that he was indeed serious.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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When I hit 55, I could have jumped headfirst into ranked, and I made a point not to. I've built up my PVP gear to a baseline of 158 across the board and naturally, I'm looking for more now, but I still don't go in. I find the attitude problems in PVP cumbersome to start with; the abuse and hostility in Ranked PVP makes it less like a fun time than I would prefer. I'll probably bite the bullet and get there eventually, but for the now I'm okay with the content as is.


Point being, jumping into ranked is a choice, and maybe a requirement really is needed. Baseline your gear to a minimum of 158 to start, for example, instead of endgame PVE gear. I'd be cool with that. I chose not to because I know it's brutal in there, and while I certainly don't suck at PVP in the unranked matches, player on player abuse isn't exactly the sign of an elite mind. Whoever told PVPers that hardcore PVP meant screaming in all caps and hurling insults everywhere and yon needs to be removed from the gene pool. Players jumping into Ranked PVP matches right as they hit 55 have no idea what they're in for - in terms of gear, competition, or the destruction of good sportsmanship. Let them earn their spurs to qualify.

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