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Jetpack/exo leap


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There are a few reasons I can think of. The simplest is that allowing targeted teleportation like that circumvents a lot of platforming challenges and may pose unexpected issues with the environment due to engine limitations. The second is, well, there is a reason why all five classes that get high mobility actions operate at melee range (with the exception of healer Operatives/ Scoundrels). Exfiltrate/Scamper can be used to escape the 10m radius of the enemy you are in melee range of, as well as Phase Walk, but they have their own mitigations. The only this could have some workability is if it simply propelled you backwards a given distance, like a reverse Exfiltrate, but then you would have issues because of not knowing where you are going to end up.
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Don't like it. It would be hard to get that rect down and activate while being burst down, unless you double tap someone of course.


I'd rather a backwards roll like mechanic or a reverse pull where you can be tethered then pulled to an alley. They could even use identical animation for both.

Edited by TezMoney
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Congratulations you are like the 20th person to suggest this. I don't know why but there a thing where like every other month somebody suggests this thinking its the most original idea ever.
Could it possibly be because it is the most obvious thing lacking for us? A useful defensive cooldown. Whats really scary is that an entire community of players and not just us merc players, but just about everyone who does pvp in this game realise that we need this, everyone except the developers. You know the guys and girls who made the famous "Heal to full and make em pay" statements? Yeah, thats the people we have to rely on to get this right. When 3.0 gets here im sure me, you and everybody who mains mercs/mandos will have a splendid time shooting people while we slowly backpeddle away from danger. Surely this will solve all our problems in ranked!


If only...we didnt actually get less utility in 3.0 due to the removal of kolto missile for dps specs. Not that kolto missile was ever enough to save us before but hey, a instant aoe heal on a 6 second cooldown was a bit too much, lets replace that with a instant single target heal on a 21 second cooldown. Hah, brilliant move!


As you can see, i am not optimistic about 3.0

We sorely needed defences, more so then any other class in the game and they decided to turn our survivability down a notch instead. I am at a loss here. Raised the concern (*cough* repeatedly) in the dev stream today and ended up being banned in the twitch chat, heh....:rolleyes:


Oh well, im sure it wont be as bad as being the worst pvp class in the game! Surely....













*why is it so dark and who are the men with the nerfbats smiling at me?*

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Could it possibly be because it is the most obvious thing lacking for us? A useful defensive cooldown. Whats really scary is that an entire community of players and not just us merc players, but just about everyone who does pvp in this game realise that we need this, everyone except the developers. You know the guys and girls who made the famous "Heal to full and make em pay" statements? Yeah, thats the people we have to rely on to get this right. When 3.0 gets here im sure me, you and everybody who mains mercs/mandos will have a splendid time shooting people while we slowly backpeddle away from danger. Surely this will solve all our problems in ranked!


If only...we didnt actually get less utility in 3.0 due to the removal of kolto missile for dps specs. Not that kolto missile was ever enough to save us before but hey, a instant aoe heal on a 6 second cooldown was a bit too much, lets replace that with a instant single target heal on a 21 second cooldown. Hah, brilliant move!


As you can see, i am not optimistic about 3.0

We sorely needed defences, more so then any other class in the game and they decided to turn our survivability down a notch instead. I am at a loss here. Raised the concern (*cough* repeatedly) in the dev stream today and ended up being banned in the twitch chat, heh....:rolleyes:


Oh well, im sure it wont be as bad as being the worst pvp class in the game! Surely....













*why is it so dark and who are the men with the nerfbats smiling at me?*


It's because the devs don't play mercs or mandos.


I used to say that as a joke but it has become glaringly obvious that they don't know what they are doing in relation to this class and I think that stems from not knowing how it performs in PvP.


I would honestly a developer address merc/mando issues, i.e why it's one of the worst represented classes in PvP, in a meaningful way and not like they did with the class rep questions that went nowhere.


But they won't because, well, none of the developers play them.

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Congratulations you are like the 20th person to suggest this. I don't know why but there a thing where like every other month somebody suggests this thinking its the most original idea ever.


Crinn I've suggested this like 20 times you know we need something when 3.0 comes sure things will change but I don't see us getting an escape/leap or extra DR in dps spec or some sort of OH S*** move only thing i cant wait to test out is burning bolts/unload on the move. However as of now If your arsenal and speced right ya you can live thanks to JB CF unload RP. But our CDs are so high and to use ES as a way to not be interrupted during cast but still get stunned and have it go to waste is not good so your forced to save it for the DR but even then 25% does not do so well if your chain stunned by sins and getting double back stabbed... Anyother class can say "hey wait a minute" /bubble /stealth /full health /cover immune


Edit: I also comment on every single post i find

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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Well, maybe mercs must get this speed boost for HO, not the PTs? I, personally, would trade longer duration of HO for speed boost
What we really need is a panic button, all really succesful pvp classes have one.

A few examples...

In combat stealth

Kolto Overload with 30% dmg mitigation while its running (not the best one but certainly decent)

Force Camoflage


Enraged Defence



Undying rage

Endure Pain + Super buffed Medpack due to insanely high healthpool

Evasion is also very good but mostly only against carnage marauders wich still happen to have the highest burst in the game.

Combat roll good or bad depends a lot on the situation but still this is basically what we have asked for with a rocket leap. Just give us the roll effect but with a different animation, put a slightly longer cooldown on it though.

Other then that, if we had the dmg mitigation on Kolto Overload i think we might actually have been kinda decent.



Now what mercs have to mitigate dmg on the live servers and in 3.0 is Energy shield, wich is basically a saberward without the +50% defence bonus but still on a rather long cooldown. This is simply not enough. When the **** hits the fan there needs to be an ability the player can use atleast once per 1-2 minutes to save his life. Otherwise the class becomes weak, and being weak means the class gets very boring.


Solo ranked in 3.0 will very likely be filled with more whispers like "Why do you bring that handicapped class to ranked and punish the rest of the team like this?"


Is that the devs idea of fun? Cause it sure aint fun for me to get those whispers, it made me quit solo ranked a long time ago. And no amount of L2P comments will ever change that what i just said is a fact for all mercs/mandos and how other players view us.


Mercs, decent for regs but hated and globaled in ranked.

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Mercs, decent for regs but hated and globaled in ranked.


If you play merc the same in regs and ranked, it's no wonder you get those whispers. Yes, an escape would be lovely, but we don't have it nor would it suddenly put you in the middle of the pack. You'd still be focused first, just the melee will have to pull an extra leap. It's no different than sorc's barrier. Didn't have it before and I do just fine, in fact with these changes and dmg cut cross the board, I suspect my kiting and TTK will rise nicely allowing me more time to do my thing.


The way I see it, viability merc's will be the same as before, and that's the way I like it. Guess that's the hipster in me.

Edited by TezMoney
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A teleporting skill like this simply cannot go into the game because of the **** ton of things it would break, from huttball to datacrons.



Could mercs use some buffs? Sure, but this isn't it. Really if the devs wanted to buff the class they should move stabilized armor down to the masterful or even the skillful tier, such a small thing would still have a profound impact.

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What we really need is a panic button, all really succesful pvp classes have one.

I think we have two pathes. We can be hard to catch, like sorcs and snipers, or we can be very hard to kill, like jugs. Personaly, i like, the first way. We are range class so our task to prevent damage from melee, not to suck it. That we can do in regs and can not do in ranked. But it seems BW think, that we must be tanks and nothing we can do about it. Maybe they'll make shield usable while stunned? Than at least nobody will stun us to death.:rolleyes:

If you play merc the same in regs and ranked, it's no wonder you get those whispers.

Do you know a secret, how to make merks viable for solo? Please, share it, very intresting. Tell us how to get 1650 as dd merc, so we can all become pro.

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A teleporting skill like this simply cannot go into the game because of the **** ton of things it would break, from huttball to datacrons.



Could mercs use some buffs? Sure, but this isn't it. Really if the devs wanted to buff the class they should move stabilized armor down to the masterful or even the skillful tier, such a small thing would still have a profound impact.


Bro its an idea for one and for two how could you not? I mean classes in the game have a leap or roll or a teleport. I mean agents didnt get a roll till mekab (not counting the cover system) So they could use them just another animation. Now I'm not saying it HAS to be how I described. I mean a hunter leap from WoW would help if useable in stun. Honestly all we need is another stun beaker but that would never happen cuz other classes would call OP even tho they can vanish or heal to full or bubble then heal to half with immunity so damage for some time which is huge as we all know. Or just give us assassins phase walk.

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I think we have two pathes. We can be hard to catch, like sorcs and snipers, or we can be very hard to kill, like jugs. Personaly, i like, the first way. We are range class so our task to prevent damage from melee, not to suck it. That we can do in regs and can not do in ranked. But it seems BW think, that we must be tanks and nothing we can do about it. Maybe they'll make shield usable while stunned? Than at least nobody will stun us to death.:rolleyes:


Do you know a secret, how to make merks viable for solo? Please, share it, very intresting. Tell us how to get 1650 as dd merc, so we can all become pro.


I think heal spec is the way to go ATM. I don't play healz in solo or ever but most mercs on my server do. However besides me I've seen one dps merc queing solos and never switched to heal spec... Sadly it only takes an unbalanced AC team (3 juggs or 3 sins exc.) to make is just go... "Ya great" and just be in denial until our dots are against us or were globaled. I play arsenal merc in ranked it gives you tools too support your team insta cast mez/tracer or heal (the heal helps greatly with dps vs dps) and also burst as well as if left in checked you can pretty much dps the whole team but sadly since we have no "let me think for a second" OH **** move. We never get that chance.

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Do you know a secret, how to make merks viable for solo? Please, share it, very intresting. Tell us how to get 1650 as dd merc, so we can all become pro.

You do realize there quite a few mercs with 1650, I'm not even one of them. Secondly, rating is no gauge of individual performance especially in solo matches. You can do everything right, and only takes one moron to tank the team.


There's no secret. It's a matter of experience and counter play. Now there isn't anything that will guarantee a win, but if you want to go over strategies or what do I do when this happens scenario's. Feel free to look me up on my server. :D

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If you play merc the same in regs and ranked, it's no wonder you get those whispers. .


This was exactly the type of L2P comments that would be 100% useless. I am very aware about the differences between gameplay, and the differences set aside mercs still lack a very much needed panic button.


And no amount of self patting on your back will change that :p

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This was exactly the type of L2P comments that would be 100% useless. I am very aware about the differences between gameplay, and the differences set aside mercs still lack a very much needed panic button.


And no amount of self patting on your back will change that :p


When did I say L2P? When did I pat myself on the back? How is it not helpful to know not to play your char the same way in these two very different game modes?


Maybe you should try not being so defensive. If you read further in my post you'd know why I think an escape wouldn't make you suddenly viable in ranked.

Edited by TezMoney
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When did I say L2P? When did I pat myself on the back? How is it not helpful to know not to play your char the same way in these two very different game modes?


Maybe you should try not being so defensive. If you read further in my post you'd know why I think an escape wouldn't make you suddenly viable in ranked.

Im sorry i must have missunderstood you. I do get defensive about this class viability though, it annoys me to no end that one class is repeatedly left at the bottom of the barrel for no reason at all.


Something does need to be done because its simply not acceptable that one class in this game is unviable to such a degree. As you said, kiting and killing will become easier but the key of any arena fight is to be able to break focus fire and have some ability to regain a little health.


This is currently what annoys me with the madness sin in 3.0, superb cc, stealth, phasewalk to break cc, shroud, shroud again when using combat stealth, really high dps, very strong lifedrain (i wont be surprised to see up to 300-600k self healing in a 15 minute warzone with good density fights.)


And further more our self healing in dps spec has been drastically lowered. No more kolto missile, healing scan on a 13,5 second cooldown, rapid scan removed. Emergency scan was added but it is on a 21 second cooldown.


Basically, we as a Dps/Healing class will be outhealed by a Dps/tank class, and not by a small degree either.

But to get back on the track, my major beef isnt that sins got such buffs but that mercs are still left in the mud and i would like to find a way to remedy that. The devs response about us becoming too strong seems utterly ridiculus at this point. To add insult to injury and i kind of see it as proof that the devs lack understanding of the class is the multitude of mistakes they made in the livestream, "oh this is new, wow what a change" while the other guy politely coughs and say "erh no thats old" over and over.

Edited by Nightkin
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Im sorry i must have missunderstood you. I do get defensive about this class viability though, it annoys me to no end that one class is repeatedly left at the bottom of the barrel for no reason at all.

no harm done, I understand the frustration.


Something does need to be done because its simply not acceptable that one class in this game is unviable to such a degree. As you said, kiting and killing will become easier but the key of any arena fight is to be able to break focus fire and have some ability to regain a little health.


This is currently what annoys me with the madness sin in 3.0, superb cc, stealth, phasewalk to break cc, shroud, shroud again when using combat stealth, really high dps, very strong lifedrain (i wont be surprised to see up to 300-600k self healing in a 15 minute warzone with good density fights.)

They need a lot more than use because they have very little sustained dps plus they are melee w/o a leap. along with the kitting perks, let's no forget the defensive Arsenal is getting via supercharge gas and armor set bonus's. I also recommend the healing buff for energy shield in ranked.


It's clear the dev's don't want use to have an escape, so I say it's time to stop beating the dead horse. Let's look to upgrading utilities we do have. For one, a buff to kolto overload I feel is well overdo. It should pretty much gaurentee you live through 3 dps throwing executes at you. Perhaps a buff to 4% health per tick, a dmg reduction buff, heck it could even build supercharge stacks. How about a more severe slow or root added to jet boost... maybe even a short hinder effect.

And further more our self healing in dps spec has been drastically lowered. No more kolto missile, healing scan on a 13,5 second cooldown, rapid scan removed. Emergency scan was added but it is on a 21 second cooldown.


Basically, we as a Dps/Healing class will be outhealed by a Dps/tank class, and not by a small degree either.


Where you aware that rapid shots was replaced by kolto shots as a heal? You no longer need to switch target or cylinders to spam heal yourself for free.


I don't see how sins will out heal mercs, do you mean hatred discipline? If so that's fine since you'll be out dps'ing them on any single target. Don't forget their dmg per ability was nerfed.


But to get back on the track, my major beef isnt that sins got such buffs but that mercs are still left in the mud and i would like to find a way to remedy that. The devs response about us becoming too strong seems utterly ridiculus at this point. To add insult to injury and i kind of see it as proof that the devs lack understanding of the class is the multitude of mistakes they made in the livestream, "oh this is new, wow what a change" while the other guy politely coughs and say "erh no thats old" over and over.


One dev not being familiar with 2.0 merc doesn't mean no dev's play mercs or has an understanding of them. The dev's have a completely different perspective on classes than an average player, so it's not surprising they come to different conclusions about some things. I'm so sick of this adage. I remember when no dev's played snipers, sins, and sorcs too. In fact the only class never to have this dubious distinction are Jugg's.

Edited by TezMoney
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Fair enough, i dont think devs "hate" mercs or anything as childish. It was just plain obvious through the stream that the understanding was extremly limited.


Hatred Sins have low dps? Hmm if you say so, i have yet to experience that in 3.0 but we will see in due time.

I dont know what the set bonuses for armor will be, is that info released somewhere? I have seen 2 versions of the sets on reddit but since they are so different from eachother i cant tell if its fake or not.


And yes, kolto shots is changed. I actually forgot that the dps specs will be able to use that, its a small comfort that will certainly help a little.


Kolto Overload as i described earlier would be fantastic if it had pyro PT´s current version. As it is now though its a junk ability.

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Hatred Sins have low dps? Hmm if you say so, i have yet to experience that in 3.0 but we will see in due time.

I dont know what the set bonuses for armor will be, is that info released somewhere? I have seen 2 versions of the sets on reddit but since they are so different from eachother i cant tell if its fake or not.


LowER dps... just to be clear.

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