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GSF nights on The Progenitor?


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Hey all!


I am returning to the game after a... considerable hiatus, (still need to get my slinger past 50 - geez) and I would like to know if there are any specific GSF nights on the server, and if there are any GSF guilds on pub side.


Thanks in advance!

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Any specific time? I usually get on around 10-11 pm every other day (got a 10 months old boy who gladly takes away most of my time :) ) Is there a specific channel for GSF?


Sorry for the machine gun questioning but I really wanna get the hang of GSF :D

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Any specific time? I usually get on around 10-11 pm every other day (got a 10 months old boy who gladly takes away most of my time :) ) Is there a specific channel for GSF?

Don't know specifically how active Progenitor's is, but there's a "/cjoin GSF" for all the servers. Hopping in and asking might end up helping you out there?


Another thing you can do if you want to get a feel for how busy it is on any server at any given time is to go to the "who" search feature, and list the search terms "denon shipyards mesas". That will filter the search and will tell you how many people in your faction are flying at any given moment. You can usually figure out how consistently queues are popping, and how many games are running. Hope this helps, and cheers!

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Any specific time? I usually get on around 10-11 pm every other day (got a 10 months old boy who gladly takes away most of my time :) ) Is there a specific channel for GSF?


Sorry for the machine gun questioning but I really wanna get the hang of GSF :D


10-11 pm is a great time to play, plenty of matches usually. As for the channels, Aces and GSF are pretty active on Rep while Imp has... well, nothing active :D

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10-11 pm is a great time to play, plenty of matches usually. As for the channels, Aces and GSF are pretty active on Rep while Imp has... well, nothing active :D


I've noticed that imp side has way less GSF activity, as there were a lot of pub vs pub brawling. Quite odd considering the usual faction disparity.


Still, thanks for the tips!


Signing off,



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I've noticed that imp side has way less GSF activity, as there were a lot of pub vs pub brawling. Quite odd considering the usual faction disparity.


In order to say "imp side has way less GSF", you need to be sure of four things:


1)- When you scout pubside, you often see a game and sometimes more than one.

2)- When you scout impside, you often see no game and only occasionally one.

3)- When you queue pubside, you get a pop quicker than impside.

4)- When you queue impside, you rarely get a pop.



Importantly, you con't determine- at all- how active THE OTHER side is with much certainty. If you play both routinely, sure, make that claim- there are lopsided servers. But I've personally been like "man, pubs is dead today" and immediately hear back from Stasie or Drako that pub is wargaming and simply off the imp cycle at the moment, but that moment can go on for awhile.

Edited by Verain
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In order to say "imp side has way less GSF", you need to be sure of four things:


1)- When you scout pubside, you often see a game and sometimes more than one.

2)- When you scout impside, you often see no game and only occasionally one.

3)- When you queue pubside, you get a pop quicker than impside.

4)- When you queue impside, you rarely get a pop.



Importantly, you con't determine- at all- how active THE OTHER side is with much certainty. If you play both routinely, sure, make that claim- there are lopsided servers. But I've personally been like "man, pubs is dead today" and immediately hear back from Stasie or Drako that pub is wargaming and simply off the imp cycle at the moment, but that moment can go on for awhile.


Err... good on you?

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Yea, but not on you. Unless you did 1-4, which, maybe you did. But many don't.


I guess you can say I "kinda" did? I spent most of the weekend online - though I will admit a weekend isn't enough to make a complete assessment - and queueing on both sides, as randomly as I could. Then again, my statement was never meant to be as serious as your answer was, but these are the forums so, heh.

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I guess you can say I "kinda" did? I spent most of the weekend online - though I will admit a weekend isn't enough to make a complete assessment - and queueing on both sides, as randomly as I could.


Yea, that's a fair assessment then. That's more than enough data points IMO.


Then again, my statement was never meant to be as serious as your answer was, but these are the forums so, heh.



Some players treat the forums as read only, and some repeat what's on the forums to friends. I don't know jack squat about the progenitor server, but pop sensitivity is a possible driver towards or away from the server or faction, I guess is my concern.

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I haven't played a gsf match on the progenitor for over a month. Most of the players that I have on my friend list don't seem to log in at all. Are there new sheriffs in the town that I should be afraid of when I return to gsf? I only see Morthag, Nymika and Silverhaze that remain active.
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I haven't played a gsf match on the progenitor for over a month. Most of the players that I have on my friend list don't seem to log in at all. Are there new sheriffs in the town that I should be afraid of when I return to gsf? I only see Morthag, Nymika and Silverhaze that remain active.


We(imps) ran yesterday with a double premade trough most of the evening. Ask Morthag about who to que with :cool:

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10-11 pm is a great time to play, plenty of matches usually. As for the channels, Aces and GSF are pretty active on Rep while Imp has... well, nothing active :D


I rolled a couple of toons both sides on that server recently to take a look at the RP scene.


It is very clear that GSF is more popular repside and ground PVP is more popular impside.


That said, I have flown in some nice impside teams recently, but very little in the way decent ground pvp teams when repside.


Thing is, on most servers now, or the two I play on certainly, most players have many toons on both sides, there are very few players with the exception of total new players who tend to stick to one side only.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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