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Flagging system


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Erm, I am a carebear to the extreme, I have done Gree, Ilum and Rakghoul events and have never been autoflagged by 'accidentally' AoEing a flagged player. My main is a sab-slinger with massive amounts of AoE and splash damage. I've seen flagged players run through my AoE and guess what? I didn't get flagged, strange that. I guess it's just a sab-slinger thing, we do kinda kick butt.
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Erm, I am a carebear to the extreme, I have done Gree, Ilum and Rakghoul events and have never been autoflagged by 'accidentally' AoEing a flagged player. My main is a sab-slinger with massive amounts of AoE and splash damage. I've seen flagged players run through my AoE and guess what? I didn't get flagged, strange that. I guess it's just a sab-slinger thing, we do kinda kick butt.


Thanks for commenting. Out of curiosity, how many times have you been flagged by accidentally targeting an opposing player?

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Prove it, or it didn't happen. I haven't seen it since bioware made the change, and the burden of proof is on you.


Keep whining about people defending griefers. But no one is. What I'm defending is a properly functioning mechanic that rewards those who choose to learn it.


I don't have to prove anything to you. I've opened trouble tickets and left it for BW. I personally don't care if you believe it or not. Not my problem. It happens and you claiming it doesn't won't change that.


And you are defending a system that allows griefing, that makes you as bad a griefer in my book.

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Meh, this happened to me on oricon. I wasn't paying attention, hit a flagged player. He killed me cause I suck at PVP. My fault, live and learn, move on. If I continue to be lazy, I run the risk. If someone prays on my weakness, then it's my fault, not theirs.
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I haven't misrepresented game mechanics at any point. I can't help it if you want to be able to grief and I don't want to see people griefed. It's an easy fix for BW, so I will continue to advocate for the change until they change it or the game folds up.


Wow, I ask for facts and you give generalizations to avoid facts.


The facts:

  1. AOE will not flag a player
  2. Auto Target is not Auto Attack, you should always look before you attack... accidental pull much?
  3. The OP DIRECTLY ATTACKED a flagged player
  4. One pixel death occurred, big deal


The only problem is OP is attacking without looking at his target and that is something no computer software can fix. :D

Edited by Foambreaker
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Got it.


Everyone who is flagged for PvP and gets DIRECTLY attacked by some nub who doesn't understand the rules is a griefer.


Show me on the doll where the bad PvPer touched you...

Maybe the it was actually the griefer intentionally trying to get that "nub" to flag himself by killing the elite he's was killing at the last second resulting the skills the "nub" used to finish of his kill realized that it activated with nothing to attack so it searched for the nearest hostile and attacked it? Just a thought.

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Erm, I am a carebear to the extreme, I have done Gree, Ilum and Rakghoul events and have never been autoflagged by 'accidentally' AoEing a flagged player. My main is a sab-slinger with massive amounts of AoE and splash damage. I've seen flagged players run through my AoE and guess what? I didn't get flagged, strange that. I guess it's just a sab-slinger thing, we do kinda kick butt.


You miss understand what caused the flag. No aoes involved.

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Maybe the it was actually the griefer intentionally trying to get that "nub" to flag himself by killing the elite he's was killing at the last second resulting the skills the "nub" used to finish of his kill realized that it activated with nothing to attack so it searched for the nearest hostile and attacked it? Just a thought.


Oh of course all flagged PvPers are trying to trick PvEers into PvP... :p


Assume the worst much? Do you often think that the entire world of total strangers revolves around you?


Also just an fyi, when PvEers use the word "grief" when talking about PvP, most PvPers just figure they are badly butt hurt and emotionally scared from some ROFLSTOMPING they got in the past :p

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  1. AOE will not flag a player
  2. Auto Target is not Auto Attack, you should always look before you attack... accidental pull much?
  3. The OP DIRECTLY ATTACKED a flagged player
  4. One pixel death occurred, big deal


The only problem is OP is attacking without looking at his target and that is something no computer software can fix. :D


1) False, it does happen, just not all the time. It's happened to me on three or four different characters. All with AOEs and all targeted on a spot of ground with the mouse, not targeted to center on a specific opponent.


2) If you start an attack and the target dies between the time you push the button and the time the attack actually starts auto target will hit the next closest target. Happens all the time to ranged DPS, both those I play with and others I've watched.


3) Yes, but due to the autotarget after he initiated the attack. I'm not sure where you don't get that's what happened or if you just choose to ignore it.


The entire problem wouldn't exist if unflagged players couldn't effect flagged players. If you have to toggle your flag on before attacking another player, no one can claim it was an accident or you didn't intend to engage in PVP play. It's not a complicated fix. The only reason to oppose it is because it stops griefinf.

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The entire problem wouldn't exist if unflagged players couldn't effect flagged players. If you have to toggle your flag on before attacking another player, no one can claim it was an accident or you didn't intend to engage in PVP play. It's not a complicated fix. The only reason to oppose it is because it stops griefinf.


I have already stated my opposition is due to tactics. So... there is more than one reason.


Also, why so much hurt over getting killed by a player? If I am not mistaken, pvp deaths don't even damage your armor.


Edit: I would wager the majority of opposition to your toggle is because it reeks of hand-holding and denial of personal responsibility in targeting and attack protocol. The moment you shunt responsibility away from yourself is the moment you receive backlash.

Edited by azudelphi
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The entire problem wouldn't exist if unflagged players couldn't effect flagged players. If you have to toggle your flag on before attacking another player, no one can claim it was an accident or you didn't intend to engage in PVP play. It's not a complicated fix. The only reason to oppose it is because it stops griefinf.

It's not a situation that requires a fix.


The "fix" is stop being lazy (that's on the players). The entire "problem" wouldn't exist if you simply payed attention. It's not griefing - it's you being sloppy. Stop trying to shift blame.

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1) False, it does happen, just not all the time. It's happened to me on three or four different characters. All with AOEs and all targeted on a spot of ground with the mouse, not targeted to center on a specific opponent.


2) If you start an attack and the target dies between the time you push the button and the time the attack actually starts auto target will hit the next closest target. Happens all the time to ranged DPS, both those I play with and others I've watched.


3) Yes, but due to the autotarget after he initiated the attack. I'm not sure where you don't get that's what happened or if you just choose to ignore it.


The entire problem wouldn't exist if unflagged players couldn't effect flagged players. If you have to toggle your flag on before attacking another player, no one can claim it was an accident or you didn't intend to engage in PVP play. It's not a complicated fix. The only reason to oppose it is because it stops griefinf.


1) Simply not true, just try it in game.

2) Nope the activation fails, or the target was already dead BEFORE it was started. Usually when ranged do this the target died and they were button mashing. Again go in game and try it, don't make yourself look foolish by posting incorrect information.

3) He attacked, auto target is an excuse.

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1) Simply not true, just try it in game.

2) Nope the activation fails, or the target was already dead BEFORE it was started. Usually when ranged do this the target died and they were button mashing. Again go in game and try it, don't make yourself look foolish by posting incorrect information.

3) He attacked, auto target is an excuse.


To the OP's credit, they did admit they were in the dark that Auto-Target could be disabled.


With that one toggle rectified, they wouldn't have attacked the flagged player. Without that attack, they wouldn't have been flagged... and this thread never would have happened.

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Edit: I would wager the majority of opposition to your toggle is because it reeks of hand-holding and denial of personal responsibility in targeting and attack protocol. The moment you shunt responsibility away from yourself is the moment you receive backlash.


Shunting responsibility also allows the ownee to deal with the emotional pain of being owned... :D

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1) Simply not true, just try it in game.

2) Nope the activation fails, or the target was already dead BEFORE it was started. Usually when ranged do this the target died and they were button mashing. Again go in game and try it, don't make yourself look foolish by posting incorrect information.

3) He attacked, auto target is an excuse.


1) How many times do I have to say it has happened to me, in game? I've even described how it was targeted.


2) Nope, not necessarily true. All it takes is a little bit of lag. Ability fires at the next target. Again, I've seen it happen, in game.


3) BS.

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To the OP's credit, they did admit they were in the dark that Auto-Target could be disabled.


With that one toggle rectified, they wouldn't have attacked the flagged player. Without that attack, they wouldn't have been flagged... and this thread never would have happened.


OMG Baby? Bathwater? :eek:


In the other 10,000s of attacks OP will make not having Auto Target sucks, and the fact is to join others they will not be happy if he attacks without looking.


It is not a software issue, OP needs to look before he attacks...

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OMG Baby? Bathwater? :eek:


In the other 10,000s of attacks OP will make not having Auto Target sucks, and the fact is to join others they will not be happy if he attacks without looking.


It is not a software issue, OP needs to look before he attacks...


Edit: I may not be 100% sure what you mean by this post. But the general idea is, if you turn off auto-target, 99% of the time it is impossible for OP's situation to occur. Thus the system is fine.

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1) False, it does happen, just not all the time. It's happened to me on three or four different characters. All with AOEs and all targeted on a spot of ground with the mouse, not targeted to center on a specific opponent.


2) If you start an attack and the target dies between the time you push the button and the time the attack actually starts auto target will hit the next closest target. Happens all the time to ranged DPS, both those I play with and others I've watched.


3) Yes, but due to the autotarget after he initiated the attack. I'm not sure where you don't get that's what happened or if you just choose to ignore it.


The entire problem wouldn't exist if unflagged players couldn't effect flagged players. If you have to toggle your flag on before attacking another player, no one can claim it was an accident or you didn't intend to engage in PVP play. It's not a complicated fix. The only reason to oppose it is because it stops griefinf.


Here you go again. I don't oppose your stupid idea because it would prevent griefing, I oppose it because its not required, and is a hindrance to those who do choose to engage in PvP. Not only that, I disapprove of anything designed to protect someone from their own stupidity. This is like seatbelt and motorcycle helmet laws. I fully support people who choose not to wear them. If all goes well, they'll stop muddying up the gene pool.

Edited by Jimvinny
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