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Why do we get 15min "leaving group lockout"...


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This just happened to me, and has happened on more than one occasion.

Que for a FP. Get to FP only to have a member or 2 leave.

In this case it was a tank. We requed started going farther into the FP. Still no Tank. After a few min the one DPS which was being kind of impatient, just left group for no stated reason. So I left group too. (Que times on my server, especially at this time of day are out there. Especially for a tank.)

Instead of just being able to reque, I know I have a lockout too. Why is this system not like WoW's where only the first member got the lockout, because they were the true ones that abandoned the group?!

I think this needs changed. There is quite a high chance that I & that other DPS could've sat in the FP for 30min waiting on a tank & dps.

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This just happened to me, and has happened on more than one occasion.

Que for a FP. Get to FP only to have a member or 2 leave.

In this case it was a tank. We requed started going farther into the FP. Still no Tank. After a few min the one DPS which was being kind of impatient, just left group for no stated reason. So I left group too. (Que times on my server, especially at this time of day are out there. Especially for a tank.)

Instead of just being able to reque, I know I have a lockout too. Why is this system not like WoW's where only the first member got the lockout, because they were the true ones that abandoned the group?!

I think this needs changed. There is quite a high chance that I & that other DPS could've sat in the FP for 30min waiting on a tank & dps.


Then the lockout did you a favor, didn't it? It's only 15 minutes, which is half your generous estimate, and depending, could have been much longer. At least during the lockout, you can go to your ship, run crafting missions, goof off with guild mates, whatever, instead of sitting around waiting for your group to fill.

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Then the lockout did you a favor, didn't it? It's only 15 minutes, which is half your generous estimate, and depending, could have been much longer. At least during the lockout, you can go to your ship, run crafting missions, goof off with guild mates, whatever, instead of sitting around waiting for your group to fill.

Not sure if serious...


By this time another dps will get in line before him, how is that a favor? :confused:

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Then sit in the FP and wait? It's not like it's a big mystery that there's a lockout.


Ok, now I get it - you miss the point! :cool:


We are all aware that there is a lockout, what the OP asks is to not penalize all party members for quitting a group - just the first one not what to do with his free (or lockout if you will) time.

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I would agree that if someone drops from a flashpoint then there's an issue and it will likely halt the continuation of the flashpoint. At this point they can either queue for another and take their chances, or leave to cut their losses. I don't think a player should be punished for leaving in the scenario where someone else has already left. It's not like they're just being a jerk and leaving a perfectly working group.


That said, if you're just interested in getting something else done while you queue again, there's nothing stopping you from leaving the instance and going about your day until a replacement comes in.

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Ok, now I get it - you miss the point! :cool:


We are all aware that there is a lockout, what the OP asks is to not penalize all party members for quitting a group - just the first one not what to do with his free (or lockout if you will) time.


Since that's not how the system works, and, from my perspective, it's a good thing, he knew what he was getting. I didn't miss anything, the lockout exists so that you can't just keep hitting the queue until you get the group you want. Well, you can, but you'll be waiting, and it exists because deciding "I don't want to be in this group" affects the group, and so should carry a penalty. If you don't want the penalty for adversely affecting another's game play, then don't adversely affect their game play. It's not complicated.

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This just happened to me, and has happened on more than one occasion.

Que for a FP. Get to FP only to have a member or 2 leave.

In this case it was a tank. We requed started going farther into the FP. Still no Tank. After a few min the one DPS which was being kind of impatient, just left group for no stated reason. So I left group too. (Que times on my server, especially at this time of day are out there. Especially for a tank.)

Instead of just being able to reque, I know I have a lockout too. Why is this system not like WoW's where only the first member got the lockout, because they were the true ones that abandoned the group?!

I think this needs changed. There is quite a high chance that I & that other DPS could've sat in the FP for 30min waiting on a tank & dps.

its meant to prevent people from rage quitting groups and harming the experience for others. it has unintended consequences however.


in your case, theoretically, it would be better and faster to remain in the instance and queue as you'd be granted the first tank to queue for group finder. otherwise you exist, wait 15min and join the fp queue as last on the list.

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Most of the other MMOs I've played favored a system where only the first person to leave the group was penalized.


There are pros and cons for each way though. The biggest con to the suggested system was something I saw regularly in WoW with some of the more difficult or time consuming heroic dungeons. People would grief the entire group to try and get someone to quit the group first so they could drop out without the penalty. They would even go so far as to perpetually keep the group in combat to prevent the rest of the group from kicking them before anyone else quits the group.


This can behavior can be easily negated by allowing vote to kick to be initiated in combat or by ensuring there are sufficient gaps between early trash pulls to give the group time to deal with problematic players that are trying to game the system. And I really don't see this being a problem in this game like it was in WoW because its been my experience that the players in this game are less inclined to be the go!go!go! types that were typical in WoW's heroic dungeons. Most of the people I've met in GF seem to have a much more relaxed approach as long as you are making an effort to keep up, whereas in WoW they would just leave you behind and yell at you.


I may have a biased opinion though because I tend to use premade groups more often than I queue by myself. Tacticals are about the only thing I queue for alone lately.

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Since that's not how the system works, and, from my perspective, it's a good thing, he knew what he was getting. I didn't miss anything, the lockout exists so that you can't just keep hitting the queue until you get the group you want. Well, you can, but you'll be waiting, and it exists because deciding "I don't want to be in this group" affects the group, and so should carry a penalty. If you don't want the penalty for adversely affecting another's game play, then don't adversely affect their game play. It's not complicated.


You STILL don't get it. Only the first person to quit should have the lockout - if I enter a flashpoint and the tank or healer (whatever, the ones that are pretty hard to replace) suddenly decides to leave...I have two options - sit idly 40min in the flashpoint and wait or quit and be locked out for 15min while otehrs get ahead of me in the que. Not fair.


So it should be like this: if someone leaves - he gets a lockout and the rest of the group can just leave the party without no penalty and que again.

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Two things:

1. It's queue, not que (sorry, it was annoying me)

2. The game is giving you the option: either you wait and stay at the front of the queue (in the FP, let's say 20-30 mins) or you leave and wait the 15 mins which is mostly insignificant if a tank only queues ever 20-30 mins. In addition, if you leave after the first boss no one has a lockout.


As a sidenote, the timer continues when you are logged onto another toon. Therefore, if you do not want to wait the 15 mins, just hop onto an alt


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You STILL don't get it. Only the first person to quit should have the lockout - if I enter a flashpoint and the tank or healer (whatever, the ones that are pretty hard to replace) suddenly decides to leave...I have two options - sit idly 40min in the flashpoint and wait or quit and be locked out for 15min while otehrs get ahead of me in the que. Not fair.


So it should be like this: if someone leaves - he gets a lockout and the rest of the group can just leave the party without no penalty and que again.


Shouldn't the second person who leaves also get a penalty as now the remaining two people have to wait for two spots to fill? What about if the third person leaves, resulting in the fourth person having to wait for three spots to fill?


Just because you find it acceptable to abandon a group after one person drops does not mean the remaining players share your approach. Perhaps they wanted to three-man it and use a companion. I've done that plenty of times.

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Brings to mind an amusing anecdote:


Two days ago In GF HM Czerka Core Meltdown, Assassin tank says in chat "I have Sorc-X (not their real name) as my focus target and only ever see them channeling Force Lightning (FL). We will never beat the rage timers with low DPS like that."


Now, Sorc-X is spec'd into Madness; my sorc was spec'd into Corruption but respecs to Madness a lot. As people who have played a Madness Sorc know, you can do a very nice rotation with FL as the only channeled cast, because FL reliably procs Wrath, and 3 stacks of Wrath makes Crushing Darkness (CD) and Lightning Strike (LS) instant. So Sorc-X was doing a rotation of FL - CD - Affliction - Death Field - Creeping Terror - FL - LS, approximately, and parsing over 3000 DPS (she checked the last single-mob fight after the tank complained). But the instant abilities, that is, everything but FL, weren't going to show up on Sorc-X's castbar, and the tank was too ignorant to look at the dots on the target. The other DPS was a Merc, and while I am not an expert on Mercs, I don't think they put Death Marks on targets like Madness Sorcs do.


Sorc-X and I both tried to politely explain all this to the tank, who promptly quit the group. "Don't try and defend your friend," the tank whispers me. LOL.


Anyway, we put the arrogant idiot tank on our ignore lists, cleared trash, waited a minute or two more, thought about switching to one of our tank alts, got a new tank just about then, and cleared the rest of the FP fast and easy.


Hilarious. Not much to do with the OP's post, of course, for which I should probably apologize. ;)

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Brings to mind an amusing anecdote:


Two days ago In GF HM Czerka Core Meltdown, Assassin tank says in chat "I have Sorc-X (not their real name) as my focus target and only ever see them channeling Force Lightning (FL). We will never beat the rage timers with low DPS like that."


Now, Sorc-X is spec'd into Madness; my sorc was spec'd into Corruption but respecs to Madness a lot. As people who have played a Madness Sorc know, you can do a very nice rotation with FL as the only channeled cast, because FL reliably procs Wrath, and 3 stacks of Wrath makes Crushing Darkness (CD) and Lightning Strike (LS) instant. So Sorc-X was doing a rotation of FL - CD - Affliction - Death Field - Creeping Terror - FL - LS, approximately, and parsing over 3000 DPS (she checked the last single-mob fight after the tank complained). But the instant abilities, that is, everything but FL, weren't going to show up on Sorc-X's castbar, and the tank was too ignorant to look at the dots on the target. The other DPS was a Merc, and while I am not an expert on Mercs, I don't think they put Death Marks on targets like Madness Sorcs do.


Sorc-X and I both tried to politely explain all this to the tank, who promptly quit the group. "Don't try and defend your friend," the tank whispers me. LOL.


Anyway, we put the arrogant idiot tank on our ignore lists, cleared trash, waited a minute or two more, thought about switching to one of our tank alts, got a new tank just about then, and cleared the rest of the FP fast and easy.


Hilarious. Not much to do with the OP's post, of course, for which I should probably apologize. ;)


Sounds like something you should post in this thread. It is always fun to read about other people's unfortunate experiences. :p

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Just sayin.. you can Exit Area (at the top of your minimap) and go about your business running dailies, continuing to quest, work the GTN, whatever floats your boat all while staying in the group waiting for a replacement. When that replacement comes along, just hit the Group Finder button and travel back to the Flashpoint.


You don't have to Quit Group and requeue when someone leaves your group.

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