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How does my Flashfire look?


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But asking questions is how you learn. I'm taking all the information provided to me, analyzing it, and then deciding for myself what is the best choice.


If you want an informed decision read the information. thats the definition of an informed decision. We are perfectly able to answer any question that is to confusing.


Also not all of them are math based.

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If you want an informed decision read the information. thats the definition of an informed decision. We are perfectly able to answer any question that is to confusing.


Also not all of them are math based.


Okay, so if I have the Ranged Capacitor at 2800M instead of the Damage Capacitor, does that mean my accuracy is also going to be increased at that range?


I'm tempted to go back to Damage Capacitor simply because I rarely hit anything with Burst at more than 2000M.

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Okay, so if I have the Ranged Capacitor at 2800M instead of the Damage Capacitor, does that mean my accuracy is also going to be increased at that range?



Range capacitator offer small benefits to accuracy and damage over almost the entire range (except 500m and under), plus an extra 400m of range, plus fantastic benefits when shooting in very specific range brackets.


Damage capacitator offers a steady damage increase over the entire range. It does not provide any benefit to accuracy, and because of that will lose out at longer ranges.


Personally I use damage cap with BLC because if I'm using BLC, I'm getting close and using accuracy cooldowns for high evasion targets (in addition to shooting from right in their faces). Although it's not my preferred playstyle, it's the one I think is most suited to BLC.


However, if you are not making the effort of getting extra close, and not holding your fire until you've closed to at least 3000m, then I definitely see why range capacitator can work out to be better.

Edited by MiaowZedong
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What benefit does Range Capacitor offer to my Burst Lasers at point blank (2k and under)?


Range: Percent increases versus net evasion: 0% 30% 50%

400m: 0 / 0 / 0

800m: 1 / 2 / 2.4

1200m: 1.6 / 3.3 / 3.9

1600m: 2.2 / 4.7 / 5.6

2000m: 4.0 / 6.3 / 7.6

2400m: 6.7 / 8.1 / 10

2800m: 8.4 / 10 / 13

3200m: 12 / 15 / 20

3400m: 14 / 18 / 24

3600m: 16 / 20 / 28

4000m: 20 / 26 / 40



That is the extra Damage that ranged capacitor provides.


Damage Capacitor would have 10 in all cases, instead of the numbers here.

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I'm still not sure about Burst. They hit hard, sure, but I run out of power way too fast for them, and I'm useless after that. And Quad still has more range/accuracy.


What is this "Armor" people keep talking about? All I see are Shields and Hull, and I know Quad can damage both.

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I'm still not sure about Burst. They hit hard, sure, but I run out of power way too fast for them, and I'm useless after that. And Quad still has more range/accuracy.


What is this "Armor" people keep talking about? All I see are Shields and Hull, and I know Quad can damage both.


Well Quads actually burn way more energy then Bursts, so I'm not sure swaping to Quads is going to help with that. Are you not managing your power settings properly?


"armor" is a ships damage reduction amount. Many components as well as crew passives provide damage reduction. Weapons that have armor penetration on them ignore the damage reduction amount, essentially making it 0.


Damage reduction only applies to damage done to the hull, there are however a few builds that can get you up to very high damage reduction. As an example there is a bomber build that can have 99% damage reduction 60% of the time. Turrets in domination also have damage reduction of about 70%, so without armor penetration all damage done to turrets is only about 30%.

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Armor that they are referring to is damage reduction either from armor component or ability like charged plating. These will reduce your damage by certain percentage base on the build, which could be up to like 95 percent for a brief period. When I use LLC against charged plating enemy, I can only do like 50-70 or even less per shot. So that's the weakness of weapon with no armor penetration.
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Well Quads actually burn way more energy then Bursts, so I'm not sure swaping to Quads is going to help with that. Are you not managing your power settings properly?


"armor" is a ships damage reduction amount. Many components as well as crew passives provide damage reduction. Weapons that have armor penetration on them ignore the damage reduction amount, essentially making it 0.


Damage reduction only applies to damage done to the hull, there are however a few builds that can get you up to very high damage reduction. As an example there is a bomber build that can have 99% damage reduction 60% of the time. Turrets in domination also have damage reduction of about 70%, so without armor penetration all damage done to turrets is only about 30%.


I absolutely DRILLED this Gunship all damn game with Quads and couldn't put a freaking dent in its Hull, and I was constantly seeing 400s pop up.


But as soon as I get behind a Strike/Scout, Quads rip them apart...

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I absolutely DRILLED this Gunship all damn game with Quads and couldn't put a freaking dent in its Hull, and I was constantly seeing 400s pop up.


But as soon as I get behind a Strike/Scout, Quads rip them apart...


Well gunships don't really have damage reduction builds, they do however get fortress shield and that can get up to rediculous shield amounts. It's possible that's what was happening.

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So Quads/Pods are good for Gunships if they're not stacking shields?


Quads/Pods are The Gunship killing build, there is no lock to warn them, they are not moving so its easy to aim at them and it is one of the highest dps builds in the game. So no matter what build they use its the best build vs gunships.

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GS move very fast if they press tab to see what's nearby and see you coming, which the good ones do. Most of the good ones also stack evasion, which makes hitting them while they're evading much harder, because of the stiff tracking penalty on quads. Meaning: you'll have to chase, and BLC are much better guns for that.


Against noob GS, BO+CF+quads+pods will kill very often kill them before they even realize they've been shot at: they aren't nearly so aware of who's where, and they don't stack evasion, so they'll usually let you line up a very careful shot at whatever range you choose.

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Against noob GS, BO+CF+quads+pods will kill very often kill them before they even realize they've been shot at: they aren't nearly so aware of who's where, and they don't stack evasion, so they'll usually let you line up a very careful shot at whatever range you choose.

Why would you use Blaster Overcharge (which benefits mostly primary weapons) and Concentrated Fire (which benefits only primary weapons) with a pods build :eek: I can get using one or the other, but with both, you've really taken the wrong secondary.

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Why would you use Blaster Overcharge (which benefits mostly primary weapons) and Concentrated Fire (which benefits only primary weapons) with a pods build :eek: I can get using one or the other, but with both, you've really taken the wrong secondary.


Why does it matter what you take with Pods? Running Interference is the inferior choice any way you cut it.

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Maybe someone screwed up and built a deflection armor T1 with nullify?

Aaaaaah the pain make it go away aaaaaaah

Why does it matter what you take with Pods? Running Interference is the inferior choice any way you cut it.

It matters because you want skills that will benefit your weapons.


And Running Interference is the defensive equivalent of Wingman, so one of the two overall best copilot abilities in the game. You could argue that Wingman is a better pick (at least with most builds) but it's still on a whole different level from most of them. Concentrated Fire and Bypass can maybe be good in some builds. The rest of the copilot abilities go from occassionally somewhat useful (things like Lockdown, Suppression, In Your Sights have useful effects, they're just crap because they're single target and you could have good effects that last 20 seconds against anyone instead) to just hilariously bad (Lingering Effect, lol so little damage).

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Maybe someone screwed up and built a deflection armor T1 with nullify?


He said his Quads were still doing 400 damage which made me think it was just a high shielded target that he couldn't kill. There really isn't anyway to know with video or screenshots sadly, I'm just guessing here.

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GS move very fast if they press tab to see what's nearby and see you coming, which the good ones do. Most of the good ones also stack evasion, which makes hitting them while they're evading much harder, because of the stiff tracking penalty on quads. Meaning: you'll have to chase, and BLC are much better guns for that.


Against noob GS, BO+CF+quads+pods will kill very often kill them before they even realize they've been shot at: they aren't nearly so aware of who's where, and they don't stack evasion, so they'll usually let you line up a very careful shot at whatever range you choose.


Absolutely once the gunship is moving it becomes much harder to do damage to him but not nearly as impossible as you are making it sound. Also to offset all this evasion you must run Targeting Telemetry and Wingman.


Some players have adapted to this style by using Burst Laser Cannon instead of Quad Laser Cannon with there Rocket pods. I think the important components to gunship killing however are Rocket Pods/Targeting Telemetry/Wingman.


This gives you the upfront damage with no warning to scare them into moving quickly or they just flat out die. Once the gunship is on the run, as a scout you have already won. A gunship can do so little damage on the move and you can do so much you will win that fight. The accuracy abilities are so important for once they are on the run as they both buff the Rocket pods accuracy as well as the lasers.


If you still disagree I'd love to hear why and what build you would prefer for gunship killing over this one. :)

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I don't know if it's a learning curve thing or something else, but I seem to play much better with Quads than I do with Bursts. I play much better at dead-on angles and chicken runs than I do in close-range dogfights involving lots of turning. I get out-maneuvered every single time, even by Bombers and Gunships. I cannot reasonably score a hit on anything that I'm constantly turning and flipping against.


Seems like Quads have much less severe Tracking Penalties too. But I play much better when I'm making attack runs instead of dogfighting. So maybe Quads are better for me in this case.

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I don't know if it's a learning curve thing or something else, but I seem to play much better with Quads than I do with Bursts. I play much better at dead-on angles and chicken runs than I do in close-range dogfights involving lots of turning. I get out-maneuvered every single time, even by Bombers and Gunships. I cannot reasonably score a hit on anything that I'm constantly turning and flipping against.


Seems like Quads have much less severe Tracking Penalties too. But I play much better when I'm making attack runs instead of dogfighting. So maybe Quads are better for me in this case.


Quads have TRIPLE the Tracking penalty of Burst Lasers. Burst lasers have very poor accuracy above 3k meters, so they dont need their tracking penalty to hurt their accuracy if you arent close enough.


Turn on Detailed tooltips to see this information on lasers (you will see accuracy at all ranges and Tracking penalties)


Also if you arent doing it be sure to always turn your ship up and down never left to right use the "default keys" A and D to put your ship on its side. Pitch turns faster then Yaw (this is me assuming having issues turning against bombers and GS) be weary of fighting bombers. mines are deadly to scouts.

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Quads have TRIPLE the Tracking penalty of Burst Lasers. Burst lasers have very poor accuracy above 3k meters, so they dont need their tracking penalty to hurt their accuracy if you arent close enough.


Turn on Detailed tooltips to see this information on lasers (you will see accuracy at all ranges and Tracking penalties)


Also if you arent doing it be sure to always turn your ship up and down never left to right use the "default keys" A and D to put your ship on its side. Pitch turns faster then Yaw (this is me assuming having issues turning against bombers and GS) be weary of fighting bombers. mines are deadly to scouts.


Well, in any case I seem to perform better with Quads. I can hit stuff much more reliably. These things WRECK Gunships too.


I'll just stay away from Bombers if I can't get through their Armor. I'll upgrade my Quads to be effective against Shields.


So my Quads and Pods build, this is what I'm looking at. What would you rate it out of 10?


Primary: Quads (Lower Cost, Shields)

Secondary: Pods (Plasma Warheads)

Systems: Targeting Telemetry (Evasion)

Shields: Distortion (Break Lock)

Engines: Retro


Armor: Lightweight

Capacitor: Damage

Reactor: Large

Thrusters: Regeneration


Copilot: Akaavi (Wingman)

Offensive: Qyzen Fess

Defensive: Nadia Grell

Tactical: Akaavi

Engineering: Yuun

Edited by Loadsamunny
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