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When to use predation (in pvp)


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I know you're supposed to use it often but I mean more specifically.

in Huttball do I use it as soon as the match starts or wait till we're at the top of the ramp? If theres another marauder how soon after do I pop mine?

In Novarre or Civil War do I use it at the start to get to the nodes faster or wait for defensive purposes?

Or in Hypergate at the start seems like a waste as you wont get the orbs before the other team gets in mid.


Thanks ♡

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When in carnage, maybe other specs too, it is possible to have it up 100% of the time. But use it when your team would benefit from a speed boost or a defense increase. It'd your judgement.


Thanks for your reply. That sounds dope keeping it up 100% I guess I'll figure out the uses

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Carnage can and should try to have a 100% uptime on Predation. If you need Berzerk and the alacrity, use it to burst down your opponent tho.


Anni need Berzerk max uptime. No time to use a Predation.


Rage can only use Predation with Frenzy since they need Berzerk everytime they reach 30 Fury for their stacks. At least in theory. In fact, if you have 30 Fury while engaging, you can pop Predation, use Crush for your first stacks then use Berzerk for your second stacks.


Bloodthirst is another interresting ability to think about but not useful anymore since in 3.0 Bloodthirst and all the other raid wide buff won't be usable in PvP.

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Whenever you need to rotate quickly, you're being kited/permasnared and need it to stay on target, or your team has the ball in Huttball.


As Annihilation or Rage, if one of the three above are not true, use Berserk. As Carnage, I usually alternate between Berserk and Pred based on the CD on Ravage. Only use Ravage with Gore+Berserk unless whitebarred, then you can use it with just Gore. Otherwise, you will literally never get the third hit if the recipient isn't brain dead. For example, not whitebarred, Ravage has 5s left and you just hit 30 Fury. Sit on it for a few seconds, make sure you have your auto-crit Scream buff up and enough rage to use Gore and Scream. Pop Berserk Gore+2s Ravage+Scream. Alternate scenario, Ravage has 5s left, Gore is off CD, you have Scream ready and you're whitebarred. Go ahead and pop Predation and use a normal G+R+S combo.


Basically, someone on your team will be kiting or getting kited nearly 100% of the time. Predation will almost always benefit someone, so if you don't need a fast Ravage just pop Pred instead.

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for huttball i use it immediatly and then as soon as someone gets the ball, whisper other maras about who goes first.

novare and hypergate or ACW it can be useful if you plan to charge in, pop intimidating and camo back..not that no one will break your cc, but sometimes it can lead to an early cap. also it's great to couter kiters.


and sorcs have low armor, not much a difference having one less ability inside gore :D

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