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mod gear(orange) whats the point of greens and blues?


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Sorry I should re-word my post...


I'm asking if there are more mod slots in the higher level orange gear.


EX1) Level 10 orange robe has 2 possible gem slots.


EX2) Level 50 orange robe has 4 possible gem slots.


Nope, all moddable armor has the same 3 slots.


Unless you crit theoretically, then it could have an augment slot, not sure tho

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Ah, no. All orange gear has the same amount of slots.


Wow, didn't know this, I've been deleting my oranges while leveling for this reason. =X


However, isn't there a +armor stat that is static to the level of the orange? I guess that wouldn't really matter much because people here seem adamant on keeping their lower level oranges...

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Wow, didn't know this, I've been deleting my oranges while leveling for this reason. =X


However, isn't there a +armor stat that is static to the level of the orange? I guess that wouldn't really matter much because people here seem adamant on keeping their lower level oranges...


Not sure about that but Liquid here tanks in the dancer costume, so if he doesn't get smashed due to lack of armor, I guess it's not a problem.

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Wow, didn't know this, I've been deleting my oranges while leveling for this reason. =X


However, isn't there a +armor stat that is static to the level of the orange? I guess that wouldn't really matter much because people here seem adamant on keeping their lower level oranges...


Higher level moddable gear has the same base armor as low level moddable gear. The rating of the armor mod in the slot is what determines the armor. I am not sure about armor type, light vs heavy etc, social armor is all light, how bad does that gimp a tank who is using it?

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Not sure about that but Liquid here tanks in the dancer costume, so if he doesn't get smashed due to lack of armor, I guess it's not a problem.


well all orange armor has a base multiplier... heavy orange armor will have a higher armor rating than light with the same mods... but it's not a lot... in tanking stance, at lvl 47, I lose about 400 armor wearing light orange as apposed to heavy orange with the same mods... now considering that still puts me at around 5k armor with the light and according to the character sheet my damage reduction only droped 3 to 4 percent with light as apposed to heavy you can do it... I can solo elites a lvl or 2 higher than me in the dancer outfit with nice blue mods no problem.. I've been tanking in it on my JK guardian with a DPS companion (Kira) since I was lvl 16 and never had a problem beating content a lvl or 2 over me

Edited by Liquidacid
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One issue I ran into yesterday with the an orange piece was I rolled need on a heavy armor piece for my powertech but the piece didn't have aim, instead had strength mods. When questioned about why I rolled need when I don't need strength I then stated I will remove the mods to change the item to aim. The person who questioned this said fair enough. It would be nice if they contained a base main stat so at least this issue doesn't happen where people get mad because you rolled need on something that can be made to fit your stats.


If the piece wasn't able to be modofied I wouldn't have rolled need.

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One issue I ran into yesterday with the an orange piece was I rolled need on a heavy armor piece for my powertech but the piece didn't have aim, instead had strength mods. When questioned about why I rolled need when I don't need strength I then stated I will remove the mods to change the item to aim. The person who questioned this said fair enough. It would be nice if they contained a base main stat so at least this issue doesn't happen where people get mad because you rolled need on something that can be made to fit your stats.


If the piece wasn't able to be modofied I wouldn't have rolled need.


Hmm very true...is this generally frowned upon?



I'm pissed I've been selling/deleting all my oranges (lvl 26 sorc atm). Hope I didn't delete anything that is too ****** to replace between now and 50.


From a credit-spending point of view I'm assuming the best way to go about oranges is to just replace them and stick the orange in the bank until 50 when you get access to the better mod gems?


I haven't noticed it yet...but do chest pieces/robes cover up all your other armor slots? I really can't even tell what aesthetic changes are made when you replace individual armor pieces.

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I honestly don't know if it's something that is frowned upon or not but from my perspective if the stats can be removed from a piece of armor and replaced with ones that fit the stats of another persons character I don't see why not. I personally would have no issue with it nor did the person that questioned my needing on the item once I explained my intentions, which once finished with the flashpoint I did exactly what I explained I was going to do.
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I honestly don't know if it's something that is frowned upon or not but from my perspective if the stats can be removed from a piece of armor and replaced with ones that fit the stats of another persons character I don't see why not. I personally would have no issue with it nor did the person that questioned my needing on the item once I explained my intentions, which once finished with the flashpoint I did exactly what I explained I was going to do.


I wouldn't mind what you did so long as there wasn't say a Jug/Guardian also in the group who could actually use it as is... since the armor itself is just a vanity piece and the mods in it are the actual valuable part... now that would change if, say, that Jug/Guardian had already needed and got a nice piece of armor during flashpoint and you had not... again when it is proper to need or greed roll is not the same with all groups and usually at the discretion of the group leader.. sometimes I just throw on master loot and divide the gear at the end so everyone gets something in which case I could pull the mods out and give you the armor and the Jug/guardian the mods if that was the only piece of good gear that was looted for the both of you... it varies group to group


speaking of that during one of the betas we had an option where when a piece of mod-ed gear was looted you could click to roll separately for the piece and the mods... dunno if that is still in the game tho




I haven't noticed it yet...but do chest pieces/robes cover up all your other armor slots? I really can't even tell what aesthetic changes are made when you replace individual armor pieces.


no... the pieces of armor only fill their own slot... robes come in 2 pieces, chest and legs... tho some pieces do overflow... like belt/chests that have pieces that hang down over legs... for instance look at that picture of my toon in the republic dancer outfit... the bottom is just a bikini bottom the 2 pieces of cloth that hang down below the waist are part of the chest piece not the bottom... the only armor pieces that get covered up a lot are the bracers... they tend to get covered by a lot of the long sleeve chest or long gloves

Edited by Liquidacid
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I love this system, I think it's even better than appearance slots, because it adds the element of working to make the gear better, so you aren't robbed of that sense of accomplishment, but you can look reasonably how you want.


It also if more varied orange gear is added, will make the players look more diverse, and with certain classes heavily played that's a good thing.


I hope raiding and high end pvp also rewards epic mods, so we can wear what we want at endgame too and have a diverse galaxy of appearances.

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I love this system, I think it's even better than appearance slots, because it adds the element of working to make the gear better, so you aren't robbed of that sense of accomplishment, but you can look reasonably how you want.


It also if more varied orange gear is added, will make the players look more diverse, and with certain classes heavily played that's a good thing.


I hope raiding and high end pvp also rewards epic mods, so we can wear what we want at endgame too and have a diverse galaxy of appearances.


they do... you can also reverse engineer green mods to get blue mod recipes... the reverse engineer those blue mods and get purple mod recipes for end game if you are a crafter


the nice thing about the mod system like this is that when BW goes and adds new unique looking gear sets they are usable at any lvl now so everyone can enjoy them instead of just high lvl toons... I've already been doing this... looted some bad *** looking trooper armor from a lvl 40 or 50 mission but playing a jedi? remove the mods and mail it to your brand new lvl 10 trooper alt and put mods his lvl in it now he is rocking that endgame looking armor

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I'm wearing the republic dancers set from the security vendor as a JK... tanking in a Bikini FTW!!!!!!


check it out




To bad unless your a SI/JC then the social gear is a downgrade. It is classified as light armor therefore the mod only caps at light armor....


Sucks for heavy and medium armor users

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To bad unless your a SI/JC then the social gear is a downgrade. It is classified as light armor therefore the mod only caps at light armor....


Sucks for heavy and medium armor users


eh kinda but not really... I'm a Guardian and have been using it since lvl 16 and have no problem tanking elites 2 levels over me solo... going from heavy orange armor to light with the same mods I loose about 400 armor at lvl 47 which equals about 3 percent damage reduction according to the character sheet... not a big deal unless you are a min/maxer and it still hasn't stopped me from soloing content 2 or 3 lvls over me (with a DPS companion not even a healer) and participating in flashpoints or PVP and doing extremely well


I'm sure the min/maxers who crap their pants over tenths of a percent in statistics will have a problem with it but for most of us it's a non-issue...

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I <3 mod system. I have had the same consistent look for well over 13 levels now and have kept my Black Talon top since level 10 when I got it. I am level 30 now and have the top and bottom robe I want. All I need is some moddable shoes and gloves I like that are perfect for me and my endgame life is complete.


I just spend all my commendations I get on mods from the vendors to keep my armor on par (and in most cases superior) with the armor I pick up.


Same with my lightsaber. Picked up that stygian harbinger lightsaber on Dromund Kaas with my commendations and have upgraded it ever since. I just need to find a red crystal that is better than the preorder crystal and is not restricted to the light side and I will have my perfect look all prepped up.


This system makes me happy. ^-^


The LS at the end of act 1 has a red crystal. As long as you do not try to yank it, you can use the saber no matter the LS/DS points.


-It felt a little weird to be LS 3 and have a red blade after using blue for so long...

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The LS at the end of act 1 has a red crystal. As long as you do not try to yank it, you can use the saber no matter the LS/DS points.


-It felt a little weird to be LS 3 and have a red blade after using blue for so long...


ya I used this trick during beta... gave a lightsaber and red crystal to my friend who was DS.. he installed the crystal then gave it back to my LS toon and I could equip it... only bad thing is it has to be an unbound (so new) orange lightsaber... because if it is orange and you equip it it binds so I couldn't trade it to him to install the crystal

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ya I used this trick during beta... gave a lightsaber and red crystal to my friend who was DS.. he installed the crystal then gave it back to my LS toon and I could equip it... only bad thing is it has to be an unbound (so new) orange lightsaber... because if it is orange and you equip it it binds so I couldn't trade it to him to install the crystal


I am willing to bet that after a few of your missions , as you progress, will reward orange sabers. If yer the Sith side they are most usually red blades and untied to LS/DS so any can use them.


One close to 50 hopefully... and we are gold.




-On another note. I made my guildies a bit angry with the orange system.


I am fully geared out with orange gear at level 34. My mods are always up to date. Every planet I do missions on, I use the tokens to buy armor and middle mods. I am artifice so I make all my own enhancements to boot.


We did a lvl 30 flashpoint yesterday. When the orange gear dropped they all went ga-ga. To me it was nothing but astetic. So I rolled on a saber.. for vanity reasons. To them it was like purple gear or something.. leet loot. To me all that mattered was the orange shell. Hell I had better mods in my stuff than anything that dropped...


So they start freaking out.. "Hey man, why did you say need on that roll? Yer Saber is way better than that and Joe NEEDS it. Why be a shmuck and roll for it?"


All I could tell them is that to me all that mattered was the shell. I liked the model better than the one I had. The guts are fleeting I told them. In two more levels the guts will be scrapped and I would have all new mods in the thing anyways. I collect saber shells, I liked that shell better than I had. If the guildie wanted the mods.. I would gave him better than what was in those guts... Only reason to worry about it was if he dug the shell...



They did not see it the same. They freaked out. Flipped their wigs over it. Like I was gluttonous or something. To me it was a waste. The guildie did not even like the shell.. but he needed the guts. Their way of thinking was antiquated and they treated it like some kind of blue. So I took a bunch of flak...:rolleyes:

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