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Couldn't throw Republic side a bone with Corellia Rakghoul?


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Alderaan event the world boss was right near the spike so close to both sides.


Tatoonie there's a Republic base right nearby, but the Imperial base/nearest speeder is all but on the other side of the canyon so not too far.



Corellia? It's literally the opposite side of the map to the Republic's only Quick Travel or speeder point and requires several minutes of speeding through twists and turns just to get there. Comparatively the Imperial base is a brisk walk away.



Couldn't it have just been behind Lucky or something? As a Republic player I feel like I have to literally get an alt there and log them out, never leaving that spot for the whole week. It's exceedingly far.

Edited by Transairion
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I agree, Imperial players are at a massive advantage when it comes to who gets to the world boss first, but it's not the first time Imperials are favored by the devs, so not too much surprise there. Also, I'm sure it will quiet down over the coming days when demand for killing the boss decreases.
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The Republic side has a short and almost mob-free drive to Toborro's Courtyard 24/7/365 while the Imperial side comes from the opposite side of the mesa navigating directly through at least five large groups of mobs.


I'm sure you'll survive a casual mob-free drive over to this World Boss for the one or two weeks a year that it's even available.

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inb4 this thread turns into a flamewar between whether Bioware actually favors Imperials or not



EDIT: Honestly, I'm more miffed how the Rakghould tunnels look exactly the same for each planet the event land on. Funny how the Rakghouls know how to make a tunnel look identical to previous ones, huh? :rolleyes:


I mean come on, just change it up a little bit and I'd be happy. Maybe change the color of the fungus and mushrooms or have the tunnels lead into the sewers (this is Corellia, afterall. They probably have lots of sewers for the rakghouls to use as a home).


As long as Bioware keeps this up, I'm not really that excited for the Rakghoul event anymore, honestly. They have plenty of time inbetween events to change it. How hard can i be to make the fungi/mushrooms/overlay of the cave yellow/brown/etc instead of green? :rolleyes:

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Kind of reminds me of Makeb.


The Republic player is greeted with a trumpet fanfare as they gently land on the shuttle platform after departing the orbital station and are whisked away to a banquet in their honor, followed by a full night's rest before leisurely strolling down the promenade to the taxi point and begin an adventure.


The Imperial player takes a shuttle from the station that crash lands out in the wilderness, miles away from any kind of support facilities and must first repair their communication device to even find out what happened and then slog through eleventy billion (pre-patch) MOBs, including a half dozen or so elites, to run all over the countryside before fighting their way to the command center (filled with more elites) and killing everyone just so they can finally reach the mailbox.


So yeah, the Republic clearly needs a bone.

Edited by Rankyn
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The Imperial player takes a shuttle from the station that crash lands out in the wilderness, miles away from any kind of support facilities and must first repair their communication device to even find out what happened and then slog through eleventy billion (pre-patch) MOBs, including a half dozen or so elites, to run all over the countryside before fighting their way to the command center (filled with more elites) and killing everyone just so they can finally reach the mailbox.


So yeah, the Republic clearly needs a bone.


I think we're done here.


Rankyn wins.

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Kind of reminds me of Makeb ... So yeah, the Republic clearly needs a bone.


I agree. In the Imperial storyline,

you save a planet from destruction


In the Republic storyline,

you runaway and create a massive refugee problem.


Clearly, Republic characters get the short end of the Hero stick.

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I have noticed, thanks to the 12xp leveling, that the Imperial side has a lot more benefits than the Republic side. The style, the companions, the story (Imperial Agent specifically), layout of planets (Quesh specifically) is better, whatever team was in charge of the Imperial content did a much better job than the Republic side.
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Fixed that for you.

I agree. In the Imperial storyline,

you save a planet from destruction for no reason other than the fact that you have need of something there and you'll encourage a bloody rebellion just to conceal your actions.


In the Republic storyline,

you work as fast as you can to save as many people as possible from certain death.


Clearly, Republic characters get the short end of the Hero stick. :rolleyes:

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Isn't there a speeder like there was with the Tat event?

We are talking about the world boss, not the entrance to the tunnels, because there is a speeder for the tunnels, but you need to travel to the world boss yourself.

Edited by Jerba
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Isn't there a speeder like there was with the Tat event?


We're not supposed to discuss this, whether there is or not, or the Pubs will get all upset about having to actually unlock it before they can use it. Don't tell 'em it works both ways, they'll never believe it.


...and lol at the Black Hole reference, since they're on the same map.

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On Tatooine, pubs had a massive advantage, so fair's fair.


If you can call a, what, 1 minute speeder drive across the Tatoonie Canyon a massive advantage when the Rep base still had to speeder for at least 10-20 seconds and that's with their base "right there". Now if you ignored the Tat Imp bonus series you won't have that Imperial QT point and "it's so far away!" but... that's not the games fault.


This time it's a 10-30 second drive for Imps and a 10 minute drive for Reps. And there's literally only two QT points, Rep and Imp base, on that part of Corellia. Imp base is right nearby.


Rep base, opposite side of the map, 10 minutes of driving to a part of that map that has no quests, no bonus missions, no nothing, and requires a stupidly large amount of changed pathing to get through all the tunnels (so if you don't have the whole map explored on a certain character, the trip will take about 3 times as long when you make a wrong turn).



Literally jump onto a Republic character and see how far you need to go, then drive it.



We're not supposed to discuss this, whether there is or not, or the Pubs will get all upset about having to actually unlock it before they can use it. Don't tell 'em it works both ways, they'll never believe it.


Talking about the special world boss, not the Spike.


On Alderaan, all was even because the special world boss was right near the Spike so BOTH sides got an easy commute. Corellia's WB is not even on the same island of the spike, down deep in Imperial questing territory on the opposite side of the map to the Republic's only speeder or QT point for that area. The only way a Rep can get there is to drive there for several long minutes.



The Republic side has a short and almost mob-free drive to Toborro's Courtyard 24/7/365 while the Imperial side comes from the opposite side of the mesa navigating directly through at least five large groups of mobs.


I'm sure you'll survive a casual mob-free drive over to this World Boss for the one or two weeks a year that it's even available.


Well I'm sure with GSI Bolster and/or player competence speedering around Makeb's TC mesa isn't as bad as you make it out to be: after all I've done it and most of those "large groups of mobs" are all the lowest difficultly and don't knock you off your speeder.


And the drive isn't mob free, it's just so deep into Imp Territory all the mobs are Republic-alinged fodder for Imperial players.

Edited by Transairion
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If you can call a, what, 1 minute speeder drive across the Tatoonie Canyon a massive advantage when the Rep base still had to speeder for at least 10-20 seconds and that's with their base "right there". Now if you ignored the Tat Imp bonus series you won't have that Imperial QT point and "it's so far away!" but... that's not the games fault.


This time it's a 10-30 second drive for Imps and a 10 minute drive for Reps. And there's literally only two QT points, Rep and Imp base, on that part of Corellia. Imp base is right nearby.


Rep base, opposite side of the map, 10 minutes of driving to a part of that map that has no quests, no bonus missions, no nothing, and requires a stupidly large amount of changed pathing to get through all the tunnels (so if you don't have the whole map explored on a certain character, the trip will take about 3 times as long when you make a wrong turn).



Literally jump onto a Republic character and see how far you need to go, then drive it.





Talking about the special world boss, not the Spike.


On Alderaan, all was even because the special world boss was right near the Spike so BOTH sides got an easy commute. Corellia's WB is not even on the same island of the spike, down deep in Imperial questing territory on the opposite side of the map to the Republic's only speeder or QT point for that area. The only way a Rep can get there is to drive there for several long minutes.





Well I'm sure with GSI Bolster and/or player competence speedering around Makeb's TC mesa isn't as bad as you make it out to be: after all I've done it and most of those "large groups of mobs" are all the lowest difficultly and don't knock you off your speeder.


And the drive isn't mob free, it's just so deep into Imp Territory all the mobs are Republic-alinged fodder for Imperial players.


Since that Makeb bolster is a relatively new thing, is that really what you want to go with? Did they only include it for Imps? I accidentally hit that bolster thing on my assassin the other day, thinking it was the GSI terminal. The bolster did nothing for me stat wise. Oh, and if you're driving through mobs that aren't in fact neutral, but faction aligned, there are no mobs to drive through. It would be the same thing as driving through the Senate Tower on Coruscant, if it would let you drive in there, anyway. Definitely not comparable to driving to TBC.

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Since that Makeb bolster is a relatively new thing, is that really what you want to go with? Did they only include it for Imps? I accidentally hit that bolster thing on my assassin the other day, thinking it was the GSI terminal. The bolster did nothing for me stat wise. Oh, and if you're driving through mobs that aren't in fact neutral, but faction aligned, there are no mobs to drive through. It would be the same thing as driving through the Senate Tower on Coruscant, if it would let you drive in there, anyway. Definitely not comparable to driving to TBC.


I've only ever gotten knocked off my speeder pre-Makeb bolster by ramming my way through multiple silvers or golds (on some mesas, that was the only path to take but the mesa we're talking about wasn't one of them because the majority of mobs are bronze trash), and post bolster it's all but impossible since it also heals you.


This presumes that players only play one faction. Most play both for the stories and so most will get to the world boss both ways. Are you mad that your imp alt has a shorter drive?


Not everyone plays both factions, not everyone is 186 geared across both factions.



I'm not mad Imps have a short drive, I'm mad Reps (where my main is) have to drive the length of the planet through a maze. And the respawn point? It's on another island.



Republic can't Open World PvP over this boss without a massive number advantage as Imperials can just endless respawn in their base 100m away even when losing. A downed Rep has to wait out probes or release to an entirely different island, take the tram back to WB island, then speeder for several minutes back.



I'm just glad I got the pet drop today and now I'm done with this event. Lots of people still need it though and boy oh boy they have to suffer for it if not Imperial.

Edited by Transairion
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requires several minutes


Oh My God! Longest several minutes in your life. Better whine about it in the forums. Cursed rakghouls didn't make their tunnels geometrically equal in distance from empire and republic bases! Curse them all!

Also my computer loads slower than the average rig. Please BW stahp!

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I've only ever gotten knocked off my speeder pre-Makeb bolster by ramming my way through multiple silvers or golds (on some mesas, that was the only path to take but the mesa we're talking about wasn't one of them because the majority of mobs are bronze trash), and post bolster it's all but impossible since it also heals you.


This doesn't change the fact that the drive is both longer, and riskier than the drive for the WB. You have it made, you're running through what amounts to town to get where you're going.


I'm not mad Imps have a short drive, I'm mad Reps (where my main is) have to drive the length of the planet through a maze. And the respawn point? It's on another island..


I don't know if I'd say mad, but there's definitely some issue you're having here.

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inb4 this thread turns into a flamewar between whether Bioware actually favors Imperials or not

Like all of the dailies (the old ones at least) giving the Imps more credits than the Reps? It's not much, but still odd, given both sides have the same number of quests, same number of H2/4/etc but the Imps get more credits.


As long as Bioware keeps this up, I'm not really that excited for the Rakghoul event anymore, honestly. They have plenty of time inbetween events to change it. How hard can i be to make the fungi/mushrooms/overlay of the cave yellow/brown/etc instead of green? :rolleyes:


It would be nice if the underground map was different at least, even if it were all caves instead of sewers on Corellia/etc.

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