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The Forever Alone thread


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I mostly solo queue. I want to start running more in teams, develop tactics and plan strategies with people in said teams, have more coordinated games rather than lone wolf it.


I'm in a guild, and that guild has fine people, but they're only somewhat interested in it; our GM is an excellent pilot, but he's often doing other things, and there are a couple more that will fly with me for a bit, but they aren't quite as rabid about the GSF as me. Guild chat is often spammed by me looking for members to queue with. Sometimes it happens, but mostly, not.


Now, I could change guild, I suppose. But I won't , because they are awesome, have generally been great with me, and I ain't leaving.


So, it occurs to me that maybe others are in a similar situation. Perhaps we can have a thread where people that are in the same situation can put up their names and server here to make it clear that they want to group with at least semi-serious GSFers to get a more strategic team game going on, and perhaps, just maybe, help each servers GSF community in the process. A list of people to look up, put on your friends list and then fly with.


Red Eclipse.

Lukeutus (rep).

I like long walks on the beach (errr, tatooine), death metal and shooting people in spaceships. Look me up.


Ynaxi (rep)

doom metal, gothic metal and shooting people in spaceships.


Einistra (imp)

black metal, death metal and shooting people in spaceships.


If others think this is a good idea, I'll add your name to the OP. In the highly unlikely circumstance it becomes big enough I'll take out the personal life story and it can just be a list of names of GSF enthusiasts that want to group up.

Edited by MDVZ
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Must do it again some time, ynaxi. Good fun.


I know from experience that if you are looking for a squad to fly with, your best bet is to organize it yourself. Good luck!


Kinda trying. I get in random groups here and there, and as I mention there are some people in my guild that GSF, and some more I'm coaxing into it. Nothing consistent or regular though. Figured this couldn't hurt (and indeed it didn't hurt, it worked, drak wandered over to TRE to sample the server and grouped with us; its a start :)). Cheers for the luck though, I probably need it. Especially when drak levels his quarrell and is on the other side of a rep V rep match :D

Edited by MDVZ
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