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Please add more Star Wars iconic planets that have primarily outdoor environments.


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Imp side, all the mobs are white/blue, white/orange, white/red, white, or the same colors as Republic players face since those ones are shared.


The Empire, in all its glory, can't afford armor in not gray or black colors. Maybe red if it is an official.


Anyway, on topic, I personally like a balance of urban/wilderness environments. Alderaan came close, but was too much wilderness in the balance spectrum. Hoth was almost all wilderness. As we determined already, Corellia events are primarily in Coronet City, so seeing the nonurban areas weren't part of the story.


I would actually personally agree that a balance between urban and non-urban areas is fine. I feel the issue is in *how* the "wilderness" areas are presented. Alderaan's wilderness areas are mostly bare, a few trees scattered about, mostly rocks, low grass, and distant mountains, which is really similar to quite a few planets. Hoth of course is totally one giant wasteland by default (although I feel it could have been done better than it is now in certain ways), Balmorra is another wasteland'ish environment, and really the list goes on.


What I'm implying we could use is planets that have some visually appealing wilderness areas, places that are desirable to come back to time and time again, places that are memorable. Far more trees, bushes, and up close terrain differences, rather than everything just being distant and scattered. The ending result might mean some smaller wilderness areas, but areas that actually look cool, woods that look like woods, and as much as possible a bit more color added to some of the flora.


I've certainly played a variety of Mmo's over the years, the ones that provide visually appealing wilderness/outdoor environments for end game content were the ones that kept me coming back to those areas because of the added immersion.


In-game performance (fps) is always a factor in heavily populating wilderness/natural environments with trees/bushes/etc, but is clearly very manageable by keeping individual areas to a reasonable size, and this type of quality work is demonstrated by some very popular Mmo's.


Also, of course, natural outdoor areas should also have a good balance of small camps, small villages, etc mixed within them, which is indeed seen even in Swtor to a certain degree. Even nicely done outdoor natural environments are not worth much if there is not a consistent presence of activity and life within them.

Edited by -Sornan-
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The sad thing about SWTOR is that......


planets aren't even planets


They're just random hospitable worlds that you go to for a leveling process. You don't "explore" them as in other games, the worlds here are too dead for that... Nothing feels "real".


This is the sad thing of SWTOR, most activity goes around in the Imperial/Republic fleet.


If this could be improved anyhow, I would do anything for that.

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I'm noticing that there has been little mention of any planets pertaining to actual source worlds of the many star wars races..such as Rodia...cept Kashyyyk.


i mean what about Ithorians, Twi'leks, Neumodians, etc, etc, etc...theres so many..


shouldn't those planets be connected to the war somehow..if those races are like...fighting the war.?


and for any using lore as an excuse, remember that some of them havnt been "blown to pieces" yet in the timeline.

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I'm noticing that there has been little mention of any planets pertaining to actual source worlds of the many star wars races..such as Rodia...cept Kashyyyk.


i mean what about Ithorians, Twi'leks, Neumodians, etc, etc, etc...theres so many..


shouldn't those planets be connected to the war somehow..if those races are like...fighting the war.?


and for any using lore as an excuse, remember that some of them havnt been "blown to pieces" yet in the timeline.


I remember reading somewhere that the people to who make the in-game planets didn't want to deal too heavily in worlds that are already heavily storied with except the iconic ones (Nar Shaddaa, Alderaan, Tatooine, Corellia, Hoth, Yavin IV now), and even then they would rather have all new worlds or ones without so much lore/EU history.


Still trying to understand why Tat is described as "just" a dustball when clearly so many events have happened on it. Both Revan and the Exile went there, Anakin, Luke, us in-game, ancient Jedi rituals are there, it's like the universe is trying to lie to itself.

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shouldn't those planets be connected to the war somehow..if those races are like...fighting the war.?

Alabama is part of the USA fighting a war in Iraq in the same way as those planets are fighting a war. If there's nothing interesting going on those planets, then there is not enough reason to include them. Or would you be okay if BioWare added a planet and there are just NPC-s going on about their business and that's it?

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Alabama is part of the USA fighting a war in Iraq in the same way as those planets are fighting a war. If there's nothing interesting going on those planets, then there is not enough reason to include them. Or would you be okay if BioWare added a planet and there are just NPC-s going on about their business and that's it?


I understand the argument, but in all truth, there really are practically no limitations to a story line that can be produced for any new planets added, regardless of past history - in part because the history is the past, and recent events can allow for tons of content added, along with any bonus history based content added that may be more specific to conflicts happening with native populations of a planet that players may be able to assist with.


I think it's mostly doable, it just would take work to piece things together correctly.

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Rori hasn't been "discovered" yet so there's nothing there.


Rori is one of Naboo's moons. It has been discovered as human colonization of Naboo has occurred almost 300 years before the time of The Old Republic happens. However, Rori isn't colonized for another 1600 years, so there won't be any settlements. At best it would be a small adventure zone similar to Orikon, if I were to hazard a guess how they would handle it while we have the first steps of what would become the modern Naboo we know in the movies in TOR at present.



Anyways, about the OP, the planets I would love to see would be



Felucia (a planet that the emotions of the Force can influence the landscape sounds awesome)


Naboo (seeing the early colonization on the planet would be interesting)

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Admit it, you want to go Gungan hunting.


I am more likely to go Wookiee hunting on Kashyyk so I can kill the ear sodomy that occurs when a Wookiee speaks. I know I love the Manaan flashpoint for this very reason, I wanted to kill the Selkie since KOTOR 9them being neutral money grubbing *****s didn't help either). Gungan's I don't have issues with really.

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