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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please, change the rules for "Needing" on gear.


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It's really rude to see people "needing" on stuff they cannot use. I understand that some people want it for a companion, but if that's the case, ask and make sure it's okay first, because most people are just greedy and want to vendor it for some quick credits. It should be setup so that if it's not for your class, if it doesn't boost your primary stat, you shouldn't be able to "Need" on it. This kind of crap is why very few people run Ops from RGF in the first place.


Also, the weekly cap on commendations needs to go. MAYBE it's okay for Ultimate comms since those are harder to get anyway and that 180 gear should take a while to build up to, but Elite comms should have no such cap. If you're willing to keep running 55 Hard FP's over and over again and put in the work to earn your Elite comms, you should be allowed to get as many as you want in one week.


People that want to put in the work and have the time to do so should be rewarded, not bottlenecked by some silly restriction like a weekly commendation cap. You don't see it with Fleet Comms or Warzone Comms.

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Maybe (at least for some gear) they are needing on gear to legacy swap to their alts?


I would rather have a better geared player needing for alts than that undergeared alt slowing us down and needing the gear.


I agree that this is a problem, but what you're suggesting isn't a good solution imo.


Maybe the people who are needing for their companions could just stop being lame... I'm such a dreamer :o

Edited by KTap
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Maybe (at least for some gear) they are needing on gear to legacy swap to their alts?


I would rather have a better geared player needing for alts than that undergeared alt slowing us down and needing the gear.


You would rather someone who is undergeared DON'T get the gear that they're trying to get? So you don't want people to progress then?

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Maybe (at least for some gear) they are needing on gear to legacy swap to their alts?


I would rather have a better geared player needing for alts than that undergeared alt slowing us down and needing the gear.


How is this undergeared character going to get geared properly if you don't want him/her to get that gear?

Did your alt help clearing the instance?

Edited by Halinalle
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How is this undergeared character going to get geared properly if you don't want him/her to get that gear?

Did your help clearing the instance?


What :confused:


I would run the fp/op on my well geared character and need on things for my alt. I have as much right to need as he does if I actually need the gear too. I don't have to be on said alt to need a certain piece of gear.


I would then legacy the gear to my alt.


The run would be smoother.


The end.

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I've seen this problem brought up again and again both on the forums and ingame. The simple, hard truth is that no; it isn't a perfect system. No matter what you do, it isn't going to be a perfect system. There will always be something to complain about and something that someone doesn't like.


It sucks when people ninja loot and need for stuff without offering an explanation, but it happens. Try politely asking them why they needed on something they didn't need, and explain that they should've specified earlier. If they don't answer, or they're just plain rude: ignore.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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I've seen this problem brought up again and again both on the forums and ingame. The simple, hard truth is that no; it isn't a perfect system. No matter what you do, it isn't going to be a perfect system. There will always be something to complain about and something that someone doesn't like.


It sucks when people ninja loot and need for stuff without offering an explanation, but it happens. Try politely asking them why they needed on something they didn't need, and explain that they should've specified earlier. If they don't answer, or they're just plain rude: ignore.


No, it's not a perfect system, and it never will be. But it can so much better than what it is now.

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I'll rephrase: if you're an undergeared alt that needs the item that just dropped, how would you like it if I rolled "need" on it as well and won, and I can't use it at all?


You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I would only roll need if my alt needed the gear and it could be sent to them using legacy gear.


I would be on my well geared character to make the run go more smoothly.

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What :confused:


I would run the fp/op on my well geared character and need on things for my alt. I have as much right to need as he does if I actually need the gear too. I don't have to be on said alt to need a certain piece of gear.


I would then legacy the gear to my alt.


The run would be smoother.


The end.


So you don't want that undergeared character to get geared properly?

Do you even know how expensive 180 mods are? 3-10 million a piece.


That attitude is going to get you kicked from someone else's ops group.

Edited by Halinalle
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So you don't want that undergeared character to get geared properly?

Do you even know how expensive 180 mods are? 3-10 million a piece.


WHY are they that expensive in the first place? How can people justify astronomical prices like that when the mats aren't all that rare or difficult to get?


Also, http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/249/6/f/loadsamoney_by_doomaholic-d6l802k.jpg

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Am I saying something wrong, or is there just some reading comprehension issues going on in here? :eek:



Guild wants flagship and decides to run operations. Loot rule: everything goes to guild. They need one character for full group. You join and start needing gear for your alts. Do you know what will happen?

Edited by Halinalle
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Am I saying something wrong, or is there just some reading comprehension issues going on in here? :eek:


No Ktap, I get what you're saying. But the thing is, most players right now don't even have geared MAINS. This 12x exp event has created an influx of 55s with no gear, and they're all starved for purples right now. Their needs absolutely supersede your alts needs.

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So you don't want that undergeared character to get geared properly?

Do you even know how expensive 180 mods are? 3-10 million a piece.


That attitude is going to get you kicked from someone else's ops group.


The attitude of wanting to make the run smoother and more efficient while also gearing my alt who needs the gear?


I'm not sure what to say to that...

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Maybe (at least for some gear) they are needing on gear to legacy swap to their alts?


I would rather have a better geared player needing for alts than that undergeared alt slowing us down and needing the gear.


I agree that this is a problem, but what you're suggesting isn't a good solution imo.


Maybe the people who are needing for their companions could just stop being lame... I'm such a dreamer :o


all i can do is

im sorry man but this don't make any sense..you don't want undergeared ppl to get geared with your logic:confused:
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No Ktap, I get what you're saying. But the thing is, most players right now don't even have geared MAINS. This 12x exp event has created an influx of 55s with no gear, and they're all starved for purples right now. Their needs absolutely supersede your alts needs.


No, they do not.


Let's say this was happening, and I was going to op with you. I decided I needed gear for this alt.


Would you rather have me on a completely undergeared character, needing everything I can use, or on my bis character, needing things for my alt?


Maybe I'm crazy, but I'd rather have the well geared character to make the run better.


Am I supposed to not gear my characters and carry you just because it's your main?

Edited by KTap
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Maybe I'm crazy, but I'd rather have the well geared character to make the run better.


Am I supposed to not gear my characters and carry you just because it's your main?


This explains a lot... For example how Shadow tank mostly in 156/162 with campaign set bonus is undergeared for SM tacticals. This sure explain it all.

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The issue is trust. Sure, you might be genuine, but how many others would just need everything and claim it's for an alt. In a pug, gear should be rolled on based on current character (imo). Personally I'd like to see a check to see if you're eligible to need. If the item as set bonus where you don't have one or is a higher rating then you can need, else greed only. If you're trying to gear a tank with bis then you'd need to ask the group if you could join the need via /roll if you already had an equal or better armouring. Edited by ChroniKill
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No, they do not.


Let's say this was happening, and I was going to op with you. I decided I needed gear for this alt.


Would you rather have me on a completely undergeared character, needing everything I can use, or on my bis character, needing things for my alt?


Maybe I'm crazy, but I'd rather have the well geared character to make the run better.


Am I supposed to not gear my characters and carry you just because it's your main?


Wow. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but nope, you are clearly a pompous chump. You would immediately get the boot from my group on sight of that.


Group members that IMMEDIATELY need gear always have priority over anyones alts, including yours. If you want gear for your alts, play your alts.

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You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I would only roll need if my alt needed the gear and it could be sent to them using legacy gear.


I would be on my well geared character to make the run go more smoothly.


the whole point of running story mode is so undergeared people get better gear. if u come on your main with Bis gear and start needing on all the drop for your alt, how will the undergeared people get to where u are with your main{ in terms of being geared} if you take everything for you alt?? thus stealing their chance at performing better down the road..all for the sake of a smoother run for the moment.

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Wow. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, but nope, you are clearly a pompous chump. You would immediately get the boot from my group on sight of that.


Group members that IMMEDIATELY need gear always have priority over anyones alts, including yours. If you want gear for your alts, play your alts.


So you'd rather have me do 1/2 the work I could on my main, just so you'd be able to accept that I beat your need roll?


C'mon, man...

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The attitude of wanting to make the run smoother and more efficient while also gearing my alt who needs the gear?

In how far does it make the run "smoother" when you need things that one of your alts can use (that currently does not contribute to the run) instead of letting the guy that is currently running with you and could use that item on the toon he is participating in the run at the very moment to gear it up take the item?

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